February 22nd, 2010
The Caswell County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, February 22nd, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the Whitley Administration Building. Members present: Chairman June Dailey, Vice Chairman Gladys Garland, Sylvia Johnson, Betty Sartin, David Byrd, Mel Battle and Ross Gwynn. Others present: Superintendent Dr. Douglas Barker, Assistant Superintendent Donna Hudson, Personnel Director Kelly Pointer, Scott Slade, Sherry Slade and Leigh Walker representing the Caswell Messenger. Connie Kimrey recorded the minutes.
The meeting was called to order and a moment of silence was observed.
Betty Sartin moved, seconded by David Byrd to approve the minutes of the February 8th, 2010, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
David Byrd moved, seconded by Gladys Garland to approve the agenda with addition to Old Business, Item A – Surveillance System at Bartlett Yancey High School and addition to Personnel, Item B – Student Issue that will need to be discussed in closed session. The motion carried unanimously with those additions.
Dr. Barker presented Mel Battle with a certificate from the North Carolina School Board Association for completion of School Board 101 for the 2008/09 training year. Dr. Barker congratulated Mr. Battle on his accomplishment.
Mrs. Sartin also welcomed Scott Slade and his mother, Sherry, who were in attendance. Scott is working toward his Eagle Scout. Dr. Barker stated the Board of Education was glad to have them in attendance.
None at this time.
A. Surveillance System
Dr. Barker reviewed two quotes for the surveillance system for the high school for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd halls as well as the current vocational building and the cafeteria area. Quotes were based on the same equipment noting the only difference with one quote showing 12 cameras and the other showing 11. Dr. Barker stated money would be taken from the Fund Balance.
Upon considerable discussion David Byrd moved to table this item until a later time. The motion failed for lack of a second.
Mr. Battle questioned the Superintendent as to his recommendation. Dr. Barker stated with the information on the quotes and the working history with both companies he would recommend the low bid with Chatham Communications.
Mel Battle moved to accept the Superintendent’s recommendation with Chatham Communications, Betty Sartin seconded the motion. Sylvia Johnson questioned if this quote included the parking lot. Dr. Barker stated it did not and he would have that quote at the next meeting. Upon discussion, Mel Battle withdrew his motion, as did Mrs. Sartin.
Mel Battle moved to table this item upon receipt of the quote for student parking lot from Chatham Communications. Sylvia Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
A. Calendar Change Request
Dr. Barker reviewed the 2009-2010 calendar and requested to change March 29th from a protected workday to a student day and make April 5th, a protected workday. This will allow most teachers and other employees, as well as students, to receive the full week of spring break on the assumption that we will not incur any more bad weather.
Upon discussion, Mel Battle moved, seconded by Betty Sartin to make the changes to the calendar as follows: March 29th, 2010 = student day; April 5th, 2010 = protected workday. With no further comments the motion carried unanimously.
B. Budget Request
Dr. Barker reviewed the budget request to take money from the Fund Balance at the amount of $30.00 per child at each school to upgrade media center materials. A budget amendment will be forthcoming to reflect this request if approved.
Upon considerable discussion David Byrd suggested to put the request on a working list and compare it to other expenditures that are needed. Mrs. Garland stated she would like to appropriate the money and proceed with improvements as suggested by the Superintendent.
Sylvia Johnson stated she would like to receive a “needs list” from each school for their media center. Dr. Barker emphasized the needs of each school and stated it would be very difficult to make the decisions with comparisons to all schools and what each school felt they needed. Upon discussion, Mrs. Johnson retracted her request.
Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to table the item until the next meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
C. Field Trip Requests
Dr. Barker reviewed the field trip requests for a selected group of students from Oakwood Elementary to visit Harris Teeter in Danville, VA to participate in the jingle contest on February 26th, 2010; for 1st graders at North Elementary to visit the Danville Museum in Danville, VA on March 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd, 2010, for the Key Club to attend the Key Club Carolina’s District Convention in Durham, NC on March 19th – 21st, 2010 and recommended approval for all requests.
