Unapproved Draft Minutes
SEC Teleconference
7 August 2013
Amin Karim
Jeff Handal
James Irvine
Bruce Harding
Kishik Park
Herb Bennett
Howard Wolfman
Arthur Winston
David Law
Samantha Bradley
Jim Olshefsky
Agenda v2.0
- Call to Order (Trivedi)
- Roll Call/Introductions (Trivedi)
- Approval of draft agenda (Trivedi)
- Approval of draft minutes from 20 June 2013 (Trivedi)
- Approval of draft minutes from 30 April 2013 (Trivedi)
- Approval of draft minutes from 15 March 2013 (Trivedi)
- IEEE Academic (McClain/Rui Costa/Trivedi)
- UK & RI Student Branch Congress and SEC Paper Competition (McClain)
- Egypt Engineering Day (Law)
- Upcoming Standards Education Workshops (McClain/Law)
- Baton Rouge, LA on 1 November 2013
- Glasgow, Scotland (date TBD)
10)SIIT Conference Update (Trivedi/Tatiner)
11)IEEE-USA Meeting Debrief (Handal)
12)World Standards Day on 14 October 2013 (Handal)
13)Results from Standards Education Survey for Practitioners (Marc Beebe/McClain) @ 10:00 AM
14)Standards Education eZine (Trivedi/McClain)
15)Final Student Paper #151 (Trivedi)
16)New Business
17)End-of-year SEC Face-to-Face Meeting in Piscataway on Thursday, 12 December 2013 (McClain/Trivedi)
18)Next Teleconference: Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 10:00 AM Eastern to 12:00 PM
- YatinTrivedicalled meeting to order at 9:00 AM Eastern.
- All participants introduced themselves.
- David Law requested that the topic of Egypt Engineering Day be added to the agenda. Item was added between item #8 and #9. Amin Karimmoved to approve agenda. Jeff Handalseconded. Agenda unanimously approved.
- To approve the draft minutes from 20 June 2013, 30 April 2013 and 15 March 2013 the group agreed to take these as one motion. Minutes were unanimously approved.
- Arthur Winstonand Jennifer McClain provided an update on the Academic X project and group discussed creating standards education videos.
- Arthur explained that it will be a library of content of value to students, who are leaders for this project.
- Modules are to be very short. 2 minutes and no more than 7 minutes.
- SEC will need to figure out what our message will be.
- The bulk of the modules developed for the site so far have been done by faculty.
- SEC participants discussed some possible topics to be developed for standards education. We do have some already available content that could be repurposed.
- Demystifying Standards presentation.
- 30th Anniversary of Ethernet Standards.
- Importance of Standards and why they are needed.
- Standards Bodies and the Role the IEEE plays.
- Arthur suggestedputting up material that supports our overall “Relevance of Standards Goals”
- Chip Design for Dummies series of videos from Karen Bartleson could also be used.
- Include information associated with the grants and encourage students to include video content to become part of this program. Best part is that the videos can be done in their own language.
- Arthur stated that the students wish to manage the content. This should be a student effort, even though it is under the SERC of the EAB, the students want to see it managed by them. Questions should be directed to the students, including issues related to who owns the content.
- Jeff Handal agreed to Chair the ad-hoc for the standards education-related content/modules for the Academix X project.
- Action: Yatinagreed to contact Karen Bartleson about the Chip Design for Dummies series.Module would be on the standard(s) they used in the project and how they used it (them).
- Jennifer and Jeff will contact Rui to hold call on logistics for creating the videos, develop topics, draft timeline.
- ACTION: Jennifer send this update to Arthur and copy Arthur on communications with Rui.
- Jennifer provided an update on the IEEE UK & RI Student Branch Congress (6-8 September 2013) and SEC-sponsored student paper competition.
- Adrian Stephens, Vice-Chair of IEEE 802.11 Workshop Group volunteered to go to speak at the student branch congress on Saturday, 7 September 2013. Adrian will be giving the keynote address, which will be on 802.11 standards.
- Timing is very short for the student paper competition. Submissions are due by 12 August 2013. SEC would have until Monday, 26 August, to review the submissions and choose first and second prize winners.
- Yatin requested that SEC slate 27 August of 28 August in case there is a need for a special call to decide the winners of the competition. Jennifer will coordinate.
- Group discussed for future student paper competitions, how long in advance should it be announced. It was suggested that students should know this about in October/November timeline for a competition the following year in September. David will reach out to the student branch for future planning purposes.
- David provided information on Egypt Engineering Day.
- Initially they reached out to David as Region 8 Standards Coordinator. This is an annual event that’s been going on for last 12 years.They are looking for a speaker on standards education for this event.
- Dr. Darvish is David’s contact in the area. If she agrees, we will provide her with content for a presentation.
- Dr. Darish asked whether we could do a student paper competition once again. In the past, we agreed to a competition at Made in Egypt Competition. David will find out what the proposal this time around would be, possibly for November.
