Guiding Question: How can we know who we are as a school community and understand the context for our school success improvement plans?
Types of Data
EQAO sources: / Other sources:o Detailed School Results
o Participation Rates
o Student Questionnaires
o Principal Questionnaires / o Socio-economic data
o Student demographics (student management system)
o Teacher demographics
o Enrollment patterns
o Mobility rates
o Absenteeism rates
o Early Development Instrument (EDI) results
Looking At the Data (Analyzing)
· How do the demographic patterns of our students compare to that of the board and province on EQAO assessments?
· What are the demographic patterns in our school community?
· How have our demographic patterns changed over time?
· How has the enrollment of the school changed over time?
· How have the characteristics of our staff changed over time?
Looking Beyond the Data (Interpreting)
· How does the information match what we think about our community?
· Are there any surprises in the information?
· In what grades do we have the greatest need for special education and ESL/ELD support?
· Have we involved parents as partners differently across the grades?
· What is the match between the needs of our students and the characteristics/capacities of our staff?