Behavior Guidance Form
In order to guarantee a safe, positive and enjoyable environment for your child as well as the other children in the program, we are utilizing the following discipline plan. The camp staff hasthe authority andresponsibility to carry out this system. Praise and recognition of good behavior are built into the everyday plan. The negative consequences have been developed in order to help each child CHOOSE to behave appropriately.
We are here to plan and lead activities that are SAFE, CREATIVE, and FUN for the children, which will give youpeace of mind about their participation at the Sun Devil Kids Camp and Kids Quest Programs. Therefore, no child’s behavior should interfere with our right to carry out this program, hinder another child’s enjoyment of this program, nor go against the best interest either of the child or the group as a whole.
This may seem like a large undertaking, but with your support and cooperation, we will all receive very positive results.
A child’s behavior is expected to be consistent with the following:
- Use appropriate language at all times.
- Cooperate with staff and follow directions.
- Respect other children and staff, equipment and facilities, and yourself.
- Maintain a positive attitude.
The Discipline Policy
- Warning
- Time-Out
- If a child is unable to comply with the behavior expectations, a conference will be held with the child and the Camp Manager or, if necessary, the Program Coordinator(s). The parent/guardian will be notified in writing.
- If, after the above meeting, that child is still unable to comply with the behavior expectations, the program coordinator(s) will set up a conference with the parent/guardian. A behavior contract will be established and signed by the child (if appropriate), parent/guardian and the program director.
- If the child’s behavior continues to be disruptive and/or unsafe, the child will be subject to suspension or dismissal.
- Failure of the parent/guardian to attend conference(s) and cooperate will subject the child to suspension or dismissal.
Behaviors which may result in immediate dismissal include but are not limited to:
- Any action that could threaten or poses a direct threat to the physical/emotional well-being of the child, other children or staff. This includes bullying, running away, fighting, etc…
- Possession of a weapon of any kind
- Vandalism or destruction of ASU property or property of others
- Deliberate defiance of camp rules or staff instructions pertaining to the safety of the child or other children
- Stealing
I have read, understand, and agree with the policies as stated in this document and have discussed the expectations of behavior with my child/ward.
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______