Sophomore at Large Applications / 2013

Note to the Candidates

As you consider applying for Sophomore-at-Large, please understand that Student Council should be a significant commitment. However, while it may be time consuming, Student Council can prove to be an incredibly fulfilling experience. Ultimately, it is up to you to define your Sophomore-at-Large term.

Application Process

To be considered as a candidate for one of the two available Sophomore at Large positions on Student Council board, please complete the questions below, and email them to Alonzo Marsh () prior to 11:30 PM, September 10, 2013. The questions should be answered in under 3 pages on a separate document. These pages must be double spaced, 12 point font, and Times New Roman.

In addition to an application, 100 signatures must be collected by each candidate prior to their interview. These signatures must all be from the Sophomore Class. The form to collect signatures on has been included on page 3 of this packet. The signature form must be submitted upon arrival at your interview. You may begin collecting signatures after Junior-at-Large, Alonzo Marsh, has approved your application.

Candidates are invited to aid in setting up the decorations for the Homecoming Dance. Candidates can assist the other Student Council Board members between September 9th and the 20th. While this is not required, all candidates are strongly encouraged to attend participate. Time sign up information will be emailed out upon receiving your application.

Before official campaigning begins, all Sophomore at Large candidates are required to attend a mandatory interview with selected Student Council members between the 22nd and 26th of September. Time sign up information will be sent to candidates upon receiving their application. After the interview process, the best candidates will be selected as finalists in the application process.

Between September 30th and October 8th, Sophomore at Large finalists will be invited to participate in campaign week. More detailed guidelines are included on page 4 of this packet.

Finally, on October 9th, the election will take place. More detailed information about this event can be found on page 6 of this packet. At the elections, finalists will address their class in a speech and lend perspectives as to why they should be elected as one of the Sophomores at Large.

The general duties of the Sophomores At Large are as follows:

●To oversee the Class Club Elections for his or her respective class.

●To act as the liaison between Student Council and his or her respective class club.

●To serve on a standing committee as appointed by the President.

●To be familiar with the Student Council Constitution and to exercise Robert’s Rules of Order during General Assembly meetings.

Sophomore at Large Application

Please complete your responses to the following questions in three or fewer pages.

Name: E-mail:

Phone Number:Hall and wing:

1)Please describe what motivates you to excel and overcome adversity.

2)What is your biggest weakness and how could it potentially hinder your performance as a Sophomore at Large? How do you plan to overcome it?

3)As you may have noticed, the requirements of a Sophomore at Large are very vague. Please describe what you plan to accomplish with the position that is not required of you. Specific ideas are preferred.

4)Identify one quality that you believe is important for a Sophomore at Large to possess. Cite examples of how you embody this quality.

5)Please indicate some characteristics you would like to see in your fellow Sophomore at Large.

6)Provide a quotation that is particularly pertinent to your leadership style. Explain how it applies to your potential performances as a Sophomore-at-Large.

Sophomore at Large Signature Sheets

I hereby acknowledge ______as an appropriate candidate for Sophomore at Large

1) ______51) ______

2) ______52) ______

3) ______53) ______

4) ______54) ______

5) ______55) ______

6) ______56) ______

7) ______57) ______

8) ______58) ______

9) ______59) ______

10) ______60) ______

11) ______61) ______

12) ______62) ______

13) ______63) ______

14) ______64) ______

15) ______65) ______

16) ______66) ______

17) ______67) ______

18) ______68) ______

19) ______69) ______

20) ______70) ______

21) ______71) ______

22) ______72) ______

23) ______73) ______

24) ______74) ______

25) ______75) ______

26) ______76) ______

27) ______77) ______

28) ______78) ______

29) ______79) ______

30) ______80) ______

31) ______81) ______

32) ______82) ______

33) ______83) ______

34) ______84) ______

35) ______85) ______

36) ______86) ______

37) ______87) ______

38) ______88) ______

39) ______89) ______

40) ______90) ______

41) ______91) ______

42) ______92) ______

43) ______93) ______

44) ______94) ______

45) ______95) ______

46) ______96) ______

47) ______97) ______

48) ______98) ______

49) ______99) ______

50) ______100) ______

Note: In order to sign this form, you must be a Sophomore. At this time, you are also able to pose any questions to the candidates.

Campaign Guidelines and Regulations


●Candidates are allowed two large posters (maximum of 23 in x 36 in).

○Step 1: Design your poster, and have it approved by Student Life

○Step 2: Take your poster as a jpeg file to IMS for printing

○Step 3: Have the printed poster stamped in Student Life

○Step 4: Hang your poster based on the guidelines listed in Student Life

●29 additional fliers or posters (maximum of 8.5 in x 11 in) can be printed and distributed.

○Of these posters, 7 can be printed in color on IMSA printers.

○These posters/fliers should be printed at the Student Life office, and can be cut to any size.

○These must also be approved by Student Life

●All materials used during campaigning must be sourced properly. Use of copyrighted material is not allowed.

●Candidates are responsible for all of their own campaign materials. Following the election, all posters and fliers that a candidate put up must be taken down. Student Council reserves the right to withhold election results until all campaign materials have been taken down.

●Multiple sheets of paper can not be put together to create one poster.


●No treats (candy, money, food, favors, or gifts) may be distributed during the campaign week.

●Mass emails can not be used to advertise to the student body.

●Campaigning using any form of social media, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Skype, etc, should not be used by candidates. If campaign materials are found on social media networks, then the candidate will be considered for disqualification. The candidate is responsible for the removal of any campaign materials found on social networking programs as quickly as possible.

●Negative campaigning of any kind will result in disqualification.


●All candidate answers will be kept confidential

●Candidates are responsible for their own campaign materials

●For all questions, please contact Alonzo Marsh () or Anthony Marquez ()

●Only the best candidates will be chosen. Please take every portion of this process seriously. No one is a “shoo-in”

●Student Council reserves the ability to change any guidelines or the timeline at any time. Candidates will be notified of these changes. Please keep an eye on your email.


Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

Applications are due before 11:30 PM. No late applications will be accepted. All applications must be submitted to Alonzo Marsh () with the subject line: “Sophomore at Large Application” with your last name at the end.

Monday through Friday, September 9th to the 20th, 2013

Homecoming decorations setup is not required but it is highly recommended. Candidates can sign up for time slots. The available times will be released when applications are accepted.

Sunday through Thursday, September 22nd through 26th, 2013

Interviews are mandatory. Candidates will sign up for times (the location will be included) when the application is accepted. Following the interviews the finalists will be announced. Remember, signature sheets are due upon the arrival at your interview.

Monday through Tuesday, September 30th through October 8th, 2013

Campaign Week. Please see guidelines on page 4.

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Draft speeches are due via email to Keith McIntosh () and Amy Woods () by 11:35 AM. They will approve your speech. This draft is not a final copy, however it should, as a minimum, reflect the main ideas of your speech.

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

Election Night. Please arrive at the Auditorium at 6:30 PM, elections will begin at 7:00 PM. Be prepared for a special surprise the day of the election. Speeches must be less than 4 minutes. This time limit will be enforced.