Barr Community Council
Thursday 08thSeptember2016 @ 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Mr Hamish Denham (HD) Chair, Mr Tom Copeland (TC), Mrs Isabel Kay (IK) Treasurer, Mr John Donaldson (JD), Mr Alexander Tait (AT), Mrs Jacqueline Logan (JL) Secretary,
In Attendance: Cllr. Alec Oattes (AO), A Cuthill and B Graham (Police Scotland), Dee Laver (BPDC), Douglas Blair (DB)
Item / Minute / Action1 / Sederunt: as above.
2 / Declaration of Interest: None
3 / Apologies: Mrs Merlin Corbett (MC) Vice Chair, Mr Matthew Cross (MCr) Planning Contact, Mr Mark Smith (MS), Bryan Jamieson (BJ) SAC Link Officer
4 / Police Report: - Four incidents and one recorded crime where a drink driver was detected. JL raised that a few residents are concerned with the speed of some vehicles in the village. Where 30mph may be appropriate for cars it is too high for delivery vans and lorries so can we push for a 20mph limit. Police said that SAC/ARA would be the ones to change speed limit if there was enough evidence of speeding or dangerous driving to support the change. BCC need to contact SAC and ARA regarding speed limit. AO informed all that Kevin Braidwood ARA will be meeting with Police to move things forward. HD suggested that a flashing light to show a vehicles speed might prove effective in slowing people down and has worked for other rural villages. Police left the meeting 7:10pm.
5a / Minutes of the previous meeting:
Minutes of 11th August 2016 were accepted as accurate. Proposed by JD, seconded by AT.
5b / Minutes of meeting of sub committee:
None. See Item 7.
6 / Matters Arising:
11th August 2016:
Item 8: Barr Trails signage. Rachel Shipley (SAC) and Lindy Renwick (FCS) to attend BCC meeting 13th October 2016 to discuss.
Item 9(i): JD contacted the Scottish Ambulance Service about how to source a defibrillator. JD was given a contact, but had no reply. HD received a special offer which he will forward to JD. JD also contacted Colmonell who gave him British Heart Foundation information. AO to speak to Dawn Parker SAC.
Item 10(c): JL obtained a list of clubs and contacts from Maggie Bunnett (BCA).
Item 10(l): HD invited Barr Stores Steering Group Directors to BCC meeting 8th September 2016. The Chairperson of BSSG declined the invitation stating that BSSG felt it would not be appropriate. BSSG asked that any BCC member who wishes to become a director of the shop please contact them directly.
Item 10(m): No update on tree planting by the school.
Item 13: Grate at Dalquhairn and pot holes. IK phoned ARA to ask when pot holes would be fixed. IK phoned another couple of times as she had no reply. IK informed David McLaughlin (DMc) 13 June 2016 of pot holes and broken grate (work to commence 08 August 2016). DMc phoned back to confirm above and sent Derek round - grate nothing to do with him, but will send team to do potholes, which are now fixed. IK thinks they may have replaced the wrong grate and will contact DMc to let him know.
The cherry tree on the Gregg, roots have still to be removed - AT said the SAC digger is out of action.
Broken wall on road bridge has now been knocked off possibly by a low loader, ARA are aware.
Saplings on bridge at Alton Albany Lodge still to be done, Owens have been instructed. / HD
7 / Regular Reports:
Treasurers Report:
IK reported that to date there was £14,526.17 in the bank with one cheque outstanding for Barr Sheepdog Trials. £5000 annual funding from HH awaited - HD to ask MC to scan Constitution to enable changes to be made so that a signed copy can be sent to HH. BJ via JL: SAC query re-overpayment of £240 by BCC for audit. IK has receipt for £30. JL to take up with SAC - now resolved.
HHCBF:HD attended meeting. There were three funding applications. Wind up of company in current form is ongoing. Adverts for advisory panel members will be published in November and each CC will be able to choose three members from applicants.
CF: None
CCCF: Role of CCCF agreed at Forum August 2015. Meetings to be a reduced six per year unless exceptional/urgent issues arise. Agenda should be modified to include an item on “Community Issues”. CCCF should concentrate more on Carrick-wide and strategic issues. CCCF should deal with issues which individual CC’s lack the clout to deal with. Possible CCCF initiatives include Locality planning groups etc; liaising with Scottish Rural Parliament and Scottish Rural Network initiatives; Facilitating training for community representatives. Date of next meeting 13th September 2016.
BPDC: Dee Laver reported back on the trip to Hawick with MC and JL to see an example of a community hub in action. A lot of good advice and pointers were given plus an offer of continued help should the BPDC proceed with a community hub in the future. Thank you Dee.
