Creating New Planograms and Projects Space PlanningTraining Page 1 of 5
Module 10
Each time Space Planning is started, a new, empty project is presented. A new planogram may be added to this project, or existing planograms may be added from other projects or existing InterCept files.
To begin a new planogram, click on the Create Planogram button
Note: Pressing the letter 'G' or choosing EDIT / CREATE / PLANOGRAM… from the menus will perform the same operation.
/ The Planogram Properties dialog box appears when a new planogram is created. You should minimally enter a name, overall and base dimensions.You may modify the gondola at any time. There are several ways that can be used to do this:
/ Right click directly on the gondola and choose PLANOGRAM PROPERTIES from the shortcut menu.
/ Right click on the planograms icon in the Fixtures windows of the Planogram Explorer, then choose PLANOGRAM PROPERTIES from the shortcut menu.
/ Double click directly on the gondola.
/ Choose EDIT / PROPERTIES from the menus after clicking on the gondola.
Regardless of which of these techniques you decide to use, the Planogram Properties dialog box will open. Once open, modifications may be made using the same techniques used to create the basic gondola.
Adding Fixtures to a Planogram
Fixtures are added to a planogram in much the same way the initial planogram is created. Shelves, chests, rods, bins, pegboards, and other fixtures are available for planograms. We will concentrate on shelves for our new planogram.
The following techniques may be used to add a fixture:
/ Click on the Create Fixture button on the Building toolbar
/ Choose EDIT / CREATE / FIXTURE… from the menus
/ Add a fixture from the Fixture Library
/ Copy an existing fixture
Shelf Naming Conventions
Shelves and other fixtures must be given a name when they are placed on the planogram. Within P&G, the following are the given standards:
/ Shelves are assigned numeric names such as 1,2,3…
/ Shelf number 1 is placed in the bottom left corner of the planogram (usually on the base of the gondola).
/ Successive shelves are placed above shelf number 1, in order.
/ If the shelves being placed are shorter than the length of the gondola and additional shelves are to be added, another shelf is placed on the base next to shelf 1 and the stacking process begins again in order.
Note: These are the Procter & Gamble defaults. You should check with your customer for exceptions.
The diagram shown above represents a typical planogram. The shelves are labeled in the correct number sequence, using the Procter & Gamble shelf numbering standard described on the previous screen. You should check with your customer for exceptions to this format.
Moving A Fixture
There are several techniques that may be used to move a fixture on a planogram. They are as follows:
/ Dragging it to the desired position with the mouse may move a fixture.
/ The following keyboard shortcuts may be used to move a selected fixture:
U - Move the fixture Up one increment
D - Move the fixture Down one increment
L - Move the fixture Left one increment
R - Move the fixture Right one increment
I - Move the fixture In (towards the backboard) one increment
O - Move the fixture Out (towards the front of the shelf) one increment
Note: Choose Settings/Manipulation to set the value of the movement increment.
/ Type new values in the X, Y, and Z fields in the Location group box. These settings are located on the General tab of the fixture's Properties dialog box.
Note: It is important when dragging or using the keyboard methods for moving that you watch the Status bar for exact position coordinates.
Changing Fixture Properties
There will be times when you wish to change the properties of an existing shelf. Right clicking on a shelf and choosing its properties option from the shortcut menu displays its properties dialog box.
Multiplying Shelves
Several shelves can be made at one time by using the MULTIPLY... command. This allows you to use an existing shelf and duplicating its properties.
Right click on a shelf and choose the MULTIPLY… command to create multiple copies of a shelf.
Planogram Segments/ Segments in Space Planning are vertical divisions made on the planogram backboard, usually at places where notch bars represent the physical divisions on the actual planogram fixture.
/ Segments can be moved or copied to and from planograms and projects.
/ You can edit existing segments in the planogram by double clicking above or below a planogram segment (while in front view) to access the Segment Properties dialog box.
/ Segments also provide a convenient way to print large planograms by segments.
/ A planogram is initially made up of one segment when it is created. It may be divided into smaller segments at any time.
Using the Fixtures Library
/ Space Planning fixture libraries (*.PSF) contain individual fixtures, assembly collections, and planogram “templates” that can be used in any project. You can drag any fixtures from the library to the planograms and vice versa./ You can use the same fixture library for more than one project, and you can associate a default fixture library to be loaded at startup. The fixture library window appears by default at the top of your screen, but can be docked and moved to fit your working habits.
Creating a New Project
/ A new project may be created at any time, even if another project is already open. Once a project is created, new planograms may be added to it using the techniques we have already explorer in this module.
/ Keep in mind that each time you launch the Space Planning application that a new project is presented automatically.
/ Click on the New Project tool on the toolbar or choose FILE / NEW… from the menus to start a new project.
Other ways to add planograms to a project
/ Click on the OPEN button to access the following options:- Add previously saved planograms to the active project.
- Merge previously saved planograms to the active planogram.
- Add previously created InterCept planograms to the current project.
Note: More information on these techniques may be reviewed in the File Operations module.
/ Drag planograms from other open project windows into the current project.
/ Drag planograms from other open projects by way of the Explorer window.