Give a brief history of the group – when it was formed, what is its purposee.g. ‘The patient representative group at Griffins Brook Medical Centre was set up in July 2010 to understand the views of patients on the services that the Practice offered. The group reviews everything from access to the services, to local health needs, to the effect of the changes in the NHS on the practice. It is an open membership group that encourages involvement and attendance from all areas of the practice community’
Give a description of the profile and then show a breakdown of it
Details for your practice population profile should be available through your practice system. Please note if ethnicity totals do not add up to 100% then please show the remaining % in the ‘not stated’ box
Demonstrating how a Patient Reference Group is RepresentativePractice Population Profile / PRG Profile / Difference
% Under 16 18% / % Under 16 0% / 18%
% 17-24 13% / % 17-24 4% / 9%
% 25-34 15% / % 25-34 8% / 7%
% 35-44 18% / % 35-44 16% / 2%
% 45-54 13% / % 45-54 24% / +11%
% 55-64 7% / % 55-64 8% / +1%
% 65-74 8% / % 65-74 40% / +32%
% 75-84 6% / % 75-84 8% / +2%
% 85 and Over 2% / % 85 and Over 0% / 2%
White 90% / White 84% / 6%
% Irish / % Irish
Mixed 5% / Mixed 0%
% White & Black Caribbean / % White & Black Caribbean
% White & Black African / % White & Black African
% White & Asian / % White & Asian
Asian or Asian British 6% / Asian or Asian British 8% / 2%
% Indian / % Indian 4%
% Pakistani / % Pakistani 4%
% Bangladeshi / % Bangladeshi
Black or Black British 4% / Black or Black British4%
% Caribbean / % Caribbean
% African / % African
Chinese or other ethnic group 5% / Chinese or other ethnic group 0% 4% / 1%
% Chinese / % Chinese
& any other 5% / & any other 4% / 1%
Not Stated % / Not Stated %
% Male 47% / % Male 32% / 15%
% Female 53% / % Female 68% / 17%
We have promoted the Patient Panel, by advertising it on the quarterly practice newsletter. On a poster board in the practice. We have also recruited many of our younger members through the website and the virtual patient group. To increase participation / membership in the less than 44 age groups, we sent out text and emails to all these patient inviting them to sign up to either our virtual group or the patient panel.PRG FREQUENCY
How often do you hold the meetings? Dates as evidence would be really usefulApprox 4 times per year
12th April 2011
14th June 2011
26th Sept 2011
31st Jan 2012
Caroline HammondInga Bulman
Nagi Farmi
Christine Bluck
Natasha Godfrey
John Smith
Jean Smith
Virtual Patient Group
Jean Abbot
Sue James
Lesley Spence
Anna Masters
John Hine
Carol Morgan
Susan Smith
Cathy Sutcliffe
Afzal Khair
Kathleen Jones
Chris Brown
Charlotte Olver
Sarah Bessant
Sheila Allen
John Hine
Wendi Gibbs
Lisa Tierney
Salim Shafeek
Patricia Soutcott
James Stove
How did you decide which questions to include in the survey?Notes from Meeting 12th April - We reviewed the results of the MORI patient survey for 2010 and overall Griffins Brook scores above the national average. Griffins Brook scores avearge 90% and the national average is 83%.
The worst score was 81% for ‘I can see a doctor fairly quickly’. Attendees felt the appointment provision was good and praised the receptionists in the effort they go to finding you a suitable appointment. Daniel felt this should be looked into a little further, as this can impact on A&E attendances.
The new Quality and Outcomes requirements for GP Practices require a local patient survey. Daniel will send out some suggested questions for review by all members. One area agreed was around appointment availability. If there is any issue you think that should be included in the survey then please let me know.
Notes from Meeting 14thJune
Item 3) We are planning our next annual survey and to ensure that we ask the right questions, we would like to know what you think should be our key priorities when it comes to looking at the services we provide to you and others in the practice.
What do you think are the most important issues on which we should consult our patients? For example, which of the following do you think we should focus on:
We discussed the options for the questionnaire and we choose to use the MORI questions as this covered all areas and we could use it to benchmark against the national survey from the previous years.
