Bylaws of the Chi Chapter of the Theta Xi Fraternity
at The Ohio State University
Ratified on February 21, 2016 in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Theta Xi Fraternity
We, the brothers of the Chi Chapter of the Theta Xi Fraternity at The Ohio State University, believing that the bonds of friendship and sacred brotherhood may be augmented and strengthened through doing so, hereby adopt the following bylaws to serve as the guiding standards of our Chapter. Adherence to these bylaws, coupled with our stated principles of academic excellence, personal growth, and disavowal of hazing, shall contribute to our development as a Chapter and as true gentlemen.
Article I: President
By Ryan Kalkstein, Est. 2016
- Rights and Responsibilities of the President
- Rights
- The president shall serve as chairman of the Executive Board.
- The president shall preside over all meetings of the chapter.
- The president shall serve as the chapter’s primary representative in all fraternity, university, and community affairs.
- The president shall establish and appoint any regular and special committees that have not otherwise been accounted for in accordance with the bylaws.
- Responsibilities
- The president shall be responsible for the efficient operation of the chapter.
- The president shall register and convene all meetings of the chapter, both regular and special.
- The president shall convene full chapter meetings on a weekly basis, unless otherwise agreed upon by the president and vice president.
- The president shall convene meetings of the Executive Board on a weekly basis, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Executive Board.
- The president shall convene meetings of the chapter officers on a monthly basis, at his discretion.
- The president shall ensure that all meetings are run in an efficient manner.
- The president shall be the senior representative of the chapter’s delegation to Theta Xi National Headquarters, IFC, SFL, The Ohio State University, and any other outside groups.
- The president shall keep strict oversight of the general affairs of the chapter.
- Requirements
- A brother may run for the office of president if he has had at least one semester as an active brother within the house. (Effective January 1, 2017)
- A brother may run for the office of president if he has had at least two semesters as an active brother within the house. (Effective January 1, 2018)
Article II: Vice President
By Adam Pohlabel, Est. 2016
- Rights and Responsibilities of the Vice President
- Rights
1.The vice president has a seat reserved on the Executive Board.
2.The vice president shall serve as chairman of the Judicial Board.
3.The vice president shall function as president pro tempore during the president’s absence.
- Responsibilities
1.The vice president shall oversee all committees.
2.The vice president shall ensure that all committees have access to the chapter resources necessary to fulfill their obligations and that they are proceeding with their work in accordance with chapter needs.
3.The vice president shall keep minutes of all regular chapter meetings.
- The vice president shall record those minutes in an online archive accessible by the chapter.
4.The vice president shall run chapter and attend meetings in the president’s stead as needed.
5.The vice president shall work with the secretary to ensure that the chapter achieves all of the university-required Standards of Excellence.
6.The vice president shall ensure that he is personally accessible to each brother to discuss chapter business within a reasonable timeframe.
II. Committee Oversight
- Post-Election
- The vice president shall arrange meetings between outgoing and incoming committee heads to aid in transition if possible.
- The vice president shall meet with each committee head within a reasonable timeframe following their election to discuss their plans.
- Ongoing
- The vice president shall arrange regular meetings with all committee heads as needed to discuss committee business.
- The vice president shall be able to report committee business to the Executive Board.
Article III: Treasurer
By Patrick Garrido, Est. 2016
- Rights and Responsibilities of the Treasurer
- Rights
1.The treasurer has a seat reserved on the Executive Board.
2.The treasurer shall serve as a substitute Judicial Board member in accordance with the procedure illustrated in the Judicial Board article of the Bylaws.
3.The treasurer shall serve as chairman of the treasury committee.
4.The treasurer shall have access to all chapter financial records.
5.The treasurer shall supervise all spending of chapter funds.
6.The treasurer shall have access to the chapter’s bank card and online money-transfer accounts.
- Responsibilities
1.The treasurer shall keep accurate records of chapter finances.
2.The treasurer shall work with committee heads to establish a semester budget.
3.The treasurer shall be responsible for collection of chapter dues.
4.The treasurer shall pay any fees required by the chapter by outside groups, including but not limited to: IFC, Headquarters, and the university.
5.The treasurer shall ensure that all chapter financial responsibilities are met.
II. Purchases
- All purchases on behalf of the chapter must be approved by the treasurer
- Only the president and treasurer have the authority to make purchases on the house card.
1.The president and treasurer may allow a brother to make a purchase with the house card, provided it is approved beforehand.
- Purchases made with a brother’s personal funds shall be reimbursed if approved by the treasurer.
- All receipts from purchases must be turned into the treasurer.
1.If receipts are not turned into the treasurer, the purchase may not be reimbursed.
- All purchases made for events must fall within that event’s budget unless otherwise authorized by the treasurer.
- Any purchases over $150 must be approved by the Executive Board.
- Records
- The treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all chapter finances.
- The records shall be accessible only to the treasurer, the Executive Board, and the treasury committee, at the discretion of the treasurer.
- The treasurer shall meet monthly with the president to audit the chapter’s finances.
