For 2004 on mines(shafts) of coal department of joint-stock company " ИспатКармет " belonging to the British billionaire of Indian origin Лакшми Митталу 33 miners, from them 23 on mine(shaft) » Шахтинская » were lost. It has turned out, that each one million fuel cost three human lives. It that the cost price of one ton of the Karaganda coal makes 14 dollars, and in the next Russia about 100 US dollars. In total in the Karaganda area function 8 mines(shafts) belonging to metallurgical company " Mittal Steel ". This company wins first place in the world on a gain of incomes and profitability and is the leader of a world(global) steel industry. Heavy working conditions, the beggarly salary and a low standard of living became the reason of the conflict between trade unions and the owner of the company. The trade union of the enterprise is not included into one of national trade-union federations of Kazakhstan, but is with them in partner attitudes(relations), first of all, with Confederation of independent trade unions RK.
The employer
To the native of Calcutta, Лакшми Митталу, it was possible to get steelmaking manufactures in 15 countries of the world, including in Kazakhstan. How it(he) does(makes) it? Cheaply gets unprofitable, but the perspective enterprise, carries out(spends) modernization, cuts down expenses, raises quality of production and masters release of more expensive(dear) and its(her) profitable kinds due to what it becomes fast profitable. In the beginning 90х Лакшми Миттал has started search of opportunities for similar transactions. The first opportunity was presented in Mexico, then in Canada, then the case has appeared to get at once three factories, taking place on the verge of bankruptcy, in Germany. Similar methods under the similar price had been bought the enterprises in Romania, Czechia, Poland, the republic of South Africa, the USA. Last purchase Ukrainian "Криворожсталь". In 19951996 the agreement which has made Indian "металлиста" the proprietor of the Karaganda metallurgical combine has been signed. On a recognition of the manager of the company, all has left somewhat casually. In Kazakhstan the managing director looked after first of all collieries, and the Government has suggested it(him) "Карметкомбинат". The transaction has been made within two weeks. The new management command(team) has lead(has carried out) the present(true) cleaning, ruthlessly dismissing workers and employees. In the first year it has been reduced about 5 thousand workers, and to the next year 5 thousand more.
Full reorganization the marketing service has undergone, the factory has found new commodity markets in East Asia. About 95 percent(interests) of volume of production it is sent on export therefore the Kazakhstan factory began one of the main centers of the profit of the steel magnate. There is a question: the foreigner on natural minerals of our country how many can earn. According to the British newspaper « Санди таймс », индиец Лакшми Миталл it is named the richest person of the Great Britain who has overtaken on the size of the condition Queen Elizaveta and owner "Челси" of Roman Abramovicha. Condition Лакшми Миттала is estimated in 14,8 billion pounds. And the owner of the world's largest metallurgical company Mittal Steel appeared the richest among 1082 nominees, having risen only for a year with the fifth on the first position in this prestigious list. And now we shall look, as the Kazakhstan workers with which help the steel magnate so was quickly enriched began to live. For two years from the moment of the beginning of activity of the company in Kazakhstan works have lost more than ten thousand miners. Dismissals of workers spoke industrial necessity. For the others, under applications(statements) of management(manual) "ИспатКармет", normal operating conditions have been created, the average wages are established at a rate of 300 dollars. The dollar in 20002001 of "was not easier" at all euro, and frequently even appreciablly "it is heavier". During this period of 300 dollars in translation into national currency РК made from 45 up to 48 thousand tenge. Before July increase the salary at miners of coal department averaged 200 euros, or 265 dollars. And only after increase already on the whole of 10 percent(interests) (and шумуто how many was around of this increase!) The average wages of miners have come nearer to 300 dollars. In translation into our money it гдето 39 thousand tenge. It turns out, nominally in local currency of their loss make about 10 thousand tenge. Add on to this decrease(reduction) in purchasing capacity of our money, and you are convinced that now miners really receive for the work already гдето twice less former. But, can, they and give production less? Yes is not present, according to the promulgated data, mines(shafts) of coal department have lifted extraction with 7 up to 12 million tons. Thus the number of miners was reduced almost on 11 thousand person. According to representatives of trade unions, "Mittal Steel" saves on operating repairs that results in significant deterioration of the basic units therefore conditions and safety of work worsen. Polish Gazeta Zachodnia writes, that, besides the safety precautions, on a metal works save even on cleaning and hygiene of workers. Besides miners are dissatisfied with mass reductions. The company has declared, that in the near future is going to reduce about 45 thousand workplaces worldwide. It is expected, that most of all dismissals will be at the enterprises of the company in Kazakhstan, and also in Romania, Poland, Czechia and the republic of South Africa.
The reasons of the conflict
The tragedy at the enterprise became not so much the reason of the conflict, how many last drop in a number of the collected not ¿decided(solved) problems. Some months prior to tragedy the participant of the project D.Shubin has met chairman of trade union of workers of coal department of Open Society " ИспатКармет " V.Sidorov. In conversation the most different questions have been lifted. Already then sharply there was a question on change of system of a payment of miners, that actually and became a leitmotif of the future conflict.
Only real work can bring real results chairman of trade union of workers of coal department of Open Society “ Испат Кармет ” V.Sidorov is confident. Today simple declarations on intentions of human rights of work to not protect.
Vyacheslav Mihajlovich, today, when about трипартизме and social диа a broad gully speak enough frequently, whether to trade-union leaders it became easier пред ставлять interests of the person of work in dialogue with the employer?
