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EU local and regional authorities contributing to the

Mid-term review of Europe 2020

Assessment of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion flagship initiative

Over two years after its launch, the Committee of the Regions will take stock of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion flagship initiative at a conference to be held on 29May 2013 in Brussels. This conference will be the fourth in a series of CoR events and monitoring initiatives surrounding the mid-term review of Europe 2020 in 2014. More news on this conference can be found on the CoR website[1].

By participating in this survey, you will:

-  ensure that your views are taken into account in the debate held during the conference;

-  contribute to the fourth CoR Monitoring Report on Europe 2020, to be published in October 2013;

-  contribute to the CoR's consultative activity in this field over the coming months;

-  contribute to the mid-term review of Europe 2020 in 2014.

If you wish to participate in this survey, Please complete this questionnaire in any eu language, using the spaces provided, and return it in text format to:

by 22 April 2013

For more information on this survey and for details on how to join the

Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform, go to:


The questionnaire is available on this website in all official languages of the EU

Contributor information[2]

Name of sender: / Nataša Hlaban
Contact details:
(address, telephone, email) / Magistratska 1, 49000 Krapina, Croatia, +385 49 329 221,
On behalf of:
(name of local or regional authority) / KRAPINA-ZAGORJE COUNTY
Type of organisation / City/Town/Municipality Region
Association of local and/or regional authorities
Other (please specify)
Country: / Croatia
Member of the EUROPE 2020 Monitoring Platform: / Yes No

Policy challenges and responses at regional and local level

BOX 1 – European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: basic information
This is the first time ever that the objective of reducing poverty has been identified as a quantitative target under an EU strategy. The aim of the Europe 2020 flagship initiative, the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, is "to ensure economic, social and territorial cohesion in order to raise awareness and recognise the fundamental rights of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion, enabling them to live in dignity and take an active part in society" [3]. In particular, it outlines actions to help Member States reach the EU target of reducing poverty and social exclusion by at least 20 million by the year 2020[4].
Although the average at-risk-of-poverty-and-social-exclusion rate in the EU has remained relatively stable in recent years, it varies significantly among different age groups and between the Member States. It has significantly increased in a number of countries over the last three to four years[5]: while the rate is under 20% in certain Member States such as Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg, it recently increased to 47% in Bulgaria, 40% in Latvia and 31% in Greece (2011). Furthermore, considerable differences exist between different regions in the Member States[6].
Today, the inhabitants of around one fifth of the EU's regions are particularly exposed to risks of poverty and social exclusion.
The European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion feeds into the Europe 2020 objective of inclusive growth along with the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs flagship initiative. It will also help to achieve the other objectives of smart growth (alongside the Youth on the Move flagship initiative). In particular, it contributes to the objective of achieving the Europe 2020 headline target to lift at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty and social exclusion.
The main objectives and lines of action of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion are highlighted in Box 2 below.
EU regional and local governments are responsible for about one fifth of total government expenditure for social protection and services and therefore play an important role in helping to achieve the objectives of the flagship initiative[7].
You can find more information on the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, as seen from the local and regional authorities' viewpoint, on the European Commission's Europe 2020 portal[8] and in the Committee of the Regions' publication Delivering on the Europe 2020 Strategy. Handbook for Local and Regional Authorities[9]. General information on Europe 2020 can be found on the strategy's official website[10] and on the website of DG Employment.[11].
1) What are the main challenges currently facing your region/city in terms of (i) preventing child poverty (ii) providing decent housing conditions and (iii) combating the social exclusion of vulnerable groups?
Economic crisis has resulted in significant increase in the number of unemployed, but in solving it the regions have limited impact . Child poverty is directly linked to disadvantage that many families face, as well as housing conditions and social exclusion. Social service market is still undeveloped and demand for various services is still growing. Among the factors that increase the risk of social exclusion, many of them are present in our region – loss of employment, living in rural areas, poor access to public transport and other significant challenges are related to ageing of population, substantial number of single person households, above average number of unemployed persons with disabilities. According to the census of 2011., there are 132.892 inhabitants in Krapina-Zagorje County, of which 17,6 percent are people aged over 65 and 18,8 percent are people aged between 15 and 29 and there are even 15,7 percent persons with disabilities. They are determined as vulnerable groups which is the reason of programming various projects with them as a target groups.
2) Please briefly describe what type of policy programmes/actions are being implemented in your city/region in the policy areas covered by the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, highlighting their specific contribution to the above targets (see Box 1).
There are several policy programmes and actions - Social and health measures of Krapina-Zagorje County, Plan for Health of Krapina-Zagorje County, Development Strategy of Krapina – Zagorje County, regular updating of Social indicators at regional level, Strategy for social inclusion of persons with disabilities; Action plan for employment of persons with disabilities and Human Resources Strategy - comprises various programmes and measures to beat child poverty, to raise the active inclusion in society and especially on the labour market. It must be mentioned that many programmes are run by municipalities and various organizations, according to their competence and area of operation. Goals and measures stated in county short and medium-term documents are partly implemented through EU funds and programmes (such is IPA IV, PROGRESS etc.).
3) Are any of the policy programmes/actions described in the above question carried out in partnership with different tiers of government and/or with other stakeholders (regional or local NGOs, representatives of the social partners, the business sector or service providers). If yes, please state (a) the administrative levels involved (b) the practical arrangements taken to manage such joint action (c) who the main partners were and (d) how you worked with them (work organisation and time).
Cooperation of all stakeholders (NGOs, representatives of social partners, business sector, local authorities) is very intensive and most of the projects are carried out as joint activities. In all the programmes mentioned above, working groups or coordinations have been established, plans and strategies have been agreed, particular project have been applied to various calls for proposals and the approved ones have been carried out in partnership.
For example, development of Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities was coordinated by Croatian Employment Service – Regional Office, and it was established by the
a)  Working group made up of representatives of local and regional authorities, social services, NGOs, educational institutions, business sector and development agency
b)  The result was the Action Plan approved by all stakeholders
c)  The main partners were the same as the members of the working group
d)  After the setting up of working group, methodology, communication and timetable was set; analysis were carried out, priorities and activities were determined, the plan – along with the financial framework was approved, and project ideas were implemented within the project databases – and it was completed during October, November and December 2010. Some of the projects were later implemented as EU co-funded projects.
4) Ensuring effective access to and participation in cultural activities for all is an essential part of promoting an inclusive society. In what way can participation in cultural and creative activities be instrumental for helping people and communities overcome poverty and social exclusion? Please refer to specific examples and existing initiatives.
Krapina-Zagorje County supports cultural programmes and associations dealing with and engaged in various forms of culture. Traditionally, there are many associations in almost all parts of the county, including rural ones, that bring citizens together in order to foster customs and socializing. In its annual budget the county also provides funds for cultural activities of other organizations, such as youth and children. It supports their regular programmes and particular projects that are co-funded from other sources, including European Union’s. Participation and cultural and / or creative activities build numerous basic skills, encourages to collect a certain knowledge, stimulates exploration, encourages self-confidence and willingness to take risks, builds motivation and develops spirit. All these ensure social inclusion, but nowadays it cannot overcome poverty so much.