- The treasurer shall ensure that all records are maintained through necessary programs such as OmegaFi.
- Budgeting
- The treasurer will meet with each committee head near the end of each semester to allocate the budget for next semester.
- Any later changes to this budget must be approved by the Executive Board.
- Dues
- All active brothers and associate members are required to pay their dues on a semester basis
- All dues must be paid directly to the treasurer.
- The treasurer may enlist the aid of the treasury committee in collecting dues.
- Brothers shall select one of 5 payment plans for their dues, at the discretion of the treasurer:
- An up-front plan
- A 50/50 plan
- A weekly plan
- A monthly plan
- An individualized plan for financially stressed brothers, to be approved by the treasurer
- Brothers who are late for one payment shall be placed on social probation for one event, at the discretion of the Judicial Board.
- In the event of a brother missing multiple payments, financial suspension proceedings shall be initiated, at the discretion of the Judicial Board.
- Treasury Committee
- Composition
- The treasury committee shall consist of two to four non-Executive Board members.
- The treasurer shall have authority to determine the exact number of treasury committee members.
- These members shall be appointed by the treasurer.
- The president and vice president may sit-in on treasury committee meetings, but do not have voting rights.
- Duties
1.Meeting weekly to discuss the chapter’s finances.
2.Issuing invoices and reimbursements as needed.
3.Collecting dues and other payments from brothers.
4.Issuing weekly financial statements to the chapter.
5.Addressing any financial delinquencies.
- Members of treasury committee shall not serve as members of the Judicial Board when the Judicial Board is undertaking a financial-related hearing.
Article IV: Recruitment Chairman
By Joshua Froats, Est. 2016
I. Rights and Responsibilities of the Recruitment Chairman
- Rights
1.The recruitment chairman has a seat reserved on the Executive Board.
2.The recruitment chairman shall serve as a committee head as needed.
- Responsibilities
1.The recruitment chairman shall plan the Rush Week schedule and submit budget allocations to the treasurer for approval and dispersal of funds.
2.The recruitment chairman shall track all potential new members with the criteria illustrated below.
3.The recruitment chairman shall lead each recruitment event unless delegated to another member.
4.The recruitment chairman shall ensure that the chapter is responsibly and effectively recruiting, and that the chapter is following all fraternity and university recruitment policies.
5.The recruitment chairman shall be a readily-available resource for any brother in need of recruitment help.
II. Rush Week
- The fall and spring recruitment seasons at Ohio State comply with the guidelines set by both IFC and the university. The university outlines specific rules that apply to both recruitment seasons and must be adhered to:
- Fall and spring recruitment are informal rush seasons for fraternities. Each house is responsible for planning, promoting, funding, and hosting their own recruitment events to take place upon their own schedule.
- Females are strictly prohibited from attending fraternity recruitment events.
- Alcohol is strictly prohibited at fraternity recruitment events.
- Recruitment events are planned using allotted house funds, and should provide a fun and engaging atmosphere for potential new members.
- The typical Ohio State recruitment week begins on the first Monday after the start of semester classes.
- Five recruitment events take place throughout the week, one event on each weekday.
- It is the recruitment chairman’s responsibility to plan and budget each recruitment event.
- It shall be the responsibility of all active brothers to bring potential new members to recruitment events and be the primary contact for those recruits.
III. Bid Voting and Distribution
- At the end of Rush Week, brother are required to gather and vote on bids. A bid is a formalized non-binding invitation to join the fraternity as an Associate Member
- Upon acceptance of a bid and becoming a pinned Associate Member, Associate Members agree to the following:
- The brotherhood may, at any time, vote to remove any Associate Member.
- The Associate Member may not rush or join any other fraternity during the semester that they accept a bid.
- To be eligible for a formal bid, the university requires that the potential new member have, a 2.5 G.P.A. or higher, be enrolled at The Ohio State University, and have completed at least twelve credit hours.
- Bid voting shall be informal and require a simple majority.
- Bids are allowed to be extended at any point before the Associate Members are pinned, however any bids voted on after the initial vote require a two-thirds vote.
IV. Tracking
- The recruitment chairman shall be required to keep record of each potential new member. This record shall include:
- The potential new member’s full name and class rank.
- The potential new member’s G.P.A.
- The potential new member’s primary contact within the chapter.
Article V: Brotherhood Chairman
By Thomas Meade, Est. 2016
I. Rights and Responsibilities of the Brotherhood Chairman
- Rights
1.The brotherhood chairman has a seat reserved on the Executive Board.
2.The brotherhood chairman shall have authority over the Associate Member process.
3.The brotherhood chairman will lead the discussion in which Big Brothers are assigned to Associate Members.
4.The brotherhood chairman shall serve as chairman of the brotherhood committee in order to assist him fulfill his obligations.
- Responsibilities
1.The brotherhood chairman shall oversee Associate Member education.
2.The brotherhood chairman shall coordinate brotherhood events throughout the year.
3.The brotherhood chairman shall fulfill any other responsibilities, within reason, that are assigned to him by the Executive Board.
II. Brotherhood Committee
- The brotherhood committee shall consist of two to four non-Executive Board members.
- The brotherhood chairman shall have authority to determine the exact number of brotherhood committee members.
- These members shall be appointed by the brotherhood chairman.
- The brotherhood committee shall assist the brotherhood chairman in the fulfillment of his obligations in a manner of his choosing.
III. Associate Member Process
- Once Associate Members have accepted their bids, they become the responsibility of the brotherhood chairman.
- The brotherhood chairman shall work with each Associate Member to ensure their success through the Associate Member process.
- The brotherhood chairman shall utilize the Alpha 9 Education Core Program as a foundation for weekly Associate Member education classes.
- The brotherhood chairman shall work with Big Brothers and the scholarship chairman to ensure that Associate Members are fulfilling academic requirements.
- The brotherhood chairman shall communicate all responsibilities and expectations to Associate Members.
- If the brotherhood chairman has any concerns about an Associate Member, he shall bring them up with the Associate Member’s Big Brother, the Executive Board, and the chapter at his discretion.
- The brotherhood chairman shall provide his personal recommendation when voting on whether or not to initiate an Associate Member.
Article VI: Secretary
By Dalton Mankin, Est. 2016
I. Rights and Responsibilities of the Secretary
- Rights
- The secretary has a seat reserved on the Executive Board.
- The secretary shall serve as a committee head when needed.
- Responsibilities
- The secretary shall serve as the chapter’s primary contact with all outside parties.
- The secretary shall conduct the chapter’s communications with the following:
- Theta Xi National Headquarters
- Alumni
- Campus administration, including IFC and SFL
- Campus community
- The secretary shall maintain biographical records for initiated members.
- The secretary shall assist the treasurer, as needed, in the administration of an effective budget control program.
- The secretary shall oversee the following committees and perform their duties in the absence of a member able to perform the role:
- Social Chairman
- Alumni Relations Chairman
- Public Relations Chairman
- Philanthropy Chairman
- The secretary shall perform any other responsibilities, within reason, that are assigned to him by the Executive Board.
Article VII: Scholarship
By Jeff Tiedeken, Est. 2016
Theta Xi Scholarship Program
“Intellectual curiosity that assures the highest scholarship rating, consistent with his ability” -The Quest
- Academic Success Requirements
- Scholarship is rated in two ways at Ohio State: Cumulative GPA and Semester GPA. With this in mind, the scholarship chairman should enforce and ensure semester GPA remains above a set goal. They should also focus on cumulative GPA as an indicator of an individual’s academic success over time.
- The minimum semester GPA shall be a 2.5 GPA for all active brothers.
- If a brother scores under a 2.5 Semester GPA, they will be on academic social probation.
- If said brother remains under a 2.5 for two consecutive terms, the scholarship chair will bring the failure to meet academic standards to the general body, and begin suspension proceedings.
a)The scholarship chairman and the aforementioned brother below a 2.5 semester GPA should meet within one week of the first day of the following semester.
b)If a meeting occurs, the scholarship chair may choose to proceed with an intervention, as opposed to suspension proceedings.
- If a brother scores under a 1.5 Semester GPA, the scholarship chair will bring the failure to meet academic standards to the general body, and begin suspension proceedings.
a)The scholarship chairman and the aforementioned brother below a 1.5 semester GPA should meet within one week of the first day of the following semester.
b)If a meeting occurs, the scholarship chair may choose to proceed with an intervention, as opposed to suspension proceedings.
- The minimum cumulative GPA shall be a 2.8 GPA, effective in January, 2017.
- If a brother scores under a 2.8 cumulative GPA, the scholarship chairman must meet with this brother a minimum of once a semester to provide support.
- If a brother’s cumulative GPA is below a 2.5, it is the scholarship chairman’s responsibility to ensure this brother is accessing resources and receiving interventions to help him reach success “consistent with his abilities.”
- If a brother’s cumulative GPA is below a 2.0, the scholarship chair will bring the failure to meet academic standards to the general body, and begin suspension proceedings.
a)The scholarship chairman and the aforementioned brother below a 2.0 cumulative GPA should meet within one week of the first day of the following semester.
b)If a meeting occurs, the scholarship chair may choose to proceed with an intervention, as opposed to suspension proceedings.
- Interventions in section II are provided for any brother with a GPA under the above-listed requirements.
- Interventions
- Interventions must occur based on individual semester, individual cumulative, or house GPA.
- If an individual’s semester GPA is below a 2.5, they will be put on academic social probation
a)The scholarship chairman reserves the right to develop an plan brothers can follow to lift academic social probation, which must be adopted unanimously by the acting 7 executive officers.
b)The semester plan for lifting academic social probation in 2016 is as follows. It is mentioned in the by-laws to serve as an example. The following, from II.A.b until II.A.2, are not to be taken as law unless approved of by the current years officers.
(1)Semester Intervention Plan
(a)Case by case guidelines
i)If your semester GPA is under a 2.5, on academic social probation until 1 criteria is met