- Yatin suggested viewing these as two different topics. One the speaking opportunity and providing slides and two, the student paper completion sponsorship.
- Jeff provided update about the standards education workshop planned at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, on 1 November 2013.
- Jeff has reached out to Dean of Engineering. He has assigned a faculty member to help with the workshop.
- Jeff gave a talk about standards education at a recent IEEE USA Meeting.
- Update on the Standards Education Workshop planned for Glasgow, UK, in October 2013.
- James Irvine is still working on finding a good date for October. Now looking at dates at the beginning of December.
- Yatin provided an update on the SIIT conference. Will be the 3rd week of September. Outline of the panel session has been developed and coordinating committee has been working on inviting panelists and a moderator. Topic is: What Does Industry Expect from Standards Education?
- Yatin asked whether James Irvine could join the panel. James indicated that he believes yes. Yatin asked that he contact Sue Vogel to confirm. Panel is September 25, 2013.
- Jim Olshefskyreported that the ANSI Committee on Education organized an event last event at World Standards Day in 2012, but there are no plans for this year.
- Marc Beebe joined call to discuss the Standards Education Survey.
- Survey was made up of IEEE members. Selected 5000 members, excluding academia or retired. This is a pretty good sample of people from industry.
- We got a 20% response rate, which is fairly typical. We usually get 15 to 25%.
- Marc reviewed key takeaways.
- Majority said they had received training on standards (75%). About half were from US and the others were Region 8 and Region 10.
- Most learned about standards from reading standards. This indicates there is an opportunity for training.
- Next biggest group received training from their employers.
- The training people receive was okay, but there appears to be room for quality training.
- People want shorter online courses for less than $50.
- Yatin asked whether the SEC members for the next meeting, could you please come up with one observation that helps clarifiy or fine tune the take-aways from the survey or propose a new opportunity. Come with one observation so we can compile comments and discuss at the next call.
- Yatin asked whether the survey be made public? We could maybe publish it in the eZine.
- ACTION: Jennifer follow up with Marc Beebe on whether info from the survey can be made public.
- ACTION: Jennifer add this to the agenda for next call.
- Jennifer and Yatin discussed the status of the 3rd Quarter issue of the eZine. Theme will be OpenStand. Our plan is to publish it before the end of September. Still collecting some additional content.
- Yatin asked the SEC to consider future themes and topics.
- One suggestion wasstandards ,patents and anti-trust issues.
- The SA is planning to publish some clarifications on the patent policy. Might be done before the end of the year.
- We could possibly repurpose the content from a video presentation done by David Law, which has not been released
- There may be enough information on the IPR issues that other SDO’s or other public resources have available that we could make use of.
- Are there any universities that have a course or lecture available on this topic?
- Plan for 1st Quarter 2014. David can help collect topics and authors.
- Jim O searched his ASTM website and reported that they have an article called Paradigms of standards in their magazine interview with Konstantinos K.
- Group reviewed the Final Student Application paper #151 for project, "Fault detection in an industrial process by using correntropy."
- Comments included that what was in the original abstract was not what showed up in the final paper, although the paper read well.
- SEC’s decision was: The final paper did not meet the objectives spelled out in the original Abstract. There were two standards mentioned in the Abstract, but only one was mentioned in the final paper. Ask students if they can explain the use of this standard in the context of this project and update the paper. Clarify what happened to the other standard mentioned in the original abstract. What was the application of the standard ANSI/ISA in the project?
- Action: Jennifer to contact students.
- New business.
- Howard Wolfman reported that he is involved in 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics. Howard will send more information to Jennifer. Amin mentioned that Ahmed Khan has also published on this topic. Amin will put Howard in touch with Ahmed.
- For the end-of-year, face-to-face SEC meeting in Piscataway, Thursday, 12 December, is still good for everyone.
- Confirmed attendance from: Bruce, Yatin, Amin, Kishik, David
- Herb will attend via teleconference. Howard Wolfman cannot attend.
- Jennifer needs to confirm with Jeff and Wael.
- Next call is Wednesday, 18 September 2013, at 10:00 AM Eastern to 12:00 PM.
- Meeting was adjourned at 11:02 AM Eastern.
Summary of Action Items
1)Jennifer send update on SEC’s discussion today to Arthur Winston and copy Arthur on communications with Rui.
2)Yatin agreed to contact Karen Bartleson about the Chip Design for Dummies series. Module would be on the standard(s) they used in the project and how they used it (them).
3)Jennifer follow up with Marc Beebe on whether info from the survey can be made public for use in a future issue of the eZine.
4)SEC members/participants for the next meeting review the survey details and come up with one observation that helps clarifiy or fine tune the take-aways from the survey or propose a new opportunity. Come with one observation so we can compile comments and discuss at future call/meeting.