for Application for Shiptime on RV Polarstern
1) Principal scientist (name + title)
2a)Title of research proposal:
Ice Station POLarstern (ISPOL 1)
2b)Subtitle of the PI's research proposal
3a)Description of research proposal:
The general outline of the ice station objectives is given in the attached document (ISPOL-1.doc)
exposition of individual project has to be elaborated in a convincing form considering own preparatory works as well as publications
involvement of project in other national / international projects
3b)Geographical area:
The ship will depart from Punta Arenas, Chile, and will enter the central Weddell Sea at about 60¡S, 40¡W, to steam as far to the Southwest as ice conditions allow. The anticipated final destination is 72¡S, 50¡W (Southwestern Weddell Sea) in mid-November. There, the ship will stay anchored to a floe for the entire period of the project (mid-January). For that region, model results of drift trajectories have shown a high probability that the ship will still be within closed pack ice at the completion of measurements.
Para 1) -3) must altogether be max. 3 pages completed with a general map of the research area, showing cruise leg, profiles, stations etc.
4) Evaluation:
the project has been / is to be evaluated by (funding agency):
5) Special logistic requirements:
- Two helicopters, three divers, and ship-based infrastructure have to be available for larger-scale studies around, below, and at the ship.
¥A camp consisting of Fibreglass huts should be put up on the floe to house equipment and to provide scientist with a 24 hour possibility to monitor their projects.
add individual projects requirements
6) Period preferred:
ANT XXI/2: 18.11.2003 - 8.1.2004 (51 days) (N.B.: Earlier start and extension of 10 days is highly desired (70 days duration))
The project has to be performed during the transition from austral spring to summer. An extension of the cruise is desired because the processes to be studied will only have developed completely by mid-summer.
In addition, this extension will bridge the investigation periods of ISPOL-1 (ANT 21/2) and an earlier study (ISW-1, February to June 1992)
7) Shiptime required:
Durnig ship transit to the final destination (72¡S, 50¡W) only helicopter station work is planned (e.g. ice thickness measurements).
At the ice station, the ship has to remain stationary alongside the floe.
add individually:
indicate in hours period of time on station and/or for profiling based on an elaborated working schedule
operations on land resp. on ice
8) Major equipment to be used:
9) Use of Polarstern equipment and devices/facilities required from AWI:
e.g. type of winches, echosounder, shipbord computing system, nets, inflatables, helicopter, etc.
10) Working space and lots required:
indication of labs, lab containers, coldstore etc.
container lots on and/or below deck
11) Number of berths required:
12) Collaboration with following groups: (indicate name + address / institution)
The focus of the project is in the study of processes within the atmosphere-ice-ocean system. Therefore, there is a high degree of interdisciplinary collaboration between all participating groups. See attached document (ISPOL-1.doc) for further details.
13) Funding:
applied for
14) Any additional comments:
15) Enclosures (e.g. completion para 3a)
Outline of drift station concept (ISPOL-1.doc)
Map of cruise track (xxx)
16) Date and authorized signature(s):
!! Important !!
Regardless multiple participation each Polarstern cruise does need a separate, complete, written application, even though scientific details may remain unchanged !!
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
P.O.Box 12 01 61
D-27515 Bremerhaven