FREE Regional Workshop in Jacksonville!

June 7, 2007

8:30 am – 4:00 pm

(Registration begins at 8:00 am)

RegencyChurch of God

1677 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville, FL32216

For directions, please go to.

For more information contact: CARD at (904) 633-0760 or email Jeannie Bowles at


Be sure to contact your ESE District Staff or Staff Development Contact to determine the process for receiving in-service.

Registration Information


Complete the attached registration form and submit to Jeannie Bowles at UF CARD


Mail: University of Florida at Jacksonville CARD, 6026 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32217

Fax: 904-633-0751

*All confirmations and/or reminders will be sent via email

Regional Training Registration Form

Please complete ALL sections of this form and submit. All confirmations and/or reminders will be sent via email.

Training Information

CARDCenter Hosting Training

Florida Atlantic University (FAU) CARD

Florida State University (FSU) CARD

University of Central Florida (UCF) CARD

University of Florida- Gainesville (UF GV) CARD

University of Florida- Jacksonville (UF JAX) CARD

University of Miami-Nova Southeastern University (UM-NSU) CARD

University of South Florida (USF) CARD

Training Title / Self-Determination and Person-Centered Planning: Strategies for Building an Empowered Future for Children with Disabilities
Training Date / June 7, 2007

Registrant Information

No Acronyms Please

Name / Work Phone / ()-
School Name
or Employer / FAX / ()-
City / Home Phone / ()-
County / Email
Are you Out-of-Field? Yes No
*Out-of-Field refers to a teacher in a district school system assigned to teach outside the area in which he or she was certified


Please use the legend below to complete the following information:

Job Title
School Type: / Class Type: / Certification:
Job title:
  1. Elementary Teacher (K-5)
  2. Middle School Teacher (6-8)
  3. High School Teacher (9-12)
  4. Multi-level Teacher (EL, MS, HS)
  5. Itinerant Teacher (K-12)
  6. PreKindergarten Teacher
  7. Student PK-12
  1. Family Member
  2. Paraprofessional
  3. Therapist (OT/ PT/ SLP)
  4. ESOL Teacher
  5. Title 1 Teacher
  6. District Program Staff
  7. Principal/ Assistant Principal
  1. Other School Professionals
  2. Behavior Specialist
  3. Social Worker
  4. Psychologist
  5. Counselor
  6. Nurse
  7. FDLRS Staff
  1. Project Staff
  2. Other Agency Staff
  3. Undergraduate Student
  4. Graduate Student
  5. In StateCol./ Univ. Staff
  6. Out of StateCol./ Univ. Staff
  7. Other School Support
  1. Bus Driver/ Aide
  2. Substitute
  3. Private Consultant
  4. DOE Staff
  5. Preservice Teacher

sCHOOL tYPE: / Class Type: / Certification:
AD.N/A / BA.General Education
BB.ESE, NOT Autism
BD.N/A / CA.General Education
CB.Varying Exceptionalities
CC.Other ESE
CD.Not Certified