NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the general public and to all of the Board of Directors of Associated Students of CSU Channel Islands, Inc., a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, that:

A meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 7:40 a.m., pursuant to Education Code Section 89921 et seq., at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room, located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:

1)  Call to Order: 7:45am pena, Monique, Chelsea, cindy W., Missy, Sara, Taylor, Ben, Genesis, Tiney, Nsomah, Zach, Toni, Cindy W., Morgan, Alex

2)  Approval of Minutes: motioning to approve the minutes by Sara , second by Zach. All in favor

3)  Public Forum: Genesis introduced Ben to the Board. His first day was yesterday. Welcome him to ASI.

4)  Financial Report: published and bound financials were given out. Any questions on the financials they can ask Missy. They’re preparing the monthly financial statement and will have that next meeting. This is good information for people to read.

5)  Outstanding Business: no

6)  Entity Reports: The entity reports were provided and everybody turned them in except the Nautical. Pena reminds people to use the DS distribution list to promote events. Sara is part of the committee and they want an ASI presence to be there. Pena agrees and feels that it’s a great venue with a lot of people in attendance.

7)  Community Report: no

8)  New Business:

a.  ASI Board Picture; Sara motions to take a photo, second by Zach. All in favor. Motion passes.

b.  ASI Board of Director Interview Mr. Taylor Farner- Alex was asked to step out while Taylor is interviewed. What interests him to the board? Became managing editor of CI View and he believes that it’s important for him to be part of the Board to know what is going on in ASI. Strengths to the Board? Would be able to strongly reflect the opinions of the students. He would like to improve the opinions of the students and share those. Sara: a balance of representing ASI and the general students. What else are you involved with? He knows people from different clubs: art, Japanimation, red cross etc. He gets to see both sides of the coin. Pena: congratulations on the paper. Decision making process. A decision you had to make to really challenge you? The first issue coming out was at a crossroads. The paper came out early and not enough content. They find a balance in the middle of making a decision. They know are able to push people to include content.

c.  ASI Board of Director Interview Mr. Alex Yepez: Alex: expand from his original positions in SSS and orientation leader. Strengths: experience in committees, a high sense of integrity. Challenged with going beyond his own personal bias and what is best for CI and the students. Sara: what different student populations? TRIO, an area he is very passionate about. He interacts with new students as an OL. Pena: talk about a difficult decision that he has encountered? He wants on a search and screen and he knew a candidate personally and he thought about being part of the committee or not, especially with his personal bias. Monique: what else are you involved in? EOP club, representing TRIO, helping with sexual assault awareness and outreach.

d.  Discussion: Cindy W.- Alex brings something we are lacking in the Board. We have two open positions for a semester. Pena: why is this? Nsomah- Connor was elected a two year and since Kristina was promised a spot after Panetta he took the same opportunity. Pena: would this be talked about in the restructuring? Yes, they will be and will be included today. Motion by Sara and second by Chelsea to approve both. All in favor. Christine- will be setting up a meeting with the new board members.

e.  BASC Update: Chelsea Vinas- discussed procedures and send to the committee the changes. We will vote on it at the board. The changes is taking out clubs and instead it’s organizations. They added the priority funding section. They are not in any particular order but it was added. Cindy: why are we adding this clause? Tiney: this isn’t for people that are asking for. This is the historical model we have done, we just want to add it. This would also be in the case if we get hit financially, we wouldn’t be able to fund other programs. Pena: would like to amend the “is pleased” to just provides since this is what ASI does and is here for. Motion to approve the procedures by Monique, second by Missy. Motion passes

f.  ACTION ITEM: BASC Procedures

g.  Base Budgeting 15/16- Missy: what we have done for the last 12 years we have received budget requests. The entities have always requested full budgets. We should put into place a base budget. Start with the original money and ask for changes or an increase. Instead of asking for a million, they would just ask for 500,000. Move forward with the base budget in 16-17. 15-16 they can ask for their base budget. This will only be for the entities and operations. Any student organizations or departments need to come with a full request since their not part of the priority funding.

i.  Discussion: Zach: in the event that the budget stays the same then a presentation will not be necessary. Damien: 5 programs in student life that ask for money and would this change their procedure? Missy: this is something the board can decide? Monique: SPB changes events all year, how will this work? Missy: we are talking about completely different functions and drastic changes. TIney: Annual report they go over this and this can be talked about. Missy: you have to report and be transparent with the way we spend our money. Cindy W.: she has concerns about doing a base budget for student organizations. IT could be difficult for new organizations requesting money. Her preference is to have operations and entities only. Missy: clarified that student organizations is not for base budget possibilities. Sara: will the base budget lock entities to certain things like CSSA, printing etc. They will have to come to the BASC and tell them the changes. Does Student Life ask for the same thing? Missy: SL has the availability to get money from other forms, ASI cannot. Cindy W: we are in the 8% increase in year. It’s difficult since some budgets are tied to the amount of students. Base budgets of the priorities is good but not SL and student organizations. Pena: would request that the SL request every year for ASI funding. This is also for student organizations, this helps to empower them, growth for understanding of what it is to ask for student money. Missy: base budgets for entities and operations. We can decide the percentage of money we want to give to student orgz. We don’t want operations and entities to take all the money in base budgeting. Tiney: we are doing this with the student orgs to encourage them to use their money and create their new budget. Missy- they’re asking all entities to do this. Missy: hard to percentage on the campus side with new programs, new laws etc. When you are requesting a budget they have to request that on priority. Sara: will this be writing out or how is this moving forward? Tiney: a memo can be drafted and can be included to the BASC procedures. Missy: 15-16 can be when the base budget is created and then 16-17 can be in implementation. Motion to move to base budget 15-16 to implement in 16-17 by Zach, second by Chelsea. Cindy W. prefers to table a vote until we can talk about it and have something in writing. Wants to be more careful with what we vote. Chelsea: we don’t have to vote on it today. Morgan: she is confused about the priority funding since it’s different from the procedures and what was talked about. Tiney: we have a whole year to figure this out. Zach you didn’t do anything wrong. Zach: retracted his motion. Discussion closed.

9)  Adjournment:8:47am

Next ASI Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 16, 2014 at 7:40 a.m. in the Student Union Conference Room.

Agenda respectfully submitted by Diana Ballesteros.