Phone: 0245878105Fax:0245878158
Email: Website:
Congratulations you have been selectedtorepresentHawkesburyDistrictBasketball
Associationin a representativeteam.
Thepre-season trialswillcommenceinFebruary/Marchforthe Juniors/Seniorsandthecompetition seasonwillcommencein March.Youwillbeinformed at trainingwhen the trialgameswillbe conducted. Not all teams always trial.
Adiscount of $50 willbe giveniffees are paidin fullby 15th March2018.
1st Installment of $100 (Juniors and Seniors)due by 24th Feb 2018
(this 1st installment must be paid by the due date or before to secure a spot on the team)
2nd Installment of $250.00 (Juniors)due by 10th March 2018
2nd Installment of $300.00 (Seniors)due by 10th March 2018
3rd Installment of $150 (Juniors)due by 7th April 2018
3rd Installment of $$200 (Seniors)due by 7th April 2018
Players can pay their fee in other installments, there is no limit to this i.e. weekly, fortnightly or in three installments BUT be aware that playersWILL NOTBEPERMITTED ON THECOURTiftheirfeeshaven’tbeen paidin full priorto31st March 2018.
Thisfeeincludes aRepresentativeWalk OutShirt for juniors and seniors and a long sleeved shirt for seniors in place of the uniform warm up.
Pleasemake payments by cash,directdepositorEFTPOStothe HDBAoffice. Direct Deposit details are:
Hawkesbury and District Basketball Association (HDBA)
Account: 256867898
In the Reference field put the initials and team name i.e. John Smith in U14M2 could be JS14M2. Most internet banking allows you the option to send an email to the recipient of the money. If your institution allows this, please send the email to .
Juniors–allplayersarerequired to competein HDBA’s domestic competition.Please contact the HDBA office to be placed on wait list for the Winter Season. If yourprimaryregistrationiswithanotherassociation,you mustaffiliatewithHDBA.
Affiliation $35perseason(proof ofprimaryregistrationisrequired,andaffiliationcannotextend past yourprimaryregistrationexpirydate).
Seniors–allplayerswillautomaticallybecome affiliated withHDBAby completing theplayerdetailsagreementformif their primaryregistrationiswithanotherassociation.
If you wish toplayinHDBA’sdomestic competitionyou willberequired topay theaffiliationfee. Affiliation costs$35 perseason (proofof primaryregistrationisrequired, and affiliationcannotextendpastyourprimaryregistration expirydate).
Ensuringyourregistrationiscurrentistheresponsibilityof theplayer/parent. Asuggestionistoput yourexpiry datein yourphonecalendarwithareminder whenitisdueforrenewal.
Yourteamcould bedisqualifiedif a player’sregistrationisfoundto haveexpired.
Joining arepresentativeteamrequires commitment.Youmust be prepared to commit totraining.Itiscompulsory.Pleasebe attraining10 minutespriorto thecommencementtime ready to take the court.
It isexpected that playerswillarrive togames notlessthanan hourpriorto tip off. Inmanycases, coaches may requireyou tobe earlierto enable uniforms to beissued, scoresheetstobe generatedand startingplayers nominated.
For Junior games, there can be 12 players per team, however only 10 can be named on the game sheet and “suit up” each game. For seniors, there are 14 players allowed per team and 12 able to be suited up per game.
Some Coaches may have chosen players that they believe have potential for future representative teams and to harness the players’ enthusiasm they may have chosen players as either Development Players or Training Squad Players.
Development players pay half the amount of fees as Representative Players, will attend all games and training sessions with the rest of the team but will only receive limited court time in games. The amount of time depends on the games, the number of players suited up already and other factors such as suitable position on the day, all of which is up to the Coach’s decision.
Training Squad players do not pay any fees and attend all training sessions. They are asked to attend the home games (not any away games) and will not take the court in any of the games.
All homegames willbe played at HawkesburyIndoor Stadium–16 StewartSt,SthWindsor (entry via Greenhills Way).