How is the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion relevant to your city or region?

BOX 2 - European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: main objectives and actions
The specific objectives of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion are[12] [13]:
·  to support the eradication of child poverty. Over 20 million children are at risk of poverty in Europe today. This risk rises to 25% for children who live in large families and is over 30% in the case of children who live in single parent families;
·  to promote the active inclusion in society and on the labour market of the most vulnerable groups since unemployment is the principal cause of poverty among the working-age population. The risk of poverty for the unemployed is more than five times greater than in the case of people in employment;
·  to provide decent housing for everyone. Homelessness and housing exclusion represent one of the most extreme forms of poverty and have increased in recent years. Fuel poverty, which risks depriving households not only of heating or air conditioning but also hot water, light and other essential domestic necessities, is another example of severe deprivation;
·  to overcome discrimination and increase the social integration of people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, immigrants and other vulnerable groups. For example, older people face a higher risk of poverty compared to the overall population; moreover, in some countries older people are at particular risk of material deprivation;
·  to tackle financial exclusion and over-indebtedness which arise from a lack of access to basic banking services, a situation which has been aggravated by the recent crisis. It can also be an obstacle to finding a job and thus lead to persistent marginalisation and poverty;
·  to promote the integration of Roma. Certain ethnic minorities, of whom Roma are the largest group, and migrant people in general, are disproportionately affected by multiple deprivation.
The specific actions and tools at EU level are structured as follows[14] [15]:
·  improved access to work, social security, essential services (healthcare, housing, etc.) and education;
·  better use of EU funds to support social inclusion and combat discrimination;
·  social innovation to identify smart solutions in post-crisis Europe, especially in terms of more effective and efficient social support;
·  new partnerships such as those between the public and the private sector;
·  enhanced policy coordination among the Member States;
·  provision of food to the most deprived people, as well as clothing and other essential goods to homeless people and materially-deprived children[16].
5) Which of the objectives and lines of action of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion (listed in Box 2) are most relevant for the current situation in your region/city? To what extent have they encouraged you to set more ambitious policy goals at regional/local level? Please explain your answer.
Most relevant objectives for the current situation in Krapina-Zagorje County is to promote the active inclusion in society and on the labour market of the most vulnerable groups, to overcome discrimination and increase the social integration of vulnerable groups. Policy goals at regional level - and they are actually not legislative in character, given that state system is centralised - include project database that includes a number of joint projects.
For example, after the Study on the situation and needs of persons with disabilities on the labour market had been prepared, followed by Action plan for employment of persons with disabilities, several projects were approved and co-financed within Instrument for Pre-Accession (e.g. grant scheme Fostering Effective Inclusion of the Persons with Disabilities into the Labour Market).

BOX 3 – Social Investment Package[17] [18]:

The Social Investment Package (SIP) aims to give guidance to Member States on more efficient and effective social policies in response to the significant challenges they currently face such as financial distress, increasing poverty and social exclusion,unemployment, especially among young people. These are combined with the challenge of ageing societies and smaller working age populations, which test the sustainability and adequacy of national social systems.

The Social Investment Package includes a Commission recommendation against child poverty, calling for an integrated approach to child-friendly social investment. Investing in children and young people is especially effective in breaking intergenerational cycles of poverty and social exclusion and improving people's opportunities later in life.

The Social Investment Package is an integrated policy framework which takes account of the social, economic and budgetary divergences between Member States. It focuses on: