Welcome to Kit Carson, Home of the Pioneers!
Phone Numbers
Main #: 916-277-6750
Voicemail #: 916-658-2701
Kit Carson Designated as an International Baccalaureate Candidate School
Kit Carson has been approved as an International Baccalaureate candidate school by the International Baccalaureate World Organization. This significant designation is the result of many months of research, study and reflection about our school. In addition to being a candidate school for the Middle Years Programme (7th-10th), this year we will begin our candidacy for the Diploma Programme (11th-12th).
Becoming an International Baccalaureate candidate school allows Kit Carson to pursue authorization as an IB World School and to join a worldwide network of academically acclaimed schools.
International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. IB schools share a common philosophy of commitment to high quality and challenging international education.
For more information about this exciting transition, please visit the Kit Carson web site at www.kitcarson.scusd.edu.
Mr. Chapa
“The road to college begins here”
This ASSIGNMENT PLANNER (Agenda) is an important tool to help you be successful at Kit Carson. It will be used every day to record all of your assignments, both due and completed. This will help you organize work to be done and will help you get all assignments in on time. You are expected to use it daily. There is also important information about the school within the pages that should be reviewed frequently. In addition, the assignment planner is a useful communication tool between the student, the parent and the school. Parents should be checking the assignment planner and monitoring homework daily. Please take care of the assignment planner, use it and keep it at all times. This is one of our ways of helping you assume responsibility for your own learning.
The Kit Carson handbook, (the first pages of the planner), provides information about rules, policies, academic requirements, and student privileges and responsibilities. Kit Carson staff members understand that your middle and high school years can be exciting, challenging, productive and occasionally confusing. By working together, we expect every student to leave Kit Carson college and career ready. Together we make a difference.
Regular Day Schedule Minimum Day Schedule
1st Bell 8:15 1st Bell 8:15
Period 1 8:20-9:10 Period 1 8:20-8:52
Period 2 9:14 – 10:03 Period 2 8:56-9:28
Period 3 10:07 – 10:56 Period 3 9:32 – 10:04
Period 4 11:00-11:49 Period 4 10:08-10:40
Lunch 11:49-12:19 Period 5 10:44-11:16
Period 5 12:23 –1:12 Period 6 11:20-11:52
Period 6 1:16 – 2:05 Period 7 11:56-12:28
Period 7 2:09-2:58 Lunch 12:28-12:58
Minimum Day Schedule
Minimum day dismissal is at 12:28 on designated days. There is no afternoon bus service on minimum days, so students will have to arrange for alternate transportation home on these days.
My Class Schedule:
Period Class Teacher Room #
Period 1 - ____________ _____________ ______
Period 2 - ____________ _____________ ______
Period 3 - ____________ _____________ ______
Period 4 - ____________ _____________ ______
Period 5 - ____________ _____________ ______
Period 6 - ____________ _____________ ______
Period 7 - ____________ _____________ ______
All students are expected to read and follow all Kit Carson academic policies and guidelines. Complete details for each of the following policies can be found on the Kit Carson web site at www.kitcarson.scusd.edu.
--Academic Honesty Policy
--Technology Use Policy
--Works Cited Guidelines
--High School Graduation Guidelines
--University of California A-G Course Requirements
Academic progress is officially reported eight times a year in the form of report cards and mid-quarter progress reports. The purpose of these notices is to inform parents of their child’s academic progress. It is very important that in addition to receiving these formal reports, parents keep in regular contact with their child’s teachers. It is important not wait until the last several weeks of the reporting period to contact a teacher about academic difficulty. That contact should be made as early as possible.
It is the responsibility of both teachers and parents to establish regular communication about student progress.
The Infinite Campus Student Information System is available to assist parents in accessing real-time information about their child’s progress in school. By logging on to Infinite Campus, parents can obtain up to date information about academic progress, attendance, behavior, and classroom assignments. Please call the school office to obtain your log on password and PIN. Infinite Campus can be accessed at www.kitcarson.scusd.edu.
