WRYSA Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday December 9th, 2015 @7:00pm
Attendance: Troy Freeman, Josh Freeman, Bob Gawlitta, Jeff Gunderson, Ryan Sengbusch, Ken Porter, Chris Wilhorn, Amanda Wilhorn, Joe Nowak, Raquel Nowak, Dana Verjinsky, Marc Schoff, David Klengforth, Shane Blaser, Aaron Carroll, Joan Carroll, Brent Banta, Ryan Zieghan, Cindy Kuhn, Tracy Oleson, Amy Addis,Timm Kuhn, Trevor Oleson.
Meeting opened at7:02by Trevor Oleson
Board Members- Discussion on new board members, 5 open positions. Motion was made by Bob Gawlitta for new board members Shane Blaser, Jeff Gunderson, Ryan Sengbush and Mark Schoff.Seconded by Dana Verjinsky. Vote was unanimous.
Committee Signups -Committee signup sheets were passed out. Expectations of each committee was discussed by Trevor Oleson with the request to have initial meetings all completed by the next board meeting and be available to give committee update.
Financial Report - Review of current balances was given by Amy Addis. Trevor has reminded all board members thatall expensesneed to have approval from the executive board prior to incurring the expense.
Maintenance Committee Report –Discussion was given to the proposal for Gravel Base.Kolo excavating is willing to donate hauling loads of gravel. Cost for gravel is $1200. Motion was made by Jeff Gunderson to approve, seconded by Dana Verjinsky, board voted in favor. Equipment expenses were discussed. Lawnmowers need routine maintenance, groomers need new teeth and various equipment is needed to groom fields. Motion was made by Shane Blaser to allow $1000 to make repairs, seconded by Tracey Oleson, Board voted in favor. Chalk machine options will be reviewed at next board meeting. Trevor Oleson will be closing the Ace Hardware account; will look at options at Home Depot or Menards. Dana Verjinsky will check on opening an account at Carquest. Concession stand and Maintenance Shed have been rekeyed; security C cameras have been added also. Suggestion was made to place garbage cans in dugouts. Discussion on need to put in point for watering fields, Aaron Carroll said he would donate pump.
Concession Committee Report - Decision was made to simplify menu and not to hire out help for fryers and grills. Slushie machines will be evaluated to see if four are needed.Will also consider Sundrop slushies. Pepsi contract will be evaluated and if not acceptable will look at other options. Water and Light will be contacted for bottled water for resale. Holiday order will also be reevaluated.
Signs Committee Report-Report given by Josh Freeman. It was noted that signs need to be washed this year. Suggestion was do to this at field clean up days. There are 63 signs; there are 5-6 open signs. Discussion was to move signs from Robby South to Kellner.
2016 Registration - Signups date will be picked by registration committee. Would like date from mid – end of February. Same costs as last year. Suggestions were to continue school flyer and newspaper ad.
Capital Improve Committee- RyanZiegahn will research prices for new scoreboards.Suggestion to look into recrowning fields and new bases. Date for meeting will be set shortly.
Next meeting scheduled for January 10, 2016 @6:00.Wildhorse.
Respectfully submittd,
Joan Carroll