Endocrine Study Guide
1. What gland releases calcitonin?
2. When glucose levels are high, what hormone does the pancreas produce?
3. Where is glycogen stored in the body?
4. What hormone helps the body to resist stress?
5. What does T4 and T3 do?
6. If someone doesn’t produce insulin, or not enough insulin, what disease is this known as?
7. What gland releases the hormone needed for you to react to a fight or flight response?
8. What gland is linked to acromegaly?
9. What are some signs of Cushing’s disease?
10. List examples of negative feedback loops.
11. What hormone is responsible for ovulation of an egg?
12. What effect does aldosterone do to the kidney?
13. What hormone will diffuse through the plasma membrane, enter the nucleus, and activate genes to synthesize the product by binding to the DNA?
14. What gland causes gigantism?
15. What causes ANH to be secreted in the body?
16. What hormone is released when a woman is breastfeeding?
17. What hormone is released when someone has low glucose levels in the blood?
18. What gland is located in the brain under the sella turcica?
19. What problem develops when someone has a lack of iodine in their diet?
20. What hormone is released during childbirth that causes the uterus to contract?
21. What type of stimulus is from the sympathetic nervous system of the adrenal glands that produces epinephrine?
22. If you’re dehydrated, what hormone would be released due to a decrease in blood pressure?
23. What are examples of catecholamines?
24. What hormone is produced by the thyroid when there are high levels of calcium in the blood?
25. Where is the thyroid gland located?
26. What hormone is released when a child is developing and growing?
27. What is an antagonist to insulin when glucose levels are low?
28. What is an example of a positive feedback loop?
29. Where are high glucose levels stored?
30. What hormone increases the absorption of glucose in cells?
Study your feedback loops. You will be filling in blanks on the feedback loops!
31. Know that calcitonin is secreted when calcium levels are too high.
32. Know calcitonin deposits calcium in bones.
33. Know PTH is secreted when blood calcium levels are too low.
34. Know that the liver stores glucose as glycogen when glucose levels are too high.
35. Know that glucagon is secreted by the pancreas.
36. Know that the pituitary gland is affected by stress.
37. Know that the pituitary secretes ACTH when stress arises.
38. Know that the kidneys secrete renin when blood volume is too low.
39. Know that the adrenal glands are stimulated by low Na and high K levels
40. Know that aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal glands when low Na and K levels arise.
41. Know that Na, water, and K excretion increases when aldosterone is secreted.
42. Know that the heart secretes ANP when there is an increase in blood pressure.
43. Know that ANP inhibits the adrenal glands.
44. Know that the adrenal gland secretes epinephrine during fight or flight response.
45. Know that the pituitary releases cortisol to resist stress.