How did you carry out the survey?The survey was posted on the website, so that our patients could complete the survey remotely. A text reminder and emails were sent to all our patients with email or mobile numbers recorded with a link to the survey. (Approx 2000 patients). We also had hard copies available in the waiting room and on reception, with Receptionaists available to assist patients in completing the questionnaire.The survey was carried out in August and September 2011. Of the completed questionnaires 55 were completed online and 53 were completed in the surgery.
patient survey - 2011.xls or go toDISCUSSION ABOUT RESULTS
Explain when and where your results were discussed (this needs to be with your PRG). Link your results to the action plan belowNotes from PPG meeting on 31st January 2012
1) Patient Survey. – Results
Group discussed the results. All agreed that overall, they were very good.
The main points discussed were;
Q11 (confidentiality around the reception area). Action – Practice to put a sign by reception stating that ‘if patients want a confidential discussion with a member of staff to let reception know so that we can arrange it.’
Q8 & Q9 (seeing your GP of choice and knowing when they are available)
Daniel Hill explained this is difficult to always facilitate. The GPs do work closely together, (they meet on a daily basis to discuss the patients and potential treatments on a daily basis. Practice to put this in the next newsletter.
Q2 (Online bookings) Practice to further encourage and assist online bookings by making the 48 hour in advance appointments (total of 10/11 appointments) released to online users 2 days or 48 hours before booking date.
Layout an action plan for your surgery based on your PRG meetings and your survey findings. Explain how you agreed the final action plan.e.g.
Action / Task / Timeline
Practice to put a sign by reception stating that ‘if patients want a confidential discussion with a member of staff to let reception know so that we can arrange it.’ / Completed Jan 2012
(seeing your GP of choice and knowing when they are available)
Daniel Hill explained this is difficult to always facilitate. The GPs do work closely together, (they meet on a daily basis to discuss the patients and potential treatments on a daily basis. / Practice to put this explanation in the next newsletter / Target Date is April 2012
(Online bookings) Practice to further encourage and assist online bookings by making the 48 hour in advance appointments (total of 10/11 appointments) released to online users 2 days or 48 hours before booking date. / Train receptionist in the process of releasing online appointments on a daily basis.. / Actioned and complete from Jan 2012. 48hour in advance appointments are made available online.
Monday: / 08:30 to 19:45Tuesday: / 08:30 to 18:00
Wednesday: / 08:30 to 12:30
Thursday: / 08:30 to 18:00
Friday: / 08:30 to 18:00
Saturday: / 09:00 to 12:00
Monday 6.30 – 7.45pm and Saturday am 9-12.ACCESS TO SERVICES
Telephone number, address, how to access services (e.g. appointment booking, emergency appointments, out-of-hoursDetails below are on the website
Address & telephone number is
119 Griffins Brook Lane
Birmingham, B30 1QN
Tel: 0121 476 2441
Appointments can be booked 24 hours a day 7 days a week online or during surgery hours by telephone.To register for online appointments please r ask at reception.
Same day Telephone Consultations
Patients wishing to book an emergency appointment for the same day should ifpossible telephone the surgery between 08:30am and 9:30am.The receptionist will ask you for a brief description of your problem and a contact number. The Doctor or Nurse Practitioner will then aim to call you back and carry out the consultation between 09:00am and 1pm. If the Doctor or Nurse Practitioner thinks it is necessary to see you in person they will arrange a time for you to come down to the Practice on the same day.
Telephone consultations will save you time by not having to visit the practice, and in the majority of cases you will be treated more quickly and conveniently than you would if you have to have an appointment in the practice.
Out of Hours
If you require medical advice or attention out of hours, you have these options;- GP Walk-in Centre, 15 Katie Road, Selly Oak, B29 6JGis open 8am to 8pm 7 days per week and will see patients from Griffins Brook Medical Centre. Tel; 0121 415-2090
- Or you can phone through to the Out of Hours Service after 8pm and before 8am, 7 days a week for 365 days of the year. The numberis 0845 113 004.
Say where the re the report can be found. Details of website. The report is available on the website and is also on the notice board in the waiting room. Copies were sent to local pharmacies.