Homework is an important part of the academic program at Kit Carson. It is expected that students will have approximately 30 minutes of homework per class per night. If no assigned homework is given, students should always be working on long-term projects, reading assignments, or make-up work.
It is very important that the school have a correct address and phone number for all of our students at all times. When you change residency or phone numbers, please notify the office. Every student must have a current and accurate emergency card on file, and doing so will ensure we can make contact with parents/guardians in a timely manner.
If you need to reach a teacher you can do so by email or phone. The email addresses are listed on the school webpage at http://kitcarson.scusd.edu/. If you would like to contact a teacher by phone, please call 916-277-6750 and leave a message.
ASES provides homework assistance, academic enrichment, sports recreation and a nutritious snack each day from 3:00 pm-6:00 p.m. All of this is provided in a structured environment free of charge. The program functions with four agreements that students are expected to follow at all times: be respectful, be safe, be responsible and have fun. Enrollment is ongoing throughout the school year while space is available. More information can be found in the school office or by contacting the ASES site coordinator.
Criteria For Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities
In accordance with District policy, Kit Carson has set standards that all students are expected to achieve. The following rules and standards outline the criteria for participation in extra-curricular and end of the year activities.
The list of activities includes, but is not limited to:
· Dances
· Sports
· Field trips
· Assemblies
· Field Trips
· 7th grade picnic
· 8th grade Promotion Ceremony
To participate in activities, students must meet the following criteria:
1. Students must pass all of their assigned classes.
2. Students must receive satisfactory or above citizenship in all classes.
3. Students must have satisfactory attendance.
4. All text books and library books must be returned or paid for.
5. All monetary debts must be paid. This includes textbooks, library books, gym locks, art fees, PE uniforms, etc.
6. No suspensions in the grading period during which the activity takes place. This includes in-house suspensions.
7. No more than two referrals in the grading period during which the activity takes place.
Student Body cards may be purchased from the Student Activities office. Possession of a Student Body Card gives the student:
1. Admission to school dances at a reduced rate.
2. An identification card.
3. Reduced admission to high school athletic events.
4. Library Checkout.
Kit Carson is committed to providing students with a safe and productive learning environment. The goal of our learning environment is to promote high expectations for all, positive self-esteem and clear limits with consistent and logical consequences.
Rules and Expectations
At Kit Carson we believe that every student has the right to learn and every teacher has the right to teach in a positive learning environment and a healthy, safe, enjoyable atmosphere. All decisions made will be made to protect and ensure these fundamental rights.
1. Respect for learning and a safe learning environment.
2. Respect the personal rights and property of others.
3. Respect school property, facilities, materials and equipment.
4. Respect for the safety of students, staff and visitors, (i.e. No physical contact, pushing, shoving, or “play fighting.” No inappropriate displays of affection. No throwing of any objects. No verbal harassment or abuse.)
5. Respect and follow all campus rules & expectations, policies, and procedures.
1. Upon entering the room, all students must get busy! Warm up is on the Board.
2. Be in your seat when the bell rings completing the directions on the board or the overhead.
3. Bring all materials to class daily. This includes your agenda.
4. Eating and/or drinking in class are not allowed. Sunflower seeds and gum are prohibited on campus.
5. Students should be respectful of all classroom rules and directions. Learning should continue with no interruptions.
6. Stay on task the entire class period.
7. The school motto is: The Road to College Begins Here. All efforts should be directed to that goal.
When students follow the rules and expectations:
· They will learn and take responsibility for their actions and choices.
· They will be allowed to attend special school events. They will receive recognition and awards.
· Class atmosphere will be positive and encouraging.
· Students will have better understanding of the content.
· Student grades will be better.
· Students will be well prepared for high school/university/dream job.
· Students will feel pride and a sense of accomplishment.
Our goal is to educate students to be successful learners and productive citizens looking forward to their college years.
