Tusculum College Financial Aid
Professional Judgment Request
There are several situations for requesting a Professional Judgment. Below is an attempt to list the most common reasons for making such requests. Please place a check mark next to the reason you are making this request and provide documents as shown. Complete the area at the bottom of this page and complete the information on the reverse side of this form. Submit this form and the documentation required.
- ___ Loss ofJob
- Date of loss of job – Documentation from the prior company.
- Complete the reverse side and submit copies of the prior year W-2 and Tax Return Form1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ for the student and spouse (independent), or for the filing parent(s) (dependent).
- ___ Disability of a parent or spouse
- Letter from a doctor documenting the disability.
- Complete the reverse side and submit copies of the prior year W-2 and Tax Return Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ for student and spouse (independent), or the filing parent(s) (dependent).
c.___ Loss of untaxed benefit
- Notification from the agency administering the benefits giving the date benefits began, the monthly amount, and the date the benefits will end or change.
- Complete the reverse side and submit copies of the prior year W-2 and Tax Return Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ for student and spouse (independent), or the filing parent(s) (dependent).
d. ___ Divorce
- Copy of the divorce decree.
- Complete the reverse side and submit copies of the prior year W-2 and Tax Return Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ for the student (independent), or for the filing parent (dependent).
- ___ Separation
- Copy of the legal separation agreement or a letter from a third party providing documentation, preferably from a lawyer, pastor, or some other professional. If none available, submit letters from at least two family members, other than the student or spouse.
- Complete the reverse side and submit copies of the prior year W-2 and Tax Return Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ for the student (independent) or for the filing parent (dependent).
- ___ Death of a parent or spouse
- Copy of the death certificate or an obituary. (Make sure the student’s name is listed).
- Complete the reverse side and submit copies of the prior year W-2 and Tax Return Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ for student (independent), or the filing parent (dependent).
Please use the area below to write a brief explanation describing your situation.