The venueisrun by YMCA, as such we are bound by theirrulesincluding-NO ALCOHOLon the premises. Alistof othervenueswill besupplied and all info including draws and locations is also available on an app (details to be supplied).
Juniors Only-Eachteamisrequiredto providetwo bench officialspergame. It is expected that allparents willundertake this duty duringtheseason. This will entail two parents on the bench at each game. Shot clocks are used in the U16s and older age groups. Traininginbench activities willbe providedifrequired.Asmoststadiums have differenttimingsystems theHometeamsgenerally do the clock and the shot clock and awayteams do thegame sheet and Chairperson role.
Each teamwillrequirea managerthat willbedrawn fromthe player’s supporters.Thisisnotan onerousresponsibilityand youdo notneedto be abasketball expert,some simpleorganisationisallthatisrequired.Collectionandcompletion of scoresheetfromoffice,washing anddistribution of uniforms, organizing a team score bench roster (for Juniors), distributionof allcorrespondence fromHDBA and organizing and filling team water bottles (if applicable).Managers are expected to communicate all team changes to HDBA office.
Any questions that players or parents have would ideally go to the team Manager in the first instance and then the Manager will liaise with the HDBA Office or Representative Delegate. This line of communication will allow for continuity of information.
Managers mustcompletetheManagerContactInformationFormandreturn to theHDBAoffice. They mustalso applyforaWorkingwithChildren check
All coaches including assistant coaches need to be approved by the League Delegate and registered as a coach on Sports TG and need to have completed a Working With Children Check. Please let your League Delegate know if there are ANY changes to coaching including at training.
BNSW have requested that we nominate a League Delegate for Junior and Senior Leagues.
Peter Herrmann is the Senior Delegate, Cleo Pickard is the Junior Delegate.
ALL inquiries regarding rep competitions are to go through the Representative Delegate who will contact BNSW for you. All team changes and other relevant information must be discussed with your delegate. BNSW will deal directly with the designated delegates only.
Aresubject tochangeand can be downloaded direct fromtheSportsTGwebsiteor an app can be downloaded to your phone.
Juniors only- Please ensureyouinformthemanagerof theteamorthe responsible adult whowill beincharge of yourchildif youdon’tintendstayingat the game ortraining sessions. Itisnot therole of managers to careforyourchildinyourabsence.
The playing singlet, shorts and warm up shirt (juniors only)will besupplied by HDBAandremainthe property of HDBA. Reversible training singlets are available from the office for $15 for rep players ONLY and is expected to be worn all training.Players will be given a polo shirt which must be worn with the plain black shorts at every game on arrival and departure. Senior players will receive a long sleeved warm up shirt.
It isa requirement forallplayers to wearblacksocks on thecourt.BlackJets socks areanoptionalpurchaseavailablefromthe HDBAoffice,they cost$10 apair.
Arange of merchandisewillbeavailable forpurchase byplayersand supportersattheHDBAoffice.
All representative players are expected to behave in an exemplary manner that presents the Hawkesbury Association in a positive light. Listen and cooperate with your Coach. Work hard for yourself, your Coach and your team. Play by the rules, never argue with an official. If you disagree talk to your Coach and allow them to deal with the issue.
Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials of other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent is not acceptable or permitted in basketball. Be aware that three technical fouls placed on a player is an automatic suspension for the offending player.
Be a good sport. Acknowledge all good plays and treat others as you would like to be treated.
All spectators are expected to behave in an acceptable manner without using any bad language, showing respect to players, officials, Coaches and other spectators. Any breaches to the Spectator’s Code of Conduct could result in spectators being removed from games and even banned from particular Basketball Associations. Please ensure you are a good role model.
All Coaches are volunteers and are putting in their spare time to Coach our representative players. Players are asked to respect them at all times, be committed to put in their effort in all team training sessions games, and to be open and honest with their Coaches including disclosing any injuries or restrictions.
