Minutes of the November 16th, 2010, MRHS Board of Directors Meeting

President Steve Bowyer, Presiding

The 16 Nov 2010 Board Meeting of the Muskegon Railroad Historical Society was called to order by President Steve Bowyer at 7:03 P.M.

Roll Call

Present: Steve Bowyer, Mark Kelley, Steve Shick, Jason Bach, Steven Shick, Andy Busard, Tom Anderson


Guests: Jim Funnell,

Presentation of Minutes

Ø President Steve Bowyer noted that the minutes from the previous meeting had been presented and corrections should be forwarded to the secretary in due course.

President’s Report:

Ø Steve Bowyer has removed everything from the Freschette layout, and has prepared the layout for removal.

Secretary’s Report:

Ø We have some renewals that are being entered into the data base this week.

Treasurer’s Report:

Ø Andy stated he was not too happy with the lack of renewals this point.


Ø None to report

Committee Reports:

Layout Committees:

O Gauge:

Ø Still Running fine, All the loops run good

HO Gauge:

Ø Seems to be running, has replaced some wiring and lighting in the layout.

N Scale:

Ø N Scale Chairman Mark Kelley reported that all four lines are operating.

Building Committee:

Ø Nothing new to report

Library Committee:

Ø Library Committee Chairman Jim Funnell reported: we have taken alot of books from the library side and moved them to the office side. Then moved some magazines from the office shelves into storage.

Train Shows:

Ø A letter has been written to the arena, relaying our displeasure with the lack of concessions for the train show.

Program Committee:

Ø Programs are set through May of 2011.

Publicity Committee:

Ø Tom Anderson had No Report.

Donations Committee:

Ø No New Donations to report

Editorial / Website Committee:

Ø Steve Shick - Newsletter is done, looking at getting the ballot finalized ready for printing.

Special Committee Reports:

Long Term Planning:

Ø None

Business and Project Updates:

Tri Cities Museum:

Ø We are going to begin working on the layout after the first of the year.

News and Views:

Ø None

Unfinished Business:

Ø Nominating Committee - has presented a ballot for approval to the board.

New Business:

Ø None


Ø None

Adjournment of Meeting:

Ø Steve Bowyer, President, adjourned the November 16th, 2010 MRHS Board Meeting at 7:42 P.M.

Minutes Submitted by Mark Kelley, Secretary.