GCCAL Track & FieldRules
Updated 2/21/11
Specific Rules and Regulations as per the Track and Field and Cross Country NFHS Handbook
1. The Divisions are defined by grade level, not age/birth year, as follows:
- 3rd, 4th grade -Cadets
- 5th, 6th grade - Juniors
- 7th, 8th grade - Seniors
2. No spikes are to be used; molded or detachable, no shoe accepting a spike.
No jewelry is to be worn. Medical or religious articles may be taped down.
3. Record Keeping: The Host team will keep a record of all times, distances and participants at each meet, and will forward this information to the participating schools in a timely manner (2 days) using the GCCAL Track Master Time List.
- Meet Schedule: Meets will be held on aFriday, Saturday, or Sunday (after 1 p.m.)
The decision for each meet dateis up to the hosting team. Additional track meets outside of the schedule can be arranged by the individual schools. The tentative dates for the meets are as follows:
- 4/01/11FridayPenn Relay Qualifier
- 4/01/11 - 4/03/11Fri/Sat/SunFirstRegular Meet
- 4/08/11 - 4/10/11Fri/Sat/SunSecondRegular Meet
- 4/15/11 - 4/17/11Fri/Sat/SunThirdRegular Meet
- 4/29/11FridayPenn Relays
- 4/29/11 - 5/01/11Fri/Sat/SunFourth Regular Meet
- 5/06/11 - 5/08/11Fri/Sat/SunDivisional Championships
- 5/11/11 or 5/18/11WednesdayRelay Championship
- 5/14/11SaturdayOpen Date or Make-up
- 5/21/11SaturdayMeet of Champions (Woodbury HS)
5.Approximately 20 volunteers are needed to help run a track meet. ALL SCHOOLS are expected to provide an appropriate number of volunteers as needed (ex: a meet with 4 schools, each team provides 5 volunteers). Please note that the Championship Meets will require more volunteers.
6.Trophies, Medals and Ribbons: There will be a traveling trophy for each Division Champion. Medals will be awarded at the 3 Championship Meets for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and there will be a 4th place ribbon. No further participant ribbons will be handed out at this time.
7.Each meet will begin with a prayer.
8.Prior to each meet, the coaches of the teams that are not the host teams, should contact the coach of the host team to see what is needed for the meet.
9.When scheduling meets, host schools should always consider Communion and Confirmation dates. To accommodate these dates, please move the meet to the alternate weekend day. Friday nights are also a possibility for those who have tracks with lights.
10.No Instant Replay. No video or audience judging.
11.Each Track Meet will be structured the same way. Please refer to the attached outlines for regular track meets and the Championship Meets. Also, note the following:
- Bring a team roster to each meet
- All timers will time an assigned lane, not place; except for the 800M & 1600M.
- In a time or place discrepancy, the lane judge/head timer will make the final decision
- All timers will give the recorded time to the scorekeeper with the runner’s label
- There will be a leader for all field events, in addition to the two recording volunteers; the leader for their event will make the final decision for any discrepancies
- Hosting school will decide whether girls or boys run first, the other will go directly to field events
- Running events will go from youngest to oldest, aside from the 200 meter race; the cadets will run last for the 200 meter race due to their participation in the 50 meter race.
- Relays will be run at the end of meet, starting with gender who ran first.
12. Field Event Specs.
Shot Put All Girls & JR Boys – 6lb.
Sr. Boys – 8lb.
High JumpStarting Hts.
Sr. Boys3’ 6”3’ 8” for MOC
Sr. Girls3’ 4”
Jr. Boys3’ 2”
Jr. Girls3’
1 Min. max between jumps
Use of on deck mat
Regular Season Meets
1.Check in ½ hour prior to meet start
2.Coaches meet prior to meet start
3.Meet Volunteers
- Meet Coordinator (usually Announcer or Starter)
- Announcer
- Starter
- Seeder
- 2 Score Keepers
- Timers (1 Head Timer/Lane Judge, 5 or 6 Timers)
- 3 Zone Judges
- Field Event (1 Head, 1 or 2 Measurers Per Event)
4.All participants should have individual event labels provided by their team with the following information:
- Name
- Team (School)
- Event
6.Meet Start (see Order of Events)
7.Event Participation
- 3 running (including relay) & 1 field
- 2 running & 2 field
- 1 running & 3 field
- Relays will be run following all events, starting with gender who ran first.
- If scoring: 1 team from each division and gender will be counted
- Boys and girls can not be on the same scoring team
- 3 cadets and 1 junior makes a junior team
- 3 zone judges needed
9.Team Conduct
- Each team should be grouped someplace other than the infield with a team parent(s) overseeing them and assisting them in getting to events.
- Participants should only be on the infield when their event has been called
- Spectators not assisting in the meet are not permitted on the track or infield
- Stop watches and measuring devices other than the ones being used for the meet are not permitted
- Police your area and clean up all tracks, when meets are finished
10.There shall be one coach on infield, unless assigned a specific meet function.
Divisional Meet and Meet of Champions
1.Check in 1 hour prior to meet start
2.Coaches meet prior to meet start
3.Meet Volunteers
- Meet Coordinator (usually Announcer or Starter)
- Announcer
- Starter
- Seeder
- 2 Score Keepers
- 2-3 Medal/Ribbon Preparers
- Timers (1 Head Timer/Lane Judge, 5 or 6 Timers)
- 3 Zone Judges
- Field Event (1 Head, 1 or 2 Measurers Per Event)
4.All participants should have individual event labels provided by their team with the following information:
- Name
- Team (School)
- EventAge Grouping
6.Meet Start (see Order of Events, Boys run first.)
7.Event Participation - 3 Max.
- 3 running (including relay)
- 2 running & 1 field
- 1 running & 2 field
- Divisional Event Participant Criteria (Does not apply to Meet of Champions):
- Division A and B can provide 4 participants for each event
- Division A and B – the top 4 qualify to run in the Meet of Champions with no alternate
- Note: Relays are counted as individual events. If a child is found to be participating in 4 events with the relay as the 4th event, then the entire relay team will be disqualified and no points will be awarded for the relay
- If a team member runs up a division (ex: cadet running as a junior) then that individual must run up at that level for the entire meet in all events, including relays
- Divisional host may allow for “B” heats, that will not be scored, max 2 events for these athletes.
Event should be tagged “heat B” for athlete labels.
- Run after completion of all other events, starting with gender who ran first.
- 3 zone judges needed
9.Team Conduct
- Each team should be grouped someplace other than the infield with a team parent(s) overseeing them and assisting them in getting to events.
- Participants should only be on the infield when their event has been called
- Spectators not assisting in the meet are not permitted on the track or infield
- Stop watches and measuring devices other than the ones being used for the meet are not permitted
- Police your area and clean up all tracks when meets are finished
10.In case of a tie, both team members will advance to the MOC.
11.Boys will have running events first at Divisionals and MOC, due to High Jump conflict.
12.There shall be one coach on infield, unless assigned a specific meet function.
Relay Championship
1.Check in 1 hour prior to meet start
2.Coaches meet prior to meet start
3.Meet Volunteers
- Meet Coordinator (usually Announcer or Starter)
- Announcer
- Starter
- Seeder
- Individual Event Coordinator
- Timers (Head Timer/Lane Judge, 6 Timers)
- 3 Zone Judges
- 2-3 Score Keepers
- 2-3 MedalRibbon Preparers
- Additional Volunteers to be used as needed
4.Relay Cards – Filled out and ready to be given to Individual Event Coordinator prior to meet start
5.Event Participation:
- Two event limit per athlete (except the 4 x 800M)
- Teams may enter one relay team per event
- No “B” teams to be entered, due to time constraints.
7.Meet Start - Order of Events
4 x 800M (optional)
4 x 400M
4 x 200M
4 x 400M
Sprint Medley
Each event will run: Cadet Girl then boy, Junior girl then boy, Senior girl then boy (except for the 4 X 800M)
8.Event Criteria:
- 4 x 100M - runs in the same lane the entire length of the race
- 4 x 200M - runs in the same lane the entire length of the race
- 4 x 400M
- starts in assigned lanes and the lead off runner remains in that lane for that 400M leg
- second runner takes the baton in their lane and cuts in on the bend after the start
- all runners may run in lane one for the remainder of the race.
- Sprint Medley – (400M, 200M, 200M, 800M)
- 400M leg remains in their assigned lane for that entire leg
- first 200M leg takes the baton in their lane and cuts in on the bend after the start line
- 2nd 200M leg takes baton in lane one at the 200M start with assist from zone judge.
- 4 x 800M
- does not count toward the 2 event limit
- open relay where any 2 boys and 2 girls of any group may participate
- Order: girl 800M, boy 800M, girl 800M, boy 800M
- Start will be staggered as in a 400M race
- First runner runs the first 400M in their lane, then cuts in on the bend after the start
- Subsequent runners take the baton in lane one with assistance from 2 zone judges
- Points for this event will be split (half boys and half girls)
Relay Championship
9.Rule Enforcement
- Zones will be enforced on all divisions and all races
- All passing must be on the outside or the whole team will be disqualified
- If a relay team causes any interference during a relay that interferes with the running of any other relay team, then that team will be disqualified
- No event will be ran again for any reason
- All team members need to be in the stands, unless the team member is in the staging area to prepare for an upcoming race
- Once the runners in a relay have run their leg, they must stand on the infield behind the starting line with their team in an organized manner – no running across the field
10.Team Conduct
- Each team should be grouped someplace other than the infield with a team parent(s) overseeing them and assisting them in getting to events.
- Spectators not assisting in the meet are not permitted on the track or infield
- Stop watches other than the ones being used for the meet are not permitted
- Police your area and clean up all areas of the track when meetis finished
11.There shall be one coach on infield, unless assigned a specific meet function.
Boys must run first during Championship meets.