Apresentation eveningwill be heldaroundSeptemberfollowing thecompletionof boththeJuniorandSeniorcompetitions. Asmallfeewillberequiredperhead,detailswillbeconfirmed during the season.
All stadiums will collect money for door entry fees. Parents of players at Hawkesbury home games will not be charged entry but additional adult will be charged $3.00. A parent for each team will be asked to provide door duty during the time they are present for the game (normally half an hour before the game and half an hour into the game).
The HDBA are wanting to create a positive culture amongst all the members, and look to all Senior Representative players to help foster this culture. Senior Representative players are idolized by Junior players and seen to be role models. HDBA would like to encourage Senior players assist in “giving back” to Junior players by volunteering some of their time to attend some of the junior training sessions or domestic games and provide some mentoring to the junior players. HDBA believe the benefits will be twofold, it will provide a sense of community amongst the Representative teams and it will create an increase in junior spectators and parents attending the senior games. We want to see Senior Representative game nights as the entertainment night of the week, like it can be!
Phone:02 45878105Fax:0245878158
Email: Website:
PleasecompleteandreturnthisformtotheHDBAofficewithyourpaymentinstallment beforeplaying any games.
PrimaryRegistrationwith whichclub
BNSW RegoNo:__ExpiryDate:
MaleFemaleDate ofBirth:
Country ofBirth_Ethnicity_
_ Postcode
To representHawkesburyDistrictBasketballAssociationisan achievement not tobe takenlightly.InvolvementinourRepresentativeProgramnot onlyreflects outstandingindividualskills butalsoimpliesa soundunderstandingof the positivephilosophies of development,teamwork and sportsmanship. PTO
Thefollowingdocumentsare availableontheBNSWwebsite standard ofperformanceandbehaviourexpected ofallparticipantsinvolvedwiththeHawkesburyDistrictBasketballAssociationRepresentative Program.
Player CodesofConductParentCodesofConducts
ZeroTolerance PolicyGuidelinesfor SportsRage
Insigningthisform IunderstandHDBAmayseekmedicalattention for meor mychildintheeventofanaccidentwhile participatinginabasketballgame,basketballtrainingorabasketballadministrationrole. IunderstandthatIwill beresponsible foranymedicalfeeswhichmaybeincurred(e.g.ambulance,hospitaladmission).
Pleasebe awarethatphotographsmaybetaken duringbasketballrelatedactivitiesandcould possiblybeusedinthefollowingformats- HDBAwebsite,electronicandprintpromotionalmaterial,mediapromotions/activities,HDBAFacebookpage orYMCA’spromotional TVinstadiumfoyer-forthepurpose ofpromotingthe associationandbasketballingeneral.
PleaseNote:Theinternet/wwwmaybeaccessedbyanypersonworldwide.Iunderstandthat ifmyimageor mychild’simage ispublishedontheHawkesburyandDistrictBasketballAssociationInc.website,itwill beaccessible tomillionsofusersworldwide.
Ifyoudonotwantyour photograph or your child’sphotographpublished,pleasetickthefollowingboxPleasedonotpublishmyphotograph,ormychild’sphotographinanyformat.
IunderstandthatthefeesassociatedwithplayingrepresentativebasketballforHawkesbury& DistrictBasketball Associationfor2017areJUNIORS$500.00,SENIORS$550.00.
Iunderstandfailuretomakethesepaymentswill resultinmychild/myselfnotbeingabletotakethecourtofthe representativegame until theyarefinancial.
Asthe parent/guardian of...... ,Igiveconsentfor myson/daughter toparticipateintheHawkesburyDistrictBasketballAssociationRepresentativeProgram.Further, IagreetotheFinancial,Medical,Publicity,CodeofConduct,ZeroToleranceandSportsRagetermsdetailedon thisform.
Parent / GuardianName:
As aparticipantof the HawkesburyDistrictBasketballAssociationRepresentativeProgram, I agree toall conditionsand feeslisted above.
Player’s Signature: