Regina Mothers Guild
Meeting Minutes
- Opening Prayer – Erin Brunsman, President: Meeting began at 7:05 p.m.
- Introductions – Erin. Took a few minutes to introduce ourselves to someone we didn’t know and grab a snack.
- Minutes- Susan: Motion to approve by Suzanne B, seconded byPatty V.
- Correspondence – Susan: Thank you letter received from Junior Class of 2017 thanking the RMG for the Junior Ring reception.
- Treasurer’s Report – Patti V.: Current balance of $11,817.00. Motion to approve by Laura B, seconded by Patti S.
- Old Business
- Powderpuff 50/50 Raffle- Erin.
- Small number of volunteers did fabulous job.
- Largest payout of $2290.00.
- Money earned goes to Senior Class of 2016.
- Mother/Daughter Breakfast- Erin.
- Beautiful event and delicious breakfast with Tea Party theme.
- Please see pictures on RMG Facebook.
- Junior Ring Ceremony- Jen and Ebony.
- Beautiful event and delicious breakfast with very large turnout.
- Over budget due to large turnout.
- Suggestions for next year:
- Have space on RSVP card to indicate whether individuals will attend ceremony, reception or both.
- Increase budget, scale back on food selections, or charge a $5 fee for # attending above a set amount.
- Second year that this has been discussed. Will vote on options at next meeting.
- New Business
- Fashion Show Update – Ricci.
- Wednesday, April 20, 2016 – Mark your calendar!
- Theme = “Red Carpet Fashion” centered around award shows / red carpet/etc.
- Colors = Red, black, gold – silver
- Finishing filling committee positions now. If interested contact Ricci ASAP.
- Grand Raffle finalized. 1) week FL condo plus $500 cash. 2) Jewelry. 3) Two continental US roundtrip airline tickets. 4) Jewelry. 5) $500 Partridge Creek gift card.
- Looking to increase parish raffle sales. Looking for volunteers to contact their parish and see if we can sell Raffle Tix in earl spring.
- Watch for filler gift items: tissue paper; bright color tulle; ribbon (wired too) – bows; shredded basket filler
- Watch for gift donations- the key is if you would like it then someone else will too! (Think spring summer gifts)
- Look for donors – products, gift certificates, etc. Targets include people you know, businesses you frequent. If uncomfortable then get info to Ricci and someone on the committee will do it
- Next meeting: Tuesday, October 27th at 7 p.m.
- Open House- Erin. November 1, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- Need 8 – 10 volunteers. Please see sign up sheet.
- Suzanne B will print RMG flyers to place in folders for prospective students.
- Open House lawn signs area available. Please contact advancement office.
- Holiday Trim – Tracey.
- Order forms are going out with report cards and are also available in the spirit shop.
- Orders due 11/15 with delivery on 11/30.
- Need assistance to sort and help with pick up on 11/30. Please see sign up sheet.
- Directory – Kathryn P & Suzanne B.
- Will be available for purchase at conferences on 11/05.
- Newsbrief will have information to update info for upperclassmen families.
- Yearbook Ad- Erin.
- Looking for a volunteer to design a new ad. We’ve used the same one for the last few years. Looking for creative ideas.
- Contact Erin if interested. .
- Miscellaneous Information
- When attend meetings, please be sure to sign in and confirm email address. All minutes and notices will be emailed to those addresses.
- Regina High School Webpage is now up to date. Contact information, important dates and minutes will be updated regularly.
- Tracey M. to purchase flashdrives for various positions so that documents can be transferred electronically versus being re-created.
- Next meeting – November 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
- Please stay and socialize.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Susan Philbrick