New Dentist Committee FINAL
March 6, 2017
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New Dentist Committee
March 6, 2017
Webinar/conference call
Committee Members PresentDr. Bilal Sajid (1)
Dr. Alyssa Nielubowicz (2)
Dr. Drew Carlin (9)
Dr. Janel Marcelino (10), Vice Chair / Staff/Guests/Consultants/Others Present
Dr. Jim Tauberg, Trustee Liaison
Ms. Michelle Rozman, Member Services Coordinator
Ms. Andrea Hoover, Component and Membership Coordinator
Committee Members Absent
Dr. Mary Grace Rizzo-Fryzel (3)
Dr. Kaila Clift (4)
Dr. Eric Ecker (6)
Dr. Rich Miller (7), Chair
Dr. Gabe Mancuso (8)
District 5 is vacant.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Dr. Janel Marcelino. Dr. Marcelino shared that she was filling in for Dr. Rich Miller, who was unable to attend the meeting.
Approval of 2016 Meeting Minutes
The committee members moved to unanimously approve the meeting minutes from January, March, May, July and September 2016 (3/17NDCDA1).
PDM Welcome Reception Update
The committee reviewed details for the upcoming PDM Welcome Reception, which is combined with the Fifth District New Dentist Reception. The PDM Planning Committee has approved the NDC’s request to allow the NDC to purchase at cost tickets for new dentist attendees from all districts. In order to stay within budget, there is a limit of 40 total tickets.
Staff shared that as of March 1, a total of 17 new dentists have registered for the reception. Dr. Jim Tauberg, Trustee Liaison, said he plans to attend the PDM Welcome Reception (3/17NDCDA2).
Class of 2018 Lunches (D3 Lunches)
Dr. Marcelino informed the committee that she hosted the Pitt D3 lunch last year. She said the NDC representative can expect to speak for about 15-20 minutes during the lunch, but the primary focus of the event is on one-on-one interaction. She asked committee members to volunteer for the lunches and share preferred dates (3/17NDCDA3).
Dr. Bilal Sajid said he might be able to attend the Temple lunch and suggested a potential date of Friday, May 5 (3/17NDCDA4). Staff was directed to contact Temple ASDA to determine if Friday, May 5 is available (3/17NDCDA5).
Dr. Alyssa Nielubowicz volunteered to attend the Penn lunch and suggested Thursday, May 18 as her preferred date. Staff was directed to contact Penn ASDA to move forward with scheduling the lunch for May 18 (3/17NDCDA6).
Dr. Janel Marcelino volunteered to attend the Pitt lunch in June and said Thursdays would work best with her schedule (3/17NDCDA7). Dr. Jim Tauberg cautioned against scheduling the lunch on June 15, since this might conflict with MOM-n-PA events. Staff was directed to contact Pitt ASDA to schedule the lunch on a Thursday in June and to avoid scheduling it on June 15 (3/17NDCDA8).
CV Success Update
CV Success is scheduled for Thursday, March 30. To date, one nonmember and six students are currently registered. Since ADA National Signing Day takes place earlier that day, staff anticipates that a few more students may opt to register for CV Success during the Signing Day events.
The registration goal is 25-30 total registrants. Dr. Sajid offered to help promote the event to new dentist colleagues in the Pittsburgh area. Staff was directed to send details about the event to Dr. Sajid (3/17NDCDA9).
New Dentist New Member Outreach
The committee discussed whether or not to switch to an electronic format for the New Member New Dentist Outreach efforts. The rosters include all newly joining, new member dentists in each district. Currently, staff sends both hard copy rosters and electronic rosters to each NDC member. Note cards and sample text are included with the rosters.
Committee members expressed that it is easier to send an email, but handwritten notes can be nice as well. Committee members agreed that staff should send both the hard copy and electronic rosters one more time, and then committee members will decide if they want to switch to electronic rosters only for future outreach efforts (3/17NDCDA10).
Nominations for 2017-2018 Chair and Vice Chair
Dr. Bilal Sajid was nominated as Chair for the 2017-2018 term (3/17NDCDA11) and Dr. Janel Marcelino was nominated as Vice Chair for the 2017-2018 term (3/17NDCDA12). Staff was directed to contact NDC members via email for any additional Chair or Vice Chair nominations, and then add a poll to SoNet for NDC members to vote on the 2017-2018 Chair and Vice Chair (3/17NDCDA13). Staff was directed to keep the poll open for two weeks (3/17NDCDA14).
Upcoming Event Dates
Dr. Marcelino reviewed the following upcoming event dates:
1. CV Success – March 30, 2017
2. Welcome Reception at PDM (combined with New Dentist Reception) – April 20, 2017
3. 2017 ADA National Signing Day events
a. Temple and Penn – Thursday, March 23; lunch events at both schools
b. Pittsburgh – Thursday, March 30; lunch event and CV Success in the evening
c. LECOM – Thursday, April 27; evening reception
Future Meetings
The committee agreed to schedule their next webinar/conference call for Monday, May 1, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.