Josip Jovic1 , Ivan Bosnjak2 , Tomislav Kljak3 , Zlatko Sviben4 , Vlado Gostimir5

1. ZG-projekt d.o.o., Djordjiceva 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, +38514852214 ,

2. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vukeliceva 4,10000 Zagreb, Croatia ,

3. Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vukeliceva 4,10000 Zagreb, Croatia ,

4. Post and Telecommunication School, Kennedyev trg 9, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia ,

5. Croatian Roads Ltd. , Voncinina 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia,


This paper discusses the concept and basic requirements for effective ("doing right things") development of Integrated Emergency and Incident Management Systems on Croatian motorways after the introduction of emergency call "112" service in Croatia. Starting with the basic macro-level structure of the systems engineering framework, we can identify the operable concept and cells of activities which have to be integrated into a generic-phased process of integrated emergency and incident management system for concrete context/environment. Incident management is described as a complex process with sub-processes of incident detection, incident verification, incident response, normalization and documentation. New ITS environment requires revision and transfer of some operational responsibilities from the police to motorway authority. The systems integration engineering methodology through an entire system lifecycle is necessary for effective and efficient incident management system.

KEY WORDS: incident management, emergency call, integration, responsibilities, systems engineering


Effective and efficient control and handling of emergency and incident situations on motorways (and especially in tunnels) is becoming critical as traffic flow increases. These situations are usual on Croatian motorways during summer holidays. Rapid response to incidents is the crucial requirement not only for saving lives and aiding the injured, but also for maintaining the efficiency of traffic flows. Currently, the response depends on the user contact by mobile phone or on the infrastructure-based sensing and video equipment. After the introduction of "112" emergency call number service in Croatia the situation has changed [7].

The basic thesis in our approach is that Integrated Emergency and Incident Management Systems have to be designed, developed and implemented as part of an integrated and interoperable Intelligent Transport System. Several papers and projects deal with partial aspects of incident management [1], [2], [5]. In our context "effective" means "doing the right things" where design solutions must be compatible at the system interface level in order to share data and provide coordinated operations. The systems engineering methodology allows us to decompose the engineering of complex system into smaller subsystem engineering issues, engineer the system, and then design and build the complete system as an integrated collection of these subsystems [1].

Incident management is a complex process that can be decomposed into phases from incident detection to "normalization" and documentation of incident situation. Several actors or agencies participate in the incident management chain including police, road authorities, emergency services, information service providers, etc. Their roles and responsibilities are changed in the ITS environment.


International Council of Systems Engineering defines systems engineering as interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. It focuses on defining customer needs and required functionality early in the development cycle, documenting requirements then proceeding with design synthesis and system validation while considering the complete problem: operations, performance, test, manufacturing, cost and schedule, training and support, and disposal. Systems engineering integrates all the disciplines and specialty group into a team effort forming a structured development process that proceeds from concept to production to operation. Systems engineering considers both the business and the technical needs of all customers with the goal of providing a quality product that meets the user needs.

In the context of incident management the basic systems engineering tasks are:

- to effectively describe goals and users of incident management system,

- to learn and analyze the basic requirements of incident management system,

- to prepare systems specifications which translate needs and requirements into technical specifications,

- to design ITS emergency management architecture,

- to design and/or perform inspection, test and integration,

- to perform engineering optimization (tradeoff consideration),

- to perform economic optimization (cost-effectiveness considerations),

- to anticipate future changes in the system and their implications.

The system engineer should be able to communicate and establish trustful relation with customers, network operators, vendors and other actors.

Simply buying and connecting advanced equipment does not necessarily result in a system with an acceptable performance regarding efficiency and effectiveness. The Incident Management lifecycle begins with conceptualization and system identification, then proceeds through specification of the system requirements and architectures to the system installation, operational implementation and maintenance. What will be necessary is the systems integration engineering through an entire system lifecycle.

Starting with the basic macro-level structure of the system engineering framework we can identify cells of activities which have to be integrated into a generic phased process of definition, development and deployment of incident management system for a concrete environment.

As Figure 1 illustrates, there are three basic phases with three basic steps in the methodological or process-oriented view of the system engineering. In a more concrete view we might have many "cells of activities" which must be integrated in the development and deployment of Incident Management System.

System engineering integrates safety, security, protection, maintainability and other factors into the total engineering effort to meet the response, cost, efficiency, supportability and other performance objectives.

Figure 1- Lifecycle of Integrated Emergency and Incident Management System


An incident can be defined as a non-recurrent event which causes a reduction of throughput or an abnormal increase in delay or concentration of vehicles. According to the type of situation, incidents can be predictable (maintenance, special events, etc.) or unpredictable, those related to traffic accidents, tunnel or bridge collapses, weather conditions, etc.

