What is the Sliding Fee Scale?
The Sliding Fee Scale is our way of offering medical, dental, and behavioral health services at a lower cost to families who meet financial requirements. The scale is divided into different categories based on family size and gross income. Patients pay for services according to where they fall into the scale.
How does the Sliding Fee Scale work?
The sliding fee scale determines the discount for medical and dental services. Families with incomes falling in Level 1 will pay 50% of the actual cost. Level 2 families pay 75% of the actual cost and Level 3 families pay 90% of the cost. For example: A family of 4, grossing $25,000 per year, qualifies as Level 1. One of the family members has a procedure done that normally costs $50.00. Because the family is Level 1 on the Sliding Fee Scale, they only pay 50% of that $50.00 fee. So, the family pays $25.00 for the procedure, instead of $50.00.
Is my family eligible for the Sliding Fee Scale?
To find out of your family is eligible, provide your proof of income to our Patient Service Representatives. They will calculate whether or not you are eligible based on family size, income, and federal poverty guidelines. Remember that the scale changes in the spring each year.
What services are available to my family if we qualify for “the slide?”
There may be some services offered by Welsh Mountain that are not covered by the slide. Discuss fees with a Patient Service Representative prior to the service being provided. Our slide does not cover any outside labs or procedures.
What if I have insurance?
If you have commercial health insurance, but your income and family size still fall within the Sliding Fee Scale, you are still eligible for the slide. We will submit your bill to your insurance company at full fee. If it is rejected, applied to the deductible, or paid in part, we will then charge you on the slide for the remainder of the bill.
Who will know that my family is using the Sliding Fee Scale?
Just like your medical and dental records, your payment methods are kept strictly confidential. Once your income is verified by the proper documentation, the information is entered into your computer chart. From that time on, all of your bills are calculated on the sliding fee, and a small number of staff members will be the only ones with access to your information. You will be mandated to renew your application annually.
The Sliding Fee Scale
What is the Sliding Fee Scale?
The Sliding Fee Scale is our way of offering medical and dental services at a lower cost to families who meet financial requirements. The scale is divided into different categories based on family size and gross income. Patients pay for services according to where they fall into the scale.
How does the Sliding Fee Scale work?
The sliding fee scale determines the discount for medical and dental services. Families with incomes falling in Level 1 will pay 30% of the actual cost. Level 2 families pay 60% of the actual cost and Level 3 families pay 90% of the cost. For example: A family of 4, grossing $25,000 per year, qualifies as Level 1. One of the family members has a procedure done that normally costs $50.00. Because the family is Level 1 on the Sliding Fee Scale, they only pay 30% of that $50.00 fee. So, the family on pays $15.00 for the procedure, instead of $50.00.
Is my family eligible for the Sliding Fee Scale?
To find out of your family is eligible, find your family size in the first column. Then look across the row and find the range that your gross annual, monthly, or weekly income falls into. If your family falls into one of the first four categories, you qualify. Remember that the scale changes in the Spring each year.
What services are available to my family if we qualify for “the slide?”
The Sliding Fee Scale is our way of offering medical and dental services as a lower cost to families who meet financial requirements. The scale is divided into different categories based on family size and gross income. Patients pay for services according to where they fall into the scale.
What if I have insurance?
If you have health insurance, but your income and family size still fall within the Sliding Fee Scale, you are still eligible for the slide. We will submit your bill to your insurance company at full fee. If it is rejected, applied to the deductible, or paid in part, we will then charge you on the slide for the remainder of the bill.
Who will know that my family is using the Sliding Fee Scale?
Just like your medical and dental records, your payment methods are kept strictly confidential. Once your income is verified by the proper documentation, the information is entered into your computer chart. From that time on, all of your bills are calculated on the sliding fee, and a small number of staff members will be the only ones with access to your information.
La cuota de Escala de
¿Quees la escala de pagos?
La escala de pagosesnuestramanera de ofrecerserviciosmédicos y dentales a unbajocosto a lasfamiliasquecumplen con los requisitosfinancieros. La escalaestádividida en diferentescategoríassegún el tamaño de la familia y el ingreso. Los pacientes pagan por los servicios de acuerdo a dondecaen en la escala.
¿Cómofunciona la escala de pagos?
La escala de pagosdetermina el descuento para serviciosmédicos y dentales. Familias con ingresos en el nivel 1 pagará el 30% delcosto real. El nivel 2 lasfamilias pagan el 60% del costo y el nivel 3 lasfamilias pagan el 90% del costo. Porejemplo: Unafamilia de cuatro, ganando en total $ 25,000 poraño, calificacomo un nivel 1. Si miembros de la familiatiene un procedimiento, quenormalmente cuesta $ 50.00 y la familiaes de nivel 1 en la escala, sólo pagan el 30% de esacuota. Por lo tanto, la familiapaga $15.00 para el procedimiento, en vez de $ 50.00.
¿Es mi familiaelegible para la escala de pagos?
Para saber sisufamiliaeselegible, encuentre el tamaño de sufamilia en la primeracolumna. A continuación, mira al otrolado de la fila y encuentresuingresoanual, mensual o semanal. Si sufamiliacae en una de lasprimerascuatrocategorías, reúne los requisitos. Recuerdeque los cambios de escalacambian en la primavera de cadaaño.
¿Quéserviciosestándisponibles para mi familia, sitenemos la calidad para a la escala?"
La escala de pagosesnuestramanera de ofrecerserviciosmédicos y dentales, a costobajo para lasfamiliasquecumplen con los requisitosfinancieros. La escalaestádividida en diferentescategoríassegún el tamaño de la familia y el ingreso. Los pacientes pagan por los servicios de acuerdo a dondecaen en la escala.
Si ustedtieneseguro de salud, perosusingresos y tamaño de la familiapermanecedentro de la escala de pagos, ustedsiguesiendoelegible para el descuent. Vamos a presentar la factura a sucompañía de seguros con tarifacompleta. Si se rechaza, se aplica a los deducibles, o pagado en parte, entonces se le cobrará el resto de la factura.
¿Quiénsabeque mi familiaestáutilizando la escala de pagos?
Al igualquesusregistrosmédicos y dentales, los métodos de pago son estrictamenteconfidenciales. Unavezquesuingreso se verifica la documentaciónapropiada,seingresa la información en suexpedienteequipo. A partir de entonces, todassuscuentas se calculansobre la escala de pagos, y unpequeñonúmero de miembros de nuestraorganicazíonserán los únicosquetienenacceso a suinformación.