/ الوحدة التنظيمية: / Coastal Zone & Waterways Management Section / Organizational Unit: /
اسم النموذج: / Data Request Form / Form Sheet Title:
رقم النموذج: / Doc Ref: DM-ED-P2- F23 / Document Ref.:

Environment Department

Coastal Zone & Waterways Management Section

Application for Marine Data Request
Applicant Details / Company name
Email address
Postal address / Fax number / Phone number
Project or Activity Information / Project Name
Coordinates in Dubai Local Transverse Mercator projection
Nearest DM Reference Monument (If known)
Brief description of the project or activity
I hereby, the requester of the above data, affirm that the data given to me by Dubai Municipality is for my use only and for the above-mentioned project. Any application of the data on other projects should be approved by the Coastal Zone & Waterways Management Section of Dubai Municipality. It is prohibited to distribute the data to other consultants, contractors or other third parties without the consent of the Coastal Zone & Waterways Management Section.
Furthermore note that the data is provided "as-is" and that the Coastal Zone & Waterways Management Section does not guarantee the quality, nor take any responsibility for the use the data is put to, nor for any conclusions drawn from it.
  • The requested data will be ready for collection within 3 working days from the Date of Payment.
  • Processing Fee is 500 or 5 % of the total cost (whichever is greater) Dhs/Request.
  • Maps for the proposed work to be attached.

Declaration / We hereby certify that all information mentioned above and submitted with this application is true and complete to the best of our knowledge
signature & stamp of the applicant
Type of Data Required / Rate (AED) / Quantity/Period
- Occurrence Data Tables
Wind / Specific Month
Whole Data Set /
  • 1,000/Month/Parameter
  • 5,000/ Parameter

- Time Series Data
Water level
Water Quality / 1- 6 Days
1-12 Week
>3 Month /
  • 150/Day/Parameter
  • 350/Week/Parameter
  • 500/Month/Parameter

Surface Current
Wave / 1-10 Km²
10-50 Km²
>50 Km ² /
  • 1,000/ KM²/ Month/Parameter
  • 800/ KM²/ Month/Parameter
  • 600/ KM²/ Month/Parameter

- Meteorological
Wind (Speed, Direction)
Air Temperature
Relative Humidity
Air Pressure / 1-6 Days
1-12 Weeks
>3 Month /
  • 150/Day
  • 350/Week
  • 500/Month

- Numerical Modeling Data
Near Shore Wave Data
Future Predicted Shorelines
Shoreline Equilibrium Orientation /
  • 40,000/Point
  • 50,000/Beach
  • 50,000/Beach

- Water Quality
In Situ Parameters
- Temperature
- Salinity
- DO %
- DO conc.
- PH
- Turbidity
Chemical Parameters
- Nitrate- Nitrogen
- Phosphate- Phosphorous
- Total Nitrogen
- Turbidity
- Chlorophyll-a
- Aromatic Petroleum Hydrocarbon
Biological Analysis
- Phytoplankton
- Zooplankton
- Benthos
- Sonde Data
- Evaporation Rate
Special Studies for Dubai Creek
- AVS/SEM Analysis
- Light/Dark Bottle
- Evaporation Rate /
  • 100/Sample
  • 800/Sample
  • 200/Sample
  • 300/Sample
  • 400/Sample
  • 240/Sample
  • 15,000
  • 5,000
  • 5,000
  • 4,500

Sediment Particle Size Analysis
Soil Investigation Bore Hole /
  • 800/Sample
  • 25,000/log

Marine Sediment (Heavy Metals)
- Copper
- Cadmium
- Lead
- Nickel
- Zinc
- Chromium
- Manganese /
  • 200/Sample

- Topographic Surveys
Cross Shore Profiles
Shoreline Contours
Digital Terrain Data
- Bathymetric Surveys
Echo Sounding Surveys
Geophysical Structural Survey / <1 Km²
1-10 Km²
>10 Km ²
<1 Km²
1-10 Km²
>10 Km ²
<1 Km²
1-10 Km²
>10 Km ² /
  • 100/Profile
  • 250/Beach
  • 1,000
  • 500/Km²
  • 250/Km²
  • 3,000
  • 1,500/Km²
  • 1,000/Km²
  • 1,500
  • 1,000/Km²
  • 500/Km²
  • 4,000/Structure

For Official Use
Total Cost (Including Processing Fee):
Receipt No. & Date
Head of the Unit Approval

Doc Ref: DM-ED-P2 –F 23 Revision: 3 Issued: 16/06/2012

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