DSD E-list announcement
Date: November 2, 2012
To: All interested parties
From: Jeanine Wilson, Home Care and Case Management Supervisor, Disability Services Division
Subject: Host county concurrence change to host county notification
Effective Date: Immediately
Purpose of E-Mail: Clarify the change from host county concurrence to host county notification
Contact Person: Jeanine Wilson,
There were changes made during the 2012 legislative session to the role of a host county (i.e., county of service) when an individual receiving home and community based services (HCBS) waiver or ICF/DD services moves to that county. These changes were effective on Aug. 1, 2012 and were authorized in the 2012 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 216, Article 11, Section 33.
The changes include:
· A change to the statute that required host county concurrence for individuals receiving services through the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver or ICF/DD to a requirement for host county notification
· The expansion of the requirement for host county notification to include individuals receiving services through the CAC, CADI and BI waivers
1. The county of financial responsibility must notify the proposed host county when an individual is considering moving to that county.
2. The host county must, in turn, notify the county of financial responsibility if there are any concerns about the chosen provider’s ability to provide support to the individual.
DSD is working with lead agencies and providers to develop tools and recommended processes for lead agencies to provide the necessary notifications. More information will be coming as the process is developed.