Summer Term 1 2017

Dear Parents,

The summer term arrives on the back of what was a fantastic spring term. I have run out of superlatives to describe this group of children; it has been a pleasure to teach them this year. I am sure you will agree with me that their performance at Parkside last month was a sight to behold and they deserved a well-earned fortnight of rest for all of their efforts. Well done Year 3 / 4! The Year 4 residential to Boggle Hole was also a fantastic highlight; one which the children and staff will remember fondly for many years to come.

I felt the parent consultations at the end of the spring term were very positive. Progress is clear to see in many books and there are now clear objectives for each child to tackle between now and the end of the academic year.

Our new topic this term is ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’, a yummy journey of discovery, where we will be tasting fantastic foods and tantalising treats! We will visit York’s Chocolate Story and base lots of our reading around Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Worry not, parents; we will also look at what makes a balanced diet and will explore the different food groups, creating healthy plates in the process.

As this is my final half term at Keelham Primary, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the warmth, kindness and support you have shown me since September. It will be such a shame to leave the children at this stage of the year, but I can guarantee that the pupils will go from strength-to-strength when Mrs Smithson returns from her maternity leave for the final half term.

Kind Regards,

Mr. Hunter

Dates for your Diary:

5 May – Class 3/4 trip to York’s Chocolate Story

26 May – Break up for half term

PS. Routines such as homework and P.E. will be sent on a pupil timetable. A tfor this half term is on the