David Byrd stated that information on the submitted field trips was missing and questioned why forms could not be completed with all the requested information. Mr. Byrd also suggested sending the field trips back to the school for completion prior to approval. Mr. Battle stated that information was missing from field trip request forms and emphasized that the form was redone prior to the school year.
Dr. Barker stated that board policy requires approval for overnight and out of state field trips. It does not require approval based on the cost of the trip or other information. If this is something the board wishes to approve, the policy needs to be reviewed.
Upon discussion David Byrd moved, seconded by Ross Gwynn to approve all field trip requests as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
D. Adoption of 2010-2011 School Calendar
Dr. Barker reviewed the 2010-11 school calendar noting that Mr. Gwynn served on the committee and recommended approval.
Mr. Gwynn stated that he felt the calendar committee meetings were very well organized and Mrs. Mims conducted a very professional meeting.
Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve the 2010-2011 school calendar as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
E. Survey
Dr. Barker reviewed a survey from the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council conducting an assessment of youth gang activity in our community. In order to receive funding Dr. Barker stated we would need to participate in this survey and recommended approval.
Betty Sartin questioned if the board could see the results from the survey. Chairman Dailey stated the board could request this information.
Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Mel Battle to approve participation in the survey. The motion carried unanimously. Results will be requested.
A. BYHS Fall Testing Reports
Dr. Barker reviewed the testing reports from the high school broken down by teachers, gender and ethnicity.
David Byrd made a motion to go into closed session for the purpose of considering a personnel action that involves an officer or employee of this Board (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6); and for the purpose of discussing information that is privileged, confidential or not a public record (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(1) after a five-minute break. Gladys Garland seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Ross Gwynn made a motion to return to open session, Gladys Garland seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Dr. Barker recommended approval of the personnel list as presented with addition of new employee. Mel Battle moved, seconded by David Byrd to approve the personnel list. The motion carried unanimously.
Bartlett Yancey High School
/ Gail Merchant / Effective 7/1/2010 – Social Studies Teacher/ Margaret Rowland / Effective 7/1/2010 – Dance Teacher
N.L. Dillard Middle School
/ James Bomar / Effective 6/15/2010 – Math TeacherSouth Elementary
/ Jeanette Woodson / Effective 7/1/2010 - TeacherEMPLOYMENT
Bartlett Yancey High School
/ Everett Janney / Replaces Evelyn Hollingsworth – CTE TeacherDr. Barker recommended approval for the early graduation of James B. Brown, Jr. for the 2009-2010 school year. David Byrd moved, seconded by Mel Battle. The motion carried unanimously.
Dr Barker reviewed dates to meet with the Art’s Council. Dr. Barker stated a tentative meeting has been planned for March 22nd at 5:30 p.m. This will be prior to the scheduled board meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Dr. Barker reviewed the status on the list of capital projects.
Mrs. Dailey stated the board would plan to have lunch at one of the schools, as the next meeting is a morning meeting. Dr. Barker stated he hoped that the vocational building would be ready so that the board can take a tour of the new welding shop.
Mrs. Dailey referenced Policy # 450 stating that the policy does address the sexual conduct area that Mr. Battle had questioned at a previous meeting. Upon discussion it was suggested to revisit this policy.
Mrs. Sartin stated she received a call questioning why Coca-Cola was not selling beverages in the athletic complex. Dr. Barker stated there was not a contract and they had removed many of the machines from the high school. Dr. Barker stated that the school had received a better deal with Pepsi Cola, in which they agreed to give a 10% profit plus purchase a sign. Dr. Barker stated the agreements with the vending companies are only good as long as the Principal that made the decision remain at the school.
Mr. Battle stated he would like to have some type of working list implemented for board use. This would be a reminder for items that were not acted on or continued for review at later meetings.
David Byrd made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Ross Gwynn seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, March 8th, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. in the Whitley Administration Building.
June B. Dailey Douglas N. Barker
Chairman Superintendent