Education Project Sample Practicum Learning Agreement
NUR/590AB Version 2
University of Phoenix Material
Education Project - Sample Practicum Learning Agreement
Student’s Name / Benjamin Krankenschwester / Faculty / Perla CatedráticoStudent’s
Number / (555) 555-5555 / UPX
Campus / Hawaii Campus - Honolulu
Name and Educational
(Minimum of an RN MSN required) / Linda Vägleda, MSN / Mentor’s
Agency / Sun ValleyCommunity College
Mentor’s Job Title / Professor of Nursing Education / Mentor’s
Number / (555) 555-5555
Practicum Goal: To perform in the role of a nursing educator in an associate degree nursing program by assessing the use of simulation technology to teach clinical nursing and critical thinking skills, and by creating, implementing, and evaluating at least two medical surgical learning scenarios using simulated technology.
Complete this column for Week One – NUR/590A / Complete this column for Week Two – NUR/590A / Complete this column for Week Two – NUR/590A / Complete Before Midpoint Review / Complete Before You Start NUR/590B
Learning Objectives / Learning Strategies / Evidence of Accomplishments / Midpoint Review
(at 30 hours of Practicum Project) / Outcome-
To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
Analyze published peer-reviewed literature for methods of using simulations in a nursing program, for the benefits and challenges, and the evidence-based practice of incorporating simulations into nursing education. / 1a. Read and review at least 15 peer-reviewed, scholarly, published articles or texts on the use of simulation technology in nursing education and write an annotated bibliography.
1b. Discuss findings of review of literature with medical-surgical nursing faculty and my mentor to determine how evidence-based practice can be implemented with simulation in the lab.
1c. Draft a needs assessment regarding the simulation technology needs of the ADN faculty and ask for suggestions for specific medical-surgical scenarios which pertain to their level of clinical development and discuss with mentor.
1d. Determine where in the curriculum the SimMan® scenarios would be best utilized to enhance student learning by interviewing faculty and department head. / 1a. Annotated bibliography of the literature review .
1b. Summary of the discussion with nursing faculty and mentor.
1c. Ccopy of the needs assessment, along with report containing the suggestions for which clinical scenarios must be developed, in the practicum portfolio.
1d. Copy of the curriculum content for the specific nursing course and specify where the scenario would be used in the practicum portfolio. Also include interview summaries with faculty and department head.
Learning Objectives / Learning Strategies / Evidence of Accomplishments / Midpoint Review
(at 30 hours of Practicum Project) / Outcome-
To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
Design at least two simulations with current nursing students. Simulations must demonstrate critical thinking in clinical situations encountered in medical-surgical settings. Simulations supplement the existing curriculum. / 2a. Learn to use the SimMan® technology by reading the manual, working with mentor, and spending individual hands-on time practicing until proficient in utilizing the technology.
2b. Design two different medical-surgical clinical scenarios based on faculty feedback and curricular needs and integrate the content with the SimMan® technology. / 2a. Report of mentor’s written feedback on proficient use of SimMan® technology in the practicum portfolio.
2b. Written copy of each scenario created, including the goals, objectives, and specific scenario parameters in the practicum portfolio.
Implement the scenarios with mentor to gain feedback on the use of the SimMan® technology and to incorporate practice and changes as needed. / 3a. Design a learning resource for students related to each specific SimMan® clinical scenario, including goals and objectives for the learning lab.
3b Implement the clinical learning scenarios with at least two groups of students using SimMan® webcam technology to record the student interactions during the scenario. / 3a. Copy of learning resource given to students for preparation for each SimMan® scenario.
3b. Simulation log that documents when simulation labs were held, time started and completed, and number of students participating.
Learning Objectives / Learning Strategies / Evidence of Accomplishments / Midpoint Review
(at 30 hours of Practicum Project) / Outcome-
To Be Completed Prior to Starting NUR/590B
Evaluate student learningafter participating in a simulation scenario, determine the benefits and challengesof using simulation technology in this setting. / 4a. Conduct a post-scenario debriefing conference utilizing the playback video capabilities of SimMan® and discuss students’ reactions to the clinical scenario.
4b. Create and distribute an evaluation tool that measures how well the students met the planned objectives for each simulation.
4c. Evaluate teaching methods and effective use of SimMan® technology with students through self-reflection and mentor feedback.
4d. Analyze all evaluation feedback by writing a three-page detailed reflective analysis in the practicum portfolio.
4e. Discuss these results with mentor to determine an effective way of integrating simulation technology into the curriculum.
4f.Compare and contrast my results to the literature todeterminean effectiveway of integrating simulation technology into thecurrent nursing curriculum. / 4a. Report summarizingstudent reactions during a group discussion for each specific learning experience and include summary in the practicum portfolio.
4b. Copy of evaluation tool along with a summary of student responses in the practicum portfolio.
4c. Copy of all evaluation materials in the practicum portfolio along with a copy of mentor’s evaluation of the learning activity.
4d. Copy of reflective analysis.
4e. Summary of discussion with mentor as to how simulation technology can be further integrated into the curriculum and include in the practicum portfolio.
4f. Report that summarized comparison and recommendations for integrating simulation technology.
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