SUBJECT:Internet and Email Policy


PURPOSE:To define the appropriate uses of the Internet and email for the Town’s employees.


The Town encourages use of the Internet and email when direct, work-related benefits can accrue. Use is permitted and encouraged where such use supports the Town’s goals and objectives. Use is monitored for security andnetwork management reasons. Users may be subject to limitations on their use of such resources. The Internet portions of this policy is not applicable to the Library.

  1. User Authorization to Internet – Internet usage is filtered and monitored through software. Employees have access to websites related to their job functions. When a user encounters a webpage necessary for work but is blocked, the following processes will be used:
  2. Temporary Access – User will email the Information Technology Division (IT) or open a service ticket (currently SysAid) requesting access to the URL needed. IT will allow access for two weeks. For example, a user doesn’t have access to travel sites but needs to schedule a trip to a conference.
  3. Incorrectly Categorized Pages – User will email IT or open a service ticket requesting access. IT will review and if deemed work related change the category of the website to allow for permanent access.
  4. Permanent - User will email IT or open a service ticket requesting access. Department Director approval will be required.
  5. Permitted Uses- These are examples and not intended to be all-inclusive. If an employee is unsure about what constitutesacceptable Internet usage, then he/she should ask their supervisor for further guidance and clarification.
  6. Communication between employees and non-employees for business purposes
  7. Review of possible vendor websites for product information
  8. Reference regulatory or technical information
  9. Research
  10. Personal use must be limited so as not to interfere with normal business activities and must not include any activity that would either embarrass or potentially embarrass or discredit the Town, its residents, businesses, taxpayers or employees.
  11. Users are requested to use links in emails when possible and to limit attachments to 10 Mb.
  12. Prohibited Uses- These are examples and not intended to be all-inclusive. If an employee is unsure about what constitutesunacceptable Internet usage, then he/she should ask their supervisor for further guidance and clarification.
  13. For personal financial gain or any commercial activity
  14. Any illegal or illicit activities such as but not limited to fraud, piracy, sharing confidential information, hacking, etc.
  15. Gambling
  16. Participation in any on-line contest or promotion
  17. Sending or posting chain letters, solicitations, or advertisements not related to work purposes or activities
  18. Use of profanity, obscenities or other potentially offensive language
  19. Viewing pornography or obscene materials
  20. Playing games
  21. Reporting - Detectives Bureau will have unlimited access. Aweekly report of Internet usage will be emailed to the Police Department for review. Others within the Police Department have the option of “click to continue” which allows them to proceed to webpages not currently authorized to the user. The employees are to use this option when IT staff is unavailable (nights and weekends) to complete work-related tasks. At no time should this option be used for personal use.
  22. Violation of Policy:Violations of this policy may result in termination of network access privileges and disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, and/or criminal or civil penalties or other legal action as applicable.


Stephen Kaplan, Finance Director


Deborah S. Manzo, Town Manager