A National Capital Society of American ForestersMini-Grants Program
The National Capital Society of American Foresters (NCSAF) has decided to use some of its financial resources to support a mini-grants program. Combined with personal and financial resources from other groups and organizations, projects would be undertaken that will enhance the District of Columbia urban watershed. At this time, NCSAF is soliciting proposals for projectsthat would utilize from $1,000 to $3,000 in grant funding in 2009. Continuing this grants program in future years will depend upon the availability of funding.
Requirementsand Procedures for Submission of Proposals:
Each proposal must respond to one or more of NCSAF’s strategic goals, which are:
- Promote SAF as the leading professional forestry organization;
- Provide enhanced forestry-related service to landowners, employers, and society at large;
- Accomplish effective engagement in forest policy;
- Enhance professional forestry education, performance, and leadership;
- Ensure development and sound stewardship of SAF resources; and
- Promote effective forestry communication.
Each proposed project must actively involve one or more NCSAF members.
Any organization may apply.
No specific format for submission of proposals is required. However, each proposal must include the following components:
Purpose - Clearly indicate how the activity will contribute to one or more of NCSAF’s strategic goals.
Capacity - Each proposal must also clearly indicate that the organizer has the capability to ensure the proposed activity’s successful completion.
Budget - Each proposal must be accompanied by a proposed budget that shows how the NCSAF grant funds will be used in connection with all other personal and financial resources to complete the activity. Any matching funds from outside of NCSAF should be noted in the budget.
Timeline – The organizers must include a timeline for the conduct and completion of the activity and any related outputs.
Partnerships – (if applicable) List partnerships and NCSAF membership involvement in the activity.
Approved proposals will require informational publication of the activity, either before or upon completion, either in the local press or in the Society of American Forester’s Forestry Source monthly newspaper. In addition, the organizer must complete a written post-activity assessmentthat evaluates the activity’s challenges and successes. Anoral presentation to be madeto the NCSAF membership is encouraged as well.
Announcement of selected proposal(s) will be made by the end of January, 2009, and funding would be provided in February, 2009.
Project Ideas:
Based upon the goals stated above, some possible examples of activities that could be proposed for funding include: sponsor a contest with an educational theme related to the urban watershed; create an awards program for local organizations serving in a forestry-related capacity, such as urban forestry; organize a natural resources science fair for students; sponsor a science/policy competition for college students; establish a scholarship program for a worthy college-bound student with interest in forestry or a forestry-related field; and enhance the communication of watershed protection-related information to the public.
Criteria for Proposal Evaluation
Added weight towards selection will be given to proposals that:
- Can be completed in 2009;
- Leverage NCSAF grant funding with other organizational and financial resources;
- Include partnerships between NCSAF and other natural resources groups in the D.C. area;
- Include a revenue-generating component that could be used to make future grants;
- Demonstrate support for the forestry or forestry-related professions into the future.
Submission Requirements and Contact Information:
Proposals are due to NCSAF by December 15, 2008. Send proposals electronically to:
Andrea Bedell-Loucks, email: