Homework for the week of October 23rd
Words of the week: friend full good hold many pull
Gym tomorrow and Thursday wear sneakers to school
Reading :Complete Monday section of your worksheet
Spelling –write words 1-5 2x each neatly in your green dot book. Write your name at the top of the page .
Spelling Words
- up
- bug
- mud
- nut
- hug
- tub
- good
- friend
- pull
- full
Reading Essential Question : What happens on the train? / Tuesday
Spelling – Write your name neatly at the top of the page.Write sentences for words
Reading- Read a story on Raz Kids and take the quiz when you’re done with the story.
Math3.1 wbp 135-136
Please remember to return your math book to school every day .
Reading worksheet- Complete Tuesday section
All homework should be neatly completed.
Yellow Dot book- Continue reading the word lists
Raz Kids- read and take the quiz to one book on Raz Kids / Wednesday
Reading worksheet – Wednesday section
Math 3.2 wbp- 141-142
Spelling- Write your name neatly at the top of the page .Write your name neatly at thetop of the page. Write a sentence for words 6-10
All homework should be neatly completed
Yellow Dot book –Reread the poem from today and add details to your picture. Add labels and details if needed
Gym tomorrow wear sneakers
Reading : In your reader reread the storyGus Takes the Train and City Zoo
You maty log the stories every time you read them.
Please always return the reader to school and take great care of it at home. Your cooperation is always appreciated. / Thursday
Thursday and
Friday section
Spelling- Write
each word 1x in
your green dot
Study for your
test tomorrow,
Math – 3.3 wbp- 147-148
Reading : In your
reader reread
the story Gus
Takes the Train
Test on the story
Breakfast on
Tuesday- $5
Contribution is
being collected
in a sealed
envelope . One
parent is
welcome to join
us. I have
parents that are
bringing in
supplies for the
party. Goody
bags are
welcome –
PLEASE / Friday
Sharpen all your pencils.
Have a great weekend!
Wear sneakers to school on Monday for dance
Halloween Breakfast on Tuesday – Wear your costumes to school
Book logs will be collected on Monday to be checked. thank you for updating them every night.
I will collect book logs on Monday- Please update them
Clean Out your Green folder
Practice addition and subtraction to 10 -- Practice Double facts