Birth Attendance Log
The ANMC Standards and Criteria for the Accreditation of Nursing and Midwifery Courses Leading to Registration, Enrolment, Endorsement and Authorisation in Australia(2009)requires midwifery students tocomplete a minimum of twenty (20) continuity of care experiences prior to registration regardless of the length of a course.
An important part of the continuity of care experience is the need for the School to keep an accurate record of any student attendance at a birth outside of topic-related Professional Experience Placement shifts. It is your responsibility to provide this information to the Universityto ensure that a record is available in the event of insurance claims or legal investigations which may occur well beyond your course of study.
This form relates specifically to your attendance at the labour and birthing of the women you have recruited for your continuity of care experience.
Please complete a single application for each birth you attend, typing the required information for legibility. This confidential information will be stored in the Professional Experience Placement Unit.
- Details
Student ID
Student Given Name
Student Family Name
Student Year Level / Choose an item. /
Venue / Choose an item. /
Woman’s Name
(Given Name, FAMILY NAME)
Woman’s Date of Birth
Woman’s Medical Record Number
Date arrived at hospital/venue
Time arrived at hospital/venue
(24 hour)
Date departed venue
Time departed hospital/venue venue(24 hour)
2. Submitting This Form
Save this document in the following format:
[STUDENT FAMILY NAME]_[STUDENT ID]_BL_[Woman’s Family Name] for example: SMITH_987654_BL_Jones).docx
To submit this record, scan and email the completed form to the Professional Experience Placements Unit at . A return email will confirm satisfactory receipt of your documentation.
Ensure you keep a copy of the completed form for your records.
V:\Corporate Services\Clinical Placements\2014\MIDWIFERY\Continuity of Care form - Master\Birth Attendance Log Form.docx