Progressive Discipline Policy
A progressive discipline policy is used at Kit Carson in each classroom. Each time a student is not able to follow school wide and classroom rules he or she will progress to the next step in the discipline policy. This discipline policy gives students a chance to re-think poor behaviors before getting a referral.
1. Warning
2. Change of seat
3. 10 minute detention with the teacher
4. ‘Yellow Card’ referral – Sent to work silently in another room. No other consequence if student appropriately modifies behavior.
5. ‘Red Card’ referral – Sent to in-house detention in the detention center. Will serve lunch detention at the next opportunity.
After receiving a referral, the student is expected to ‘fix it’ with the teacher concerned, otherwise the student may not be allowed back in class, at the discretion of the teacher.
When a student is sent to work in another classroom, they must bring a copy of the yellow card referral with them. Poor behavior in the next classroom will result in an immediate red card and the student will be sent to the discipline center.
The progressive discipline policy is used by teachers in all classes, EXCEPT in the case of a major infraction when the student shall receive a red card and sent to the discipline center immediately.
Any student receiving two referrals in one day shall be assigned in-house suspension.
Students that have received a referral shall also receive a phone call home from the teacher concerned.
Portable audio equipment and cell phones are allowed to be brought to school. However, Kit Carson assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen items. Students may only use these items before school (before 8:15 bell), at lunch, or after school. Phones/electronics must be turned off at all other times. They may be used in class only with explicit permission from the classroom teacher for educational purposes. Any electronic device that is seen or heard during passing periods, or during class will be confiscated, to be given back only to a parent or guardian.
Students refusing to surrender the device to a teacher/staff member will be referred to the administration and may face further consequences.
Gum is not allowed at Kit Carson Middle School. Because we take pride in maintaining a clean campus, we must avoid getting gum on the carpet, on computers, in books, under desks and on the gym floor.
We have a no pass policy at Kit Carson. No student is to be out of an assigned class unless it is an emergency. In the case of an emergency, students must be given a pass; the pass is your agenda, signed by your teacher with date and time. Students found out of class without a hall pass, referral, or other authorization will be considered tardy or truant and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Students are expected to take care of school property. Students who damage or lose books will take the responsibility of paying for the damaged or lost books.
Parents and guardians have a responsibility to the community for damages caused by their children to school property before, during, or after school. The California Education Code 48909 states that “any student who willfully cuts, defaces, or otherwise injures in any way property belonging to the school district is liable to suspension or expulsion, and the parent or guardian shall be liable for all damages so caused by the student.
School Dress Code
Students attending Kit Carson should dress as they are preparing for college. Appropriate clothing must comply with the following guidelines. Students who wear inappropriate clothing will contact their parents to bring the proper clothing to school. If parents are not available, the student will be provided with loaner clothes in order to avoid missing class time. If loaners are not available, students will be held in the Discipline Center. Repeat offenders will be assigned detention. Persistent repeat offenders may face suspension.
1. All tops must cover shoulders to the edge of the shoulder. No mesh, see-through, strapless, spaghetti straps, tank tops, overly revealing or overly large shirts may be worn.
2. Shoes must be athletic shoes, loafers, or oxfords. No sandals, flip-flops, thongs, house-shoes, slippers are allowed.
3. No excessive wearing of any color, especially but not limited to red and blue, in any clothing, shoes, accessories, or on backpacks. The administration has full responsibility to determine the appropriateness of clothing and will communicate that to students and families on an individual basis.
4. No sagging pants will be allowed.
5. Shorts/skirts must extend beyond the tips of fingers when arms are hanging normally on the students’ side. In addition an administrator will determine that shorts/skirts are too short or revealing even if they meet the policy criteria.
6. Any clothing that reveals an individual’s mid section cannot be worn to school.
7. Any item of clothing deemed inappropriate or disruptive to school activities by the administration is not allowed.
Prohibited CLOTHING OR accessories
1. Hats are to be worn outside only.