Now to trade unions to work began simultaneously both simply, and it is difficult. Simply, because at a legislative level activity of the trade-union organizations is strictly regulated. To break the law to the employer it is unprofitable. And the authority demands, that rights of trade unions were observed and calls for social dialogue. And it is difficult because in practice to have at itself at the enterprise понастоящему strong and independent trade union to any employer it is not favourable. It(he) also searches for ways фор мально to observe norm of the law, but thus to not allow the trade-union organization to lift important and thorny questions. Unfortunately, it turns out so, that the institute of not released(exempted) chairmen of trade-union committees substantially facilitates to the employer this problem(task). In fact the worker first of all remains to subordinates, and already then профлидером, that should affect the quality of work and mutual relations with ра ботодателем. For high-grade protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the person of work профлидер not only should be released(exempted), but also to have the whole staff(state) of competent professionals: lawyers, economists, etc. Naturally, not at each enterprise it is possible, but in this case повы шаются a role of the higher organizations of city town committees, обкомов and т д. But the trade union at each large enterprise necessarily should have such staff(state). At us, for example, in trade union it is got(started) so: if in division more than 400 members of trade union chairman of such primary organization becomes released(exempted) профлидером. But even if the trade union is technically ready to that in questions of principle firmly to express the will to the employer, not always it turns out practically, in fact the employer has powerful levers of influence on labour collective constant threat of dismissal and threat of punishment by rouble.
It turns out, what today at the employer very big opportunities to influence the worker?
It is possible to tell, that it is a serious problem. The reasons as we already saw, lay on a surface. The recent decision of the Supreme court каса тельно uniform application of norms of the labour legislation has put the certain barrier on a way at the unfair employer. By the way, and those employers who are focused on social dialogue, to коим I can safely attribute(relate) and the employer, with pleasure treated the law on work in any way for the benefit of the worker or trade-union committee. But it only a first step. Too many white spots in this law. Affairs about illegal dismissals last years, and three months are compensated to the worker only. So in this direction to work and work.
Now as to the second lever of influence of the employer on the worker. The system of formation of a wage fund creates preconditions for similar excesses. I want to give due to developers of the Concept of wages which today in dialogue with the government and employers is represented by Federation of trade unions RK. The document of very competent, touching most painful point of a labour market. His(its) successful realization can become a new stage of mutually advantageous partnership in conditions of free business and civilized capitalism.
But some employers count this concept not quite corresponding to modern conditions?
In this case I, as a rule, speak: well, and show your concept. How повашему the fund of a payment should be formed? And this question to the employer to answer very inconveniently. And all the matter is that such concept at employers simply is not present. More truly, she(it) is, but it is already considered an attribute of a bad form to recollect it(her). And in a source of her(it) Taylor's developed still(even) in 19 century the system lays so-called "потогонная". The person put on the conveyor and exploited him(it). You do not maintain such rate of work? That, farewell, we shall find on your place of another. Naturally, today in the advanced countries about such approach to a labour cannot be and speeches. And at us this system prospers, only "conveyor" is replaced "бизнеспланом". And basically it is favourable to employer to leave this question in the suspended condition. But such position contradicts modern conditions. Today on all there is a tariff: on gas, water, an electricity, etc. And cost of work (labour) is not established. What turns out? I shall result a concrete example. At miners the rate of first category 6600 of tenge. In a month thus the basic wages make about 10000 tenges, and thousand twenty it is other a different sort of the extra charge. And этито extra charges become some kind of system of punishments. Hardly that premiums any to you. So it is necessary to make, that the wage fund for 7080 percent(interests) was formed of the basic salary, and the everything else would make a various sort of the extra charge. And any additional charges it is not necessary. такойто the approach also will correspond(meet) to civilized market attitudes(relations). And that at times business reaches up to ridiculous. To me on a secret told at one large Kazakhstan enterprise, that they have original system of special infringements of the safety precautions of work. As so, I was struck. All is very simple, in бизнесплане there is clause(article), under which premium those who has broken the safety precautions lose. Also it is necessary workers "to break" serially rules to keep within the budget. Well they cannot work without infringements of the safety precautions, probably, consider in адми нистрации, especially and in бизнесплане such is not stipulated. The approach to formation of fund of the payment, offered(suggested) ФПРК, not only will allow to solve similar problems, but also will considerably increase tax deductions, that, undoubtedly, it is favourable to the government. So here it is necessary to get his(its) support.
And as you concern to statements of some businessmen, both domestic, and foreign investors, that all over again it is necessary to find commodity markets for production which is not always competitive, and already then to begin какойто conversation on increase of the salary, etc. Otherwise money to shout simply there is no place?
If production was noncompetitive, any investors at such enterprise it would not be simple. The commodity market today is, but for him(it) it is necessary to struggle. Unfortunately, in such situation diligent employers can appear not in the most favourable position. As a rule, all clauses(articles) of charges at each enterprise are calculated rather scrupulously. And hardly the administration has opportunity here on чемто to save. Except for one wages. Who also tries to raise competitiveness of production by reduction of wages and social charges. The same who does not want to go on such
ways, obviously lose the first. It turns out, that to the employer is simply unprofitable to carry out socially focused policy at the enterprise, even at the big desire.
There is also other party(side) of a medal. Many domestic enterprises which today are under the control of foreign investors, live on бизнеспланам which are developed гденибудь in London or Нью York. And those representatives of administration with whom, actually, trade unions also deal, are compelled to operate within the framework of this concrete business of the plan and leave for his(its) limits they cannot