Queen Mary Intellectual Property Law Research Institute
Centre for Commercial Law Studies
67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3JB
Tel: 020 7882 7320Fax: 020 7882 8101Website:
MSc in Management of Intellectual Property
APPLICANTS NAME:(block capitals please) / Please tick where
1. Herchel Smith scholarship
A minimum of 1-2 places awarded each year. The award covers the cost of fees at home student rate plus a small amount towards living costs, but is adjusted year on year. Fees element is deducted at the commencement of term and the remaining of the award is divided equally into instalments to be given at the beginning of the first and second semester. Candidates are required to have at least a 2.1 honours degree from a UK University.
Please note that this scholarship only covers the basic fees for home students and NOT overseas fees or the ELQ supplement that some students may have to pay in addition to their normal fees.
2. John Kemp
One awarded each year in the region of £500. The candidate must demonstrate an intention to pursue a career with a patents firm. Applicants must have a previous qualification from a UK University.
All the above scholarships are strictly for students applying for the MSc in Management of Intellectual Property Law courses on a full-time basis. Only students who have received an offer of a place, and have confirmed acceptance of their offer are eligible for consideration of the award.
The successful candidate is required to complete the course following acceptance of an award. In the event of the candidate not completing the course, the student has to refund the full amount of the award. Successful candidates are also invited back at a future date to give an informal talk to MSc students on how they coped with the course and their experience in gaining employment.
Deadline for submission of forms: 12 noon on Friday 13thJuly 2018
Only students who have confirmed acceptance of their offer are eligible for consideration of the award.
Nationality: / Permanent address: / Address for correspondence:
Telephone: / Mobile: / Email:
Please tick where appropriate
Please give details of any source of income, grants or scholarships for which you have applied or which you have obtained, eg. bank loan details, amount of parental support, etc.
PREVIOUS EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE - Please give details of Universities/Colleges attended and degrees obtained or entered for with dates and full address.For applicants who are awaiting their results, please notify the administration teamof your class of degree once results are published by emailing Sharonat .
Institution Attended / Dates attended / Subject Area of Award / Date and Class of AwardEMPLOYMENT/RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE
Company Name / Dates Employed / Job Title and Duties / Reason for LeavingGive a brief account of how you expect your background, interests and studies to relate to your future career together with any further information you feel is relevant to this application. Please use a continuation sheet ifnecessary.
I certify that the statements made by me on this form are correct.
Signature of applicant:
Deadline for submission of forms: 12 noonon Friday 13thJuly 2018
Forms can be submitted electronically to:
Please return all scholarship application forms to:
Miss Sharon Watson (MSc Scholarship List)
Centre for Commercial Law Studies
67-69 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London WC2A 3JBRev 28.10.17