Smyrna Elementary School Council and Foundation

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

5:30 pm – Media Center

Board Members Present:

Sean Murphy, Leonissa Johnson, Melissa Rone, Zach Dunn, Brett Ward, Sarvia Ramirez, Ken Lunsford, Dawn Britt

Board Members Absent:

Mary Dureuke


Denise Raymond and Traci Abel - Cobb Foundation (fundraising)(404) 825-9061 (cell)

1. CALL TO ORDER (5:33)Ken Lunsford



Denise Raymond- Foundation Fundraising

We had a follow up discussion about ideas for events. Denise and Traci talked with the council about the logistics of certain events, such as a poker night. Sean mentioned that if we do a spring event, it will need to be fairly simple due to the time constraints. We have agreed as a council to have Denise and Tracy lead our capital campaign. Denise and Tracy mentioned that we should plan an event that will be low cost (such as basketball “March Madness” tournament, an Olympic-type event, or a spring fling). Spring fling/festival would involve a lot of effort and planning. Sean presented several ideas that he researched: Dance-Off, Laugh at the Leader, Turn Your Playground into a Garage Sale, Raffle Off Teachers, and Road Rally (sort of an elaborate scavenger hunt; pay per car to participate. Get businesses that the participants will visit donate prizes, etc – see handout). Possible Silent Auction during conference week where teachers or small groups of teachers sponsor a fun activity for small groups of kids (i.e. pizza and Wii party, outing to the aquarium, dinner at Moe’s, etc). Have a binder to collect bids. Highest bidder pays and wins that event. Denise’s recommendation: Mention the Foundation at the March 4th PTA meeting to kick off the campaign. Do a closing event Thursday, March 27…thanks for your support, tomorrow is the last day of the campaign, etc. (like Smyrna Stars talent show). We should charge per act, admission, and concessions.

Denise gave the council a contract explaining the capital campaign process with our parents and how they will support the campaign. The campaign will run March 3-28. Online donations are recommended. We are entitled to use these materials next year, but we may not share them with other schools (see handout). They will be in contact with us about timelines and materials.

Campaign focus – Learning Garden

Total cost of garden - $23,000

Tiered donation options:

Platinum - $1,000 +: Name on plaque/paver/leaf on gate in garden?

Gold – $500-999

Silver – $250-499

Bronze – $100-249

Supporter - $5-99

Incentives -

Idea – students who pay $5 could dress down

Classroom – pizza party, ice cream party, etc (one for highest % participation and one for highest grand total) – teacher reward for those classrooms, too

Envelopes of a different color – order about 1,000; Traci will send template. They order from envelopes.com

Sean will set up a facebook page for the Smyrna Foundation.


* Decide on incentives for each level of donor participation

* Decide on teacher rewards for winning

* Decide on classroom rewards for winning

* Plan Talent Show for March 27 – give info to Denise when finalized

* Sean will meet with Denise and Traci after the campaign begins about treasurer processing of funds

Recommend that class with highest % participation at each grade level gets to dress down one Friday (Foundation Friday – first Friday after spring break)

One class in whole school that gives highest dollar amount – pizza party and dress down on Foundation Friday

Staff – if staff member gives at least $5, jeans on Foundation Friday. Names go into drawing for prize (jeans for a week, gift card, etc)

Cobbschoolsfoundation.org – for ideas for logos


Local School Funds

Managed Funds

Cobb Schools Foundation: Local School Funds group on facebook

Next Called Meeting –Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Next Scheduled Meeting – Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The meeting adjourned at 8:05.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa Rone, Secretary