As You Like It
General Order Form
Program Ads Due: Wednesday May 11th
Ticket Orders Due: anytime before Monday, May 16th
Name of ACTor: ______
Program Ad (Attach as many ad forms as necessary; use 1 form per ad)
Place an ad in the As You Like It Program to show support for your ACTor, or include an ad from an area business:
# ______Well Wisher (plain text – no graphic/box) up to 15 words: $5
# ______1/8 page ad (up to 25 words plus graphic): $15
# ______1/4 page ad (up to 40 words plus graphic): $25
# ______1/2 page ad (up to 80 words plus graphic): $50
Total for all program ads: ______
Annual Fund / Stephanie Martin Scholarship Fund
Please support ACT and help us provide low-cost, accessible theatre for children of all ages and backgrounds by making a donation to ACT’s Annual Fund or to the Stephanie Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund (more information is available on the ACT website). Annual Fund categories are:
ACTor: $10-$50 Stage Manager: $51-$100 Director: $101-$250 Producer: $251-$500
Executive Producer: $501-$1000 Angel $1001+
Advanced Tickets* Tickets can be reserved in advance and picked-up at dress rehearsal on May 9th or at the door on the day of the show:
# / Show: # ______Friday 5/11 7 PM
# ______Saturday 5/12 7 PM
# ______Sunday 5/13 2 PM
Tickets are $10 per person: Total # ______x 10 = $ ______
*Tickets are also available at Brown Paper Tickets:
Cast Party
The cast party will be held on Sunday May 13nd immediately following the show and strike. Cost is $5 per person with a $15 family maximum: # attending the cast party:______
Total for cast party: ______
$ ______Well Wisher Ads Cast Party $ ______
$ ______Annual Fund Grand Total $ ______
$ ______Stephanie Martin Scholarship Fund
$ ______Tickets
Please make checks payable to ACT and give to a producer at next rehearsal.
For ACT Use:
Cash: Check: Name on check: Check #:
Program Ad Order Form – please use 1 form per ad
Step 1: General Information:
Your Name / ACTor’s Name / Name of Business: ______
Ad size / type (check one) □ Well wisher (no graphic) □ 1/8 page □ ¼ page □ ½ page
Step 2: Write what your ad will say (don’t forget to put your cast member’s name in your message!)
Step 3: Circle a graphic (except for well wisher ads):
(for business ads, please provide a business card or an e-file with the corresponding graphic or logo)
Step 4: Bring this form with your General Order Form and payment to a producer at any rehearsal. Email with any questions.