Barr Bikes are proving to be a great success and training is going well. Bike shed in situation and trailer has been acquired - mounting for trailer next to the shed awaited.
MUGA - potential of long term costs for maintenance/insurance is being looked at and possibility of asking BCC to do. AO pointed out the equipment was low maintenance and HD said it was low through-put. AT added that the equipment is guaranteed for 15yrs and that existing play park insurance is covered by SAC. SAC have a duty to put out to tender for three quotes if they are to purchase MUGA and equipment. HD suggested that AT, AO and Lesley meet, AO to liaise with Lesley to meet next Thursday. / HD/MC
8 / Correspondence:
8(a) / SAC Licensing link to panel papers for information. JL e-mailed to all CCs. Meeting cancelled.
8(b) / Barr Trails & tracks. Distress caused by contractors and other incidents to be discussed when FCS when they attend BCC meeting 13 October 2016. Contractors & FCS to repair track from Lockston Cottage bridge up to Stable Cottage.
8(c) / Bryan Jamieson SAC Link officer re-overpayment by BCC for audit fees. JL brought to meeting, see Treasurers Report. IK, Treasurer made correct payment of £30.00. Error from bank to SAC now corrected.
8(d) / FCS sale of Dinmurchie buildings and land. Jim Seaton FCS confirmed receipt of BPDC note of interest re-land. As the revised Land Fund guidelines will not be available until early 2017, FCS will retain BPDCs note of interest until then.
8(e) / Ongoing correspondence between BCC and SAC re-MUGA. Ongoing
8(f) / Tralorg meeting 22 September 2016 at 7pm at the Woodland Bay Hotel. MC and HD to attend for BCC. / MC/HD
8(g) / Update on Assel Valley for information.
8(h) / SAC Blue Book Review Group meeting 10 October 2016. HD asked if any CC wished to attend.
8(i) / SAC Review of Local Development Plan. SAC intend to hold round table discussion involving CCs plus open community consultation in October and November.
9 / Funding Applications:
Barr Primary Parent Council - Interactive equipment for classroom costing £3300.80. Request for £500 (HH)and £500(CF) total £1000 - majority Agreed
Willie Seaton request for benches for visitors especially at Milton Bridge. IK to ask BCA for costings - On Hold
Barr Community Association, Maggie Bunnett. Request £500 towards cost of fireworks - Agreed / IK
10 / Open Forum:
Please note the Open Forum was held after the Police report.
Following E-mails between Dougie Blair, AO and ARA plus AO chasing Stewart Turner, Head of Roads ARA, five representatives walked the entire stretch of the B734 in question and back today looking at areas of improvement required. There is no quick fix. A report with estimated costs would be required to get cash from the Timber Fund. DB reiterated that the problems exist now and some money needs to be spent. DB asked why re-instatement of passing places with hard core could not be undertaken with immediate effect, stressing that existing passing places had been destroyed by the contractors. Scottish Woodland having instructed contractors to park in the passing places should be responsible for fixing the damage and re-instating passing places. A further concern is that log lorries have been coming out at 11pm when people can’t see to reverse safely to a place where the lorries can pass. AO has tried to make the points to ARA. The five representatives today are going to compile a report and try to get some funds. DB said that the 1st phase should be an immediate temporary fix; 2nd phase in the short term, remedial works to be done; 3rd phase to finalise road repairs for the long term. AO copied in Joan Freeman and will speak to her tomorrow. DB suggested notarising objection, AO suggested chasing up Stewart Turner on Monday. AO further suggested that DB could take the case to the Scottish Parliament. DB asked if someone could ask the owner at Alton Albany to cut down the hedge at Alton Albany, AO to chase up.
DB left the meeting. / AO
11 / AOCB:
FCS dealing with Alan Gray moving his stuff and speeding reported.
JD reported that the bin next to the bus stop keeps being moved next to the bike rack which impedes the use of the bike rack. JD is willing to put a notice on the bin - all agreed.
AT asked AO to inform authority that the bin in the play park needs to be emptied regularly. Wooden foot bridge over the Gregg has still not been resurfaced with none slip paint - AO to chase. Also open spaces are not being cut enough and as a conservation village care of open spaces should be well maintained - AO to raise with Fiona Ross SAC.
HD received e-mail from Bryan Jamieson re- play park sign not being a problem. HD to pass on to AT. / JD
12 / Arrangements for next meeting: To be held on Thursday 13th October 2016, 7pm in the Village Hall. Agenda to follow. / HD
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8:50pm.