Meeting Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 @7PM
The following members were in attendance: Pearl Kingcade, Ed Kingcade, Mark Wooden, Chip Friday,Dawn D’Adamo, Chris Halteman, Howard Schwartz, Jon Byrnes
Meeting brought to order at 7:02 p.m.
Treasurers Report:
- Presented by Chip Friday.
Fields / Equipment / Snack Stand:
- Pearl said that the snack stand needs new shelving on the outside.
- Ed mentioned that we should put fresh caulk on the windows as well.
- Chris H. offered to take a look at, and possibly fix the shelving himself.
- Howard showed the board the different options to choose from for new home plates on each field.
- The board agreed on a plate that was roughly $60 per plate.
- Howard will handle ordering the new home plates.
- Howard also mentioned that we need to fix up the pitching mounds with clay.
- Mark Wooden suggested contacting Herb Georgiadis for information on how to fix the mounds.
- Chris H. said that he had been in touch with Rodney Blake and received his advice on how to handle the equipment/uniforms/etc. from this point forward.
- Howard mentioned that we need to go through the equipment shed and get rid of some old unused equipment. He suggested trying to find a place to donate the old equipment to.
Registration / website:
- Howard mentioned that the website needs to be updated.
- Jon B. said that we need to delete the tab of erroneous contacts, and have them replaced with the current board members.
- It was suggested to have a tab on the homepage titled “Board Members” so that people know who to contact for help.
Other Items:
- Howard said that Bux-Mont Connie Mack has decided to go to the use of all wooden bats beginning in the spring of 2015 for all divisions.
- Pearl suggested buying a supply of wooden bats to keep in the snack stand to sell in case a kid is looking for a bat during a game.
- Mark Wooden suggested that we start notifying QCM families about the switch to wooden bats by advertising it on the website as soon as possible.
- Dawn D. secured a new sponsor (Sellersville Pharmacy) and received payment for a sponsorship and sign.
- Howard mentioned that we will be having a banquet later in February. Cooper Johnson will receive the Athletic Award.
- We need to get transcripts from school in order to determine who to give the Academic award to.
- Mark Wooden made a few suggestions for the board to think about going in to 2015:
- To make sure that teams have COI when they rent QCM fields.
- Asked who carries insurance for the high school booster club when they use the fields.
- If we had paid coaches, it should be one set amount.
- Said we should have set guidelines to give people who want to use the fields.
- Jon B. said that everyone can email him suggestions for guidelines and he will put together some type of document to discuss at the January meeting.
New Business:
- None
Next meeting: January 20, 2015.