Greetings cast parents! We are about a week away from the first rehearsal and the beginning of tech week! The costume crew has been hard at work on the 85 costumes needed for our actors to get on stage! Between constructing new costumes, buying a few pieces, repurposing what we could from the limited costume stock, and renting the more specialized pieces- we are VERY close. There are a few items we need the actors to bring from home to finish their looks. You will get all items back for your actor to use again in another show. Please be sure they are all marked with your kiddo's name. Your student should bring them to the theater beginning Sunday (2/25). All pieces need to be at the theater NO LATER than Tuesday night (2/27). If you have any questions, please let Christine know at
Belle: Nude tights (2-3 pairs), Character Shoes (tan or black ok- if you have to buy new ones- tan preferred)
Beast: We are looking for tall boots (if you have them great!) if you don't then black jazz shoes and we will use spats.
Gaston:We are looking for tall boots (if you have them great!) if you don't then black jazz shoes and we will use spats.
LeFou: Sorry- still holding on getting Luke's pant color- once we have that we can let you know directly
Maurice: Black Jazz Shoes
Lumiere: Black Jazz Shoes
Cogsworth: Brown Dress shoes
Mrs Potts: Tan character or jazz shoes
Chip: Nude tights (2-3 pairs), Tan jazz shoes
Babette:Tights 2-3 pair (black, white, or nude)
Madame: Black character or jazz shoes
Young Prince: Black jazz shoes
Enchantress: tan jazz shoes
Silly Girls: We have boots for a few girls (Lauren, Anna, Kyla, and maybe Annie J- we will try them W) Owen and Ava- Do you have ankle boots? Or if you have character shoes (either black or nude) they would be great. We will keep looking for boots for you- so if you buy shoes, you may be able to return them if we find boots.
Villagers: If your student has NOT been assigned boots (they would know if we found a pair that fit them in rehearsal- we taped them if they worked), then they need jazz shoes (either black or tan)
Napkins/Wolves: NUDE bras/camisoles- the napkin tops are VERY white and any other color will show through. Black Jazz shoes.
Teacups: Stage blacks and black jazz shoes
Flatware: Black jazz shoes
Enchanted Objects: Stage blacks and black jazz shoes
ALL female actors should be wearing sports bras and/or camisoles so they are more comfortable changing in the dressing room (except Belle).
Stage blacks are all black items for underneath costumes. They include full length black leggings (no capris-Walmart currently has them for $3.98), black socks, and long sleeve black t-shirts.
Character shoes and jazz shoes can be found at Kay Clay in Westmont (245 N Cass Ave # 2, Westmont, IL 60559), Jo's Footwork in the WS rec center may have some (call first), or smaller sizes can sometimes be found at Payless.
Thank you
Christine & Lauren