Report:Business Meeting
NBEA Conference
Chicago, IL – Scottsdale 5th Floor
Date: Friday, April 10, 2009 (2:30 – 3:30)
Present: Barbara Bielenberg - IA, Susan Brooks - TN, Jean Buckley – VA, Kara Burkett - TN, Edith Duncombe – NC,Todd Farr - CA, Sarah Heath – GA, Virginia Hemby – TN/DPG,Jamie Hess – MI,Leslie Kerns – MO,Jean Kyle – MN,Kirk Lawson – BPA,Angie Neal – IO, Anna Nemesh - MD, Mary Nemesh - MD, Kay Orrell - CA, Kelly Scholl – ND, Deborah Seehorn, Bonnie Sibert – NE, Pat Thieben – IA, Karen Schmoe – OH/SW, and Laurie Urich – CO
Absent: Sandra Porter
Barbara Bielenberg called the meeting to order at 2:31 pm.
Review of Minutes: Bonnie Sibert moved and Mary Nemesh seconded that the minutes be accepted. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Sandra’s written report was distributed and Barbara Bielenberg recommended it be filed for audit.
Jean Kyle, ACTE/BE brought greetings and is delighted to invite the group to Nashville, Tennessee Opryland Hotel for the national conference fall 2009. Technology is a BE strand focusing on classroom teaching strategies. The BE division is rewriting their policy manual to bring it into alignment with ACTE bylaws and policies. The BE groups do not have to be affiliates of ACTE, however, ACTE policies require affiliate status for conference program inclusion and allocation of meeting space. There are a lot of division level committee seats available this fall, one position will be on the policy committee. Jean is pleased to announce that the ACTE/BE vice president nomination chair is Abilgale Reynolds of MN and she will provide information in May 2009 on the business education website with specifics about the process. Any communications should be directed to the chair. Jean is happy to answer any questions about the duties and expectations of serving as the ACTE/BE vice president 3 year term. She expressed the need for leadership at all levels to keep the BE momentum going. Jean thankedNASBE for serving as a strategic partner.
Kirk Lawson, President and CEO of Business Professionals of America, thanked NASBE for inviting him to be a partner. Over the last year and a halfhe has been able to answer many questions. BPA membership is a little stronger than expected this year. Kirk expressed concern about the conference taking place in four weeks and the impact with the state of the economy. Kirk shared with the group that his background is with non profit organizations and he approaches things from service and value adding to the membership. The organization has gone through a number of changes and has used feed back loops and timely responses. “Students are focused with a gleem in their eye and a fire in their belly.” He added that there are a number of positive things working for BPA. Kirk added that he enjoys being a part of BPA.
Jean Buckley, Executive Director –Future Business Leaders of America, appreciates the opportunity to be a part of NASBE. In light of the economic struggles, she is delighted to report that there is an increase in student membership. Specifically, over 253,000 nationwide with increases in all divisitons and over 600 chapters. Jean is pleased to announce that FBLA will be in Aneheim, CA, June 21- 27, 2009. She mentioned that they will need 500 judges (June 21-22 and 26-27) and asked the group to help with recruiting business persons and corporate sponsors asking the group to call her or Barbara at the corporate office. Lunch and parking will be covered. Corporate sponsorships are $5,000, $3,000, and $1,000. There are new BPL competitive events in sports management, Adobe, flash, and Microsoft to mention a few. FBLA is participating in raising funds for the March of Dimes this year. Additionally, there are four new schools in the scholarship program. Jean expressed appreciation for the support that state and local supervisors provide to FBLA advisors.
Virginia Hembly, on behalf of DPE, shared that they are continuing discussion for potential affiliation with NBEA to strengthen business education and research. DPE members will be asked to participate in a survey for feedback. Virginia expressed that the potential affiliation will be a slow process to transition while they seek membership input. She envisions this partnership as an opportunity to strengthen Business Education. Additionally, the DPE conference overlapps ACTE November 19-21, 2009 in San Francisco. Virginia thankedNASBE for allowing her to bring greetings on behalf of DPE. She asked the group to remind teachers that research is applicable to everyday life, not just a project, and encourage them to get involved. Virginia excused herself to join the NABTE meeting taking place during the same time.
Officer report highlights:Kay is working on the strategic plan for next year, please look over it. The goals are to increase membership and communication. Kay requested the group to submit other items to be included in the plan. Lee M. submitted a written report. Susan, NASBE editor, submitted a written report requesting that she be excused due to illness. The group was reminded that April 15this the deadline for submission of articles for the newsletter. This will be Susan’s final NASBE newsletter as her service comes to an end. Webmaster, Barb Beedle is no longer able to host service with IndianaState.
Anna Nemesh, NASBE awards, asked the group to please remember to nominate colleagues. The nomination forms are available in the April newsletter and a reminder email will be sent as a follow up.
Barbara Bielenberg reminded the group that they must add themselves to the NASBE list serv if they are interested in receiving those communications. This can be done at the website.
Nominating Committee
Kara installed the 2009-10 officers.
