September 10, 2013
North Pointe Elementary PTO (2013-2014) Meeting
Holly Carithers welcomed everyone and there were 14 persons present:
Principal Elrod, Michelle Sautter, Craig Chappelear, Jennifer Brockellbank, Holly Carithers, Lyndsey Walden, Melissa Bell, Bethany Pannell, Kelly Evans, Kathy Culpepper, Nicole Clark, Kerri Cape, Marc Minner, and Angi Patrick.
-As the opening meeting for the 2013-2014 school year, President Carithers allowed for introductions of new members and discussed the standard for the PTO meeting rules and conduct, “Robert’s Rules”.
-Attention was given to the current board and committee members and nominations were made for new board and committee members. It was mentioned that Craig Chappelear was nominated by Heather McLean for Vice President Elect and Jennifer Brockellbank made the motion to vote in the absence of Heather McLean. The motion was seconded by Kerri Cape and vote was held with a unanimous vote in favor of Craig Chappelear holding the position of Vice President Elect. Kelly Evans was nominated for the position of Secretary by Jennifer Brockellbank. The motion was seconded by Angi Patrick and a vote has held in favor of the same. Other nominations were mentioned: Wendy Marshall was nominated by TalinHohn for yearbook committee member, TalinHohn was nominated by Marc Minner for yearbook committee member, Heather McLean was nominated by Craig Chappelear for yearbook committee member, Courtney Little has volunteered for Fundraising Committee Member, and Mary Beth Hillhouse has volunteered for Family Night Event Committee Member.
-Bylaws were reviewed and amendments to the Bylaws were suggested. Suggestions were made to amend the Bylaws. President Carithers asked everyone to review the Bylaws in more detail at their leisure and contact her with any suggestions before October 10th, in preparation for the first general PTO meeting on October 17th. The amendments will be voted on at that time.
-The proposed budget for the 2013-2014 year was reviewed and discussed. The lack of a line item for the yearbook was discussed and it was determined that one is not necessary at this time. Nicole Clark and President Carithers will meet to further discuss the possible creation of a separate account for Family Night Events. It was also announced that the funds related to Jet’s Pizza night go directly to the school and do not need to be a part of the PTO Budget. President Carithers asked everyone to review the budget proposal in more detail at their leisure and contact her with any suggestions before October 10th, in preparation for the first general PTO meeting on October 17th. The proposed budget will be voted on at that time.
-Fundraising Chair, Bethany Pannell, reported that the Discount Card Fundraiser has been very successful. A total of $12,680.00 has been collected during this fundraiser so far. 1,268 discount cards have been sold and more requests are still being received. Profit so for is $6,340.00.
-The top selling class is Ms. Maness with 165 sold
-The top selling students are:
-1st Place – Zachary Carver with 101 sold
-2nd Place – KaleighTollison with 40 sold
-3rd Place – Tie between Bode Billingsly and Alexis Vatakis, each with 26 sold
-A new fundraising idea was mentioned by Bethany Pannell and further elaborated on by Jennifer Brockellbank. Katie has working to plan a Fun Run in October 2013. She has collected a lot of information and created some preliminary documents pertaining to the event. It was announced that this event is planned during the school day as a learning activity for the students. A kick-off pep-rally is planned on or about October 17th with the run being planned for October 31st. More information will be given at a later time.
-The Treasurer’s Report was then given by Treasurer, Marc Minner. See report attached.
-President Carithers then opened the discussion to other committee members.
-Yearbook Committee Chair, Kathy Culpepper, mentioned the idea of selling ads to help fund the yearbook and/or generate PTO funds. Ms. Culpepper will look into the logistics of selling ad space and contact the yearbook supplier and report back with further information.
-Angi Patrick, Grade Parent Coordinator Chair, announced that she has received volunteers from most classes and will be having the first Grade Parent meeting next Friday.
-Family Night Event Coordinator Chair, Nicole Clark, announced that flyers had been put in teachers boxes as reminders of skate night and Family Picnic. She is working on getting information together to send out to PTO for help with the North Pointe Vendor Night/Fair. Vendors will not be duplicated.The decision was made to offer North Pointeparents first choice as vendors, at a discounted rate.
-Box Top Coordinator, Michelle Sautter, will send a letter out about collecting box tops next week.
-Principal Elrod then gave the principal’s report. She thanked the PTO for the artwork purchased last year and moved on to current issues.
-She announced that there are still some issues to be worked on with the traffic situation at drop-off and pick-up times. She has welcomed suggestions to make the traffic situation better.
-She reported that the security of the school has been increased and that Officer McQueen will be available for PTO organized activities as long as he is notified in plenty of time. She suggested that we should utilize him as a resource at the Spring Fling, Vendor Night, etc.
-A Field-Trip Assistance Fund was established last year, though no one had requested to use it so far. She has drafted an application for assistance, for use in the event that a parent request help from a teacher.
-President Carithers then gave the president’s report.
-It was discussed that we are in need of an additional clause in the Bylaws that addresses the proper handling of money, as a precautionary measure. If one of the PTO Chairs are present, they should be accountable for the money being collected. No one should ever count money alone. If another PTO board or committee member is not available to count along with you, please go to the office and count where there are witnesses. An executive board member should sign off on all counted money. Kelly Elrod and Stephanie Radford can sign as witness in the absence of an executive board member.
-It was requested that all PTO board and committee members be prepared to volunteer for the Family Picnic on Friday, September 20th from 6-8pm.
Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Evans
Attachments: agenda, Treasurer’s Report