Teacher: Mademoiselle Riddell
General Expectations:
RESPECT / RESPONSIBILITY / CHOOSE TO LEARN- be on time and in your seat
- be polite
- respect the rights, opinions, and uniqueness of others
- have your materials for class
- complete assigned work
- if you are absent check for work that you have missed
- ask for help when required
- be quiet and focus on the lesson
- participate by asking questions and volunteering answers
- give your best effort every day
- have a positive attitude towards French
Cell Phones
Cells phones usage in the classroom is for educational purposes only. If cell phones are brought to the classroom they are to be placed in a designated container and only removed with permission of the supervising staff member.
Cell phones, iPods/Pads and MP3 Players are not to be brought into rooms in which tests or exams are to be written. A reading book should be brought to class on exam days.
You and your parents may follow my Facebook page and blog for daily updates on class and school activities and events. You can find my Facebook page by searching Miss Riddell UCHS or at: (the icon is me in front of Notre Dame in Paris) or my blog at: Happy reading!
Goals of Core French:
- Communication Skills (CS)
Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and details in oral French multi-sentence presentations on a variety of familiar topics in guided situations. Listening & Viewing
Discuss a variety of information on familiar topics through oral expression in guided
Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and many isolated details of French expository, procedural or persuasive texts on familiar topics. Reading
Produce various types of short texts in French on familiar topics in a structured and modeled fashion. Writing
- General Language Strategies (GL)
Use listening or viewing strategies in guided situations.
Use speaking strategies for an oral presentation in guided situations.
Use reading strategies for familiar French texts in guided situations.
Implement stages of the writing process in semi-guided situations, including: idea generation, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
- Language Knowledge (LK)
Demonstrate acquisition of French language concepts related to themes,
- Culture (C)
Compare contributions of current and past French, French Canadian, First Nations and Métis individuals and organizations to Canadian society.
Course Content:
The Course will be taught using a variety of Core and Intensive French strategies and is organized around the following themes:
Review (Numbers, dates, colours, and other basics) September
(Verbes – avoir and être)
Music (Verb review - er, ir, re)October -December
Famous French Canadians(Passé composé)January
Summative Tasks:
- Daily oral questions and answer activities
- Oral, visual, written, and multimedia presentations
- Reflections on written articles and videos
- Quizzes / Tests
- Unit projects
Any incomplete summative tasks will result in receiving no credit for the course.
*Extra curricular activities may be impacted by incomplete assignments.
- Class time will be given to work on summative assessments, and a deadline set.
- On the day of the deadline, students will have time for finishing touches, then the assignment will be collectedAS IS.
- For AS IS assignment submissions a day will be set for resubmission of the assignment, or an alternative assignment (as determined by the teacher).This could be limited to one class period or a specific deadline.
- In the event of no resubmission, the “AS IS” mark will be retained as the summative grade.
- If it is determined that the outcome requires reassessment, either by the teacher or the student, an alternative may be added to the final exam.
If a due date is not going to work for you, or if something comes up, come talk to me before the due date and we can make arrangements. If something seems like it will be too hard, or you are having great difficulty, you need to let me know early on.
Reassessment are an opportunity for you to improve your work if there were major misunderstandings, or if you feel like you have learned more. In order to be granted a reassessment,you must arrangeto attend some noon help, must have completed all formative assessments, and must have reasonably attempted the summative assessment. Students may only choose to reassess 2 summative outcomes, other reassessments will be determined by the teacher.