OSS CEONotes Pakistan Treaty with Waziristan Means Loss of the War on Terror, Increased Risk for all Western Interests

Washington, D.C., October 04/PRNEWSWIRE/ -- Robert Steele, CEO of OSS.Net, Inc., has posted a one-page information paper on the Pakistani treaty creating The Islamic Emirate of Waziristan as a safehaven for the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

“I have great respect for the individuals that put together this one-page summary ( of how the withdrawal of all Pakistani forces from Waziristan, and the declaration of the autonomous Emirate may be a major defeat in the war on terrorism.

“According to my open sources, the President of Afghanistan actively uses hashish, and his brother is the leading drug dealer in Afghanistan. My sources also say the President of Pakistan and his senior officers are the primary profiteers and protectors of the processing facilities that convert Afghan opium into Number Four Heroin and the primary distributors of heroin for the entire planet from China to Chicago.

“The Bush-Cheney regime is not just in a state of denial, they are in active complicity with forty-four dictators, with criminal organizations that rely on Wall Street to launder drug money, and they are indirectly inspiring those who seek to kill Americans. More Americans have died since 9/11 than were murdered on 9/11, and we have in addition 65,000 amputees and a half trillion dollar war we cannot win.

“America has no strategy, no moral standing, no coherent policy process, and no political leadership, either Republican or Democratic, that can help us achieve national security and prosperity. Literally everything this Administration is doing is digging us deeper into debt, death, and dishonor.

“In my view, we cannot wait until 2008. The time to demand the resignations of the President, Vice President, and their principal Cabinet officers, has come. The November 2007 elections should be focused strictly on electing individuals committed to restoring Congress as the first branch of government, not slaves to the party line.

“John McCain, first replacing Dick Cheney and then assuming the Presidency, is a necessary and urgently needed alternative. If he then appoints Gary Hart as Vice President and a Coalition Cabinet committed to electoral reform in time for 2008, my faith in the Republic will be restored.

See also Steele is the #1 Amazon reviewer of non-fiction books and serious DVDs.


-0- 10/04/2006 /CONTACT: Robert Steele, 703.242.1701