An AdHoc committee was appointed in December 2008 at the ACTE Conference NASBE Executive Committee Meeting as a result of NACABE dissolution with the intent to make recommendations on how to disperse the remaining treasury. Deborah Seehorn distributed a report (neon green) with suggestions for dispersing NACABE funds. She asked for additional suggestions/input from the group. Bonnie Sibert moved to accept option number 4, provide scholarship assistance for classroom teachers to attend NBEA and/or ACTE national conferences by offering an annual scholarship of $300 to one person via a nomination process. Mary Nemesh seconded and the motion carried. The intent is to return the funds to those who generated the dollars. Bonnie mentioned that she has several new members at NBEA due to the NBEA $200 scholarship. Jean Kyle reminded the group that the funds were from ACTE/BE division.
Jean Kyle, unified division of ACTE, NASBE will not have representation per se because they are not an affiliate of ACTE. ACTE structured, standing committees and vice presidents appoint persons to committees. NASBE representation, teacher/educator, on a rotation basis. More flexible on appointments due to no affiliation. Appointing from all constituencies, thoughtful of gender and geographic location. Only appointed persons may attend the committee meetings. Must be on the committee to participate. As protocol/courtesy please do not put the committee chairs in the position to operate outside the parameters of the current structure and process. Jean will distribute the structure process for serving on committees. Kara asked, “will there be dialogue as it relates to other committees for all CTE?” Remodeling timelines, in terms of resolutions, as ACTE refines the process, the website will have that information. Board of Directors, composed of 20 persons, sets the policy. ACTE is a most transparent organization that seeks to support each of us. ACTE is remodeling its structure for membership. With the intent to insure voices are heard based upon the by laws and policy. Barb requested the updates to the ACTE committee structure be sent to her. Kay asked if ACTE has expiration dates for current members. It was noted that Anna and Mary will be leaving committees and appointments will be sought. If you accept appointment, meetings are the day before the ACTE conference. Roger Folk is on the membership committee, email or call with questions.
Jan Treichel, NBEA Executive Director, is pleased that NASBE members could join NBEA in Chicago. Jan stated that NBEA is having a successful meeting in Chicago. She added, “Sometimes the stars line up for you and this year is a good year to be in Chicago in a strong state for NBEA.” “Carol Brooks is in the Illinois State Department of Education and giving this meeting great support and you may wish to get her involved in this organization (NASBE).” NBEA will be in San DiegoMarch 30-April 3rd, 2010 at the Marriott Hotel in Marina, a great location for NBEA. It is anticipated to be a successful and affordable experience for members. Jan mentioned that there was a good board meeting earlier this week and pleased to announce that Anne Rowe will join the NBEA Board as a member at large. The NBEA Board has been reduced in size from 22 to 13 members. Anne is a great addition with a strong command of BusinessEducation issues. NBEA has taken steps to launch the new national student business education society. If there are schools in your state interested in starting a chapter it is easy to applyfor only $100 charter fee. This is a great way to get program visibility and recognize student achievement. NBEA is working on a new publication with creative teaching ideas and will be available at the on-line book store. It is hot off the press this year and is quite substantive with 260 pages, very valuable and useful to teacher at all levels with input from all levels. It is also tied to the national standards. There is a matrix in the front of the book. Bonnie Sibert asked what content would be on the accompanying CD. Jan expanded;there are handouts for each of the lessons with rubrics. This is a labor of love and contains a lot of information. New NBEA officers have been elected to 3 year term positions. Jan expressed her enthusiasm about a secondary teacher serving as president of NBEA while in the classroom and stated that the last time this happened was in 1993. She added that there are two practicing educators on the board. Jan stated that NBEA tries to have a mix of participants on the board. Karen Williams is the 2009-10 president. The Chicago conference attendance is up from last year at between 1200-1300 participants. Jan explained that NBEA is in a strict rotational process to offer their conference in each region. The fall Board voted to maintain a regional rotation, not in the strict way of previous years, and consider other options as directed by the board. NBEA will be in New Orleans in 2011, Bostonin 2012, Atlantain 2013 (meeting the middle of April - not Easter week), Los Angelesin 2014, and back to Chicagoin 2015. Jan expressed the benefit of NBEA to provide an affordable experience in working with the hotels for out years. Bonnie expressed a concern with student organization conferences and a potential conflict in 2013.
New business: Approve the strategic plan as a work in progress, Kara moved, Deb seconded. Motion carried
Anna presented a special recognition award on behalf of NASBE to Karen Schmoe. She is always warm, and greets everyone with a smile. Karen appreciates the partnership. Barb also thanked Karen for hosting our listserv
No bylaw changes
Announcements: Nov 18-21 ACTE conference. During FBLA regional conferences and possibility of reduced attendance.
Unfinished business:
Install new officers: Kara Burkett, pleased to stand in for Lee M.
Kay Orrell, Laura Urich, Todd Farr, and Barbara Bielenberg.
Kara presented to Barb a special leadership recognition on behalf of NASBE.
Barb adjourned the meeting at 3:35 pm
Respectfully Submitted:
Todd Farr, Secretary
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