Falls Lake Academy

Falls Lake Academy seeks to create a challenging learning environment while striving to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of our 21st century learners to prepare them for citizenship, leadership, and success in a rapidly changing world. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, caring and supportive community. Each student's self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with students and staff. We strive to have our parents, teachers, and community members actively involved in our student's learning.

- Mission Statement

Time: / Who: / Topic: / Details: / Action/Follow-Up:
January 17th, 2017 6:34pm / Called to order by Chairman Andy Peterson / Falls Lake Academy Board of Directors Meeting called to order / Next BOD Meeting- February 7th, 2017
6:35pm / BOD / Meeting Minutes Acceptance / Board Unanimously approves January 3rd, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes as written / -Motion- Massengill
-Second- Nolte
6:36pm / Amy Hobgood / Building Update / Will post advertisement for bidding as soon as NCDOT reviews and authorizes documents
6:38pm / Amy Hobgood & BOD / Lottery Update / -Advertise through media; newspaper and Hispanic radio station forthcoming
-Need to order more Lottery Enrollment signs for placement / -Lottery Enrollment signs-Tracy Teal to order more road signs for distribution
6:48pm / Amy Hobgood / Director’s Agenda / Job Fair- One Administrator, and one Staff to attend each of the following:
-March 1st- ECU/ Amy Hobgood & Jess Stevens
-March 6th-UNC Wilmington/ Adam Hatch & Arielle Jackson
March 7th- Meredith/ Lisa Mayhew & Teacher TBA
-March 8th- UNC Chapel Hill/ Dana Vaughn & Leslie Morris
March 17th- Western/ Lindsay Graham & Tracy Holcombe
-March 27th- App State/ Adam Hatch & Erin Hatch
FLA Story- Amy Hobgood requests founding Board members to write about the inception of FLA(for website and publication).
Calendar- Amy Hobgood seeks Board preference on continuing 2 year planning for school year- no action at this time.
Fundraiser Requests- Friday, February 3rd game- White Out & Raffle to shoot and half time for Brooklyn Boone / Fundraiser Requests- Motion to approve White Out & Raffle for Brooklyn Boone- Cooke
-Second- Nolte
7:05pm / BOD / Enter Closed Session / Board moves to enter Closed Session to discuss confidential topics / -Motion- Massengill
-Second- Stinnett
7:27pm / BOD / Exit Closed Session / Board moves to exit Closed Session / -Motion- Cooke
-Second- Teal
7:28pm / BOD / Action Items / -Post for EC TA for remainder of this year, and F/T EC position for 2017-2018 year
-Brittany Wadford- 2nd grade TA
-Stephanie Arneth- Asst. MS Softball Coach
-Lindsay Graham- transition to Testing position
-Wayne Rutledge- transition to Facilities position
-Acknowledge Sarah Oliver was approved by Board through email on 1/12/17, to serve as FLA Nurse for remainder of year / -Motion to approve ALL Action items as recommended; posting of both EC positions, Brittany Wadford, Stephanie Arneth, Lindsay Graham, and Wayne Rutledge
-Motion- Cooke
7:32pm / BOD / Closed-Closed Session / Board Unanimously moves to enter Closed-Closed Session to discuss confidential staff and facilities topics / -Motion- Cooke
-Second- Massengill
8:44pm / BOD / Exit Closed-Closed / Board Unanimously moved to exit Closed-Closed Session / -Motion- Nolte
-Second- Stinnett
8:45pm / BOD / Adjournment / Board moves to adjourn meeting / -Motion- Massengill
-Second- Teal