Esophageal Motility (Manometry) and 24-hour Ambulatory PH Studies
****please read instructions completely prior to calling the office****
Your doctor has scheduled you for an Esophageal Motility (Manometry) study and/or 24-hour Ambulatory PH study. These simple tests are designed to (1) Evaluate the function of the esophagus, the muscular tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach, and (2) Measure the amount of acid that refluxes from your stomach into your esophagus over the course of a typical day. Abnormal function of the esophagus and excessive acid reflux can result in symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, and asthma.
The first part of the test, the Esophageal Motility Study, involves passing a small caliber, soft tube through your nose into your esophagus. Once the tube is positioned in your esophagus, you will be lying on your back and will swallow some water. A computer analyzes how your esophagus contracts with each swallow. This portion of the test takes about twenty (20) minutes.
Once this part of the test is completed, the tube is removed, and a significantly smaller catheter is passed through the nose into the esophagus. This small catheter is used for the 24 hour Ambulatory pH Study, and is held in place by tape on the side of your nose and face. This catheter is attached to a recording device that is about the size of aniPod. You will carry this device with you over the course of the day, and will sleep with it by your bedside before returning to the GI Unit on the following day to have it removed. During the course of the day you may be asked to keep track of any symptoms that you might have in a simple diary that we will provide you with. You will be able to eat normally and carry on with your normal activities during the course of the monitoring day. You will not, however, be able to shower while the monitoring equipment is in place. Not all patients will have the pH portion of the test; this will be discussed with you when the test is booked.
Preparation for the test: **You do not need a ride home for this test BECAUSE YOUWILL NOT BE SEDATED**
- You are asked not to have any food after midnight on the night prior to your test.
- Do not wear any cosmetics.
- You may not have breakfast on the day of your exam.
- You may take your necessary medications with a small amount of water.
- Your physician will instruct you on which medications to take.
If you are having the 24 hour PH probe study:
2 days prior to pH probe study STOP TAKING:
4 days prior to pH probe study STOP TAKING:
Please report to the GI Unit one hour prior to your scheduled appointment. If you do not pre-register you must report to the Admitting Office 15 minutes before your procedure. To cancel or reschedule your procedure please call Central Scheduling at 617-789-3160. If you have any questions, please call your doctor. We at the Gastrointestinal Unit look forward to meeting you.