Rolling Meadows Community Council
1/19/16Called to order by / Gary Cloward
Note taker / Nolan May
Attendees / Connie McCann, Robert Lopez, Nolan May, Gary Cloward, Taryn Jenkins, Kim Stone, Wayne Talili
Agenda topics
Discussion / Welcome Mrs. Mccan. It’s been unique for Connie to move to our school inDecember. Connie appreciates coming to a school that is working well. She wants to continue with
how things are going so far. She doesn’t want to make any changes until next year.
Conclusions / It’s good to have her at Rolling Meadows and the Community Council enjoys having
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Discussion / School Student, Parent, School Compact: Do we want to make any changes to it?
Some of the pictures are out of date with students who moved on to middle school.
Conclusions / We need to update the pics on the trifold document in the google drive folder. Nolan
will update the website with updated compact.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Update website with current compact. / Nolan May / 2/9/2016
Translate document into Spanish / Gracey / 2/9/2016
Discussion / Weatherbug Station: We followed up with 3 or 4 schools who had a weatherbug station
None of them were still using them. Most schools lost interest rather quickly.
Conclusions / We decided not to move forward with Weatherbug. We’ll keep the information if we
decide to move forward at a later time.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Discussion / Wintercon: Teachers attended Wintercon. Kim Stone talked about how she learned
using Chromebooks in the classroom. We also learned about Google Classroom to manage our classes
online. Connie explained the details of attending the WinterCon event.
Conclusions / None. However, it was an interesting event to attend.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Discussion / Granger network had a townhall meeting. Connie attended. There were parents who
wanted to change the name of the new STEM school. Superintendant Bates doesn’t want to change
the name of the school. He wants to change the perception of the name. Connie wants us to think about what we want to the perception of our school to be.
Conclusions / We need to watch our image within the community. Taryn believes our Assert Preschool
draws people in. Wayne brings his kids from outside the boundary. Wayne didn’t think the charter schools had a nice charter. He brings his kid to ROlling Meadows because of the faculty. He likes to be involved with his childs education. We all agree there is a culture at our school. Kim brings her daughter here because of the technology. Gary keeps his kids here because of the faculty as well. Jessica Turner in particularly keeps them here. Robert brought his kids here because of the technology focus. He doesn’t like all the rules at charter schools.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Meeting adjourned by: Gary Cloward
Seconded by: Wayne Talili