The criteria for classification of incidents as major or minor are:

  • expected duration of the incident situation and delays,
  • impact on traffic (affected motorway area, number of lanes blocked, etc.),
  • involvement of multiple agencies to restore vehicular flow,
  • re-routing the traffic onto secondary roads.

The processes involved in handling the incidents have to be defined in documents and/or understood by the incident management team members.

In ITS context we have to identify and develop "Manage Incident" as complex high-level function related to other function such as:

to manage demand,

to provide traveler information,

to provide traffic management,

to manage road maintenance.

In general, the incident management process includes several sub-processes:

 incident detection,

 incident verification,

 incident response,

 "normalization" (return to pre-incident conditions),

 documentation/evaluation.

On motorways there are different ways of incident detection ranging from motorist, mobile calls, police patrols to telematic/CCTV system at selected locations. The new "112" emergency call number has been initially installed, but there are several operational/coordination problems which must be solved.

Mobile cellular phones are the most common method for incident detection on motorways ( 50–80 %). Call boxes located along motorways participate in small percentage. Where available, CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) can be an effective and efficient method. To enhance safety and security some operators install radar sensors that can detect a vehicle stopped in fog or at night.

Figure 2- Incident detection methods

Automated detection permits early and precise detection of incidents based on real-time field data. In combination with closed-circuit television (CCTV) this method can provide a quick and efficient detection and verification procedure for most motorway incidents. Incident verification is the determination of the precise location and nature of the incident.

The objective of incident verification sub-process is to define the "incident level" (major, minor, etc.) and to minimize the time spent on incident response sub-process. Verification methods include in-person verification by dispatched personnel, synthesis of accumulated information from mobile phones and the use of CCTV, and the use of CCTV cameras.

Incident response is the activation of the plans for safe and rapid deployment of the most appropriate personnel and resources to the site. A well-defined and tested incident response plan will enable effective and efficient incident response and clearing to allow traffic conditions to return to pre-incident conditions as quickly as possible. While most processes are based on printed lists of information and procedures, it is possible to develop automated procedures to reduce incident response times.


There are several actors and institutions included in solving the incident problems on the Croatian motorways and highways. The main goals to insure that the involved agencies work together are to develop and deploy a response plan that optimizes the activities and available resources.

The first responder to motorway incident is usually police, fire or emergency medical services. The response times vary but in most cases the first responder arrives at the scene in 20 or 15 minutes, or less. The response time for a minor incident may be much longer.

"Unified traffic management" is common effort which allows all agencies responsible for incident situations (functional or geographical responsibilities) to participate in establishing a common set of incident strategic goals and incident action plans.

The unified structure is required when:

an incident occurs within a single jurisdictional boundary, but more than one agency share the responsibility,

an incident is a multi-jurisdictional one.

There are several useful recommendations for continual improvements of response time:

to preplan response routes and procedures for all responders,

to provide secure Internet access to traffic cameras for appropriate responders,

to support cellular mobile phone and GPS systems as a way of locating incidents,

to promote public awareness of how to make a call in emergency situations,

lessons learned from after-incident reviews should be shared with all the stakeholders.

Adaptive traffic management represents the key additional activity once the incident response procedures are in place. Traffic flow through the incident site must be managed in a safe and efficient manner. Alternate routes must be specified and signalized. The real problem is that in most cases there is little or no detour assistance!

For incidents with personal injuries or fatalities, the primary issues lie in the safety of the injured person. These incidents result in significant delays in opening the lanes to traffic.

Radio broadcast, GSM/GPRS messages, Internet scrolling screen and variable message signs (VMS) provide possible notification sources for motorist information. Static VMS information is limited to the locations where the signs exist, but there are also portable VMSs for broader coverage. Cellular mobile devices and GPS systems can be used for incident location.


Effective and efficient control and handling of emergency and incident situations on Croatian motorways (especially in tunnels) is becoming critical as traffic flow increases during the tourist season. The introduction of emergency call service "112" and the possibilities of mobile Internet (IP) allow new solutions for the Integrated Emergency and Incident Management System.

The Integrated Emergency and Incident management system on Croatian motorways has to be designed, developed and deployed as an integral part of the Croatian Intelligent Transport Systems. Rapid response to emergencies and incidents is crucial for saving lives, aiding the injured and for maintaining the efficient traffic flow. The management of dangerous material transport requires that specific information about vehicle content (including the amount and kind of material) carried can be transmitted and processed in the incident management centre. Successful emergency and incident management requires participation of a large number of stakeholders such as road authorities, police, emergency services, information service providers, etc. The development and deployment of ITS require revision and transfer of some operational responsibilities from police to the motorway authority.


CCTV: Closed-Circuit Television

e-call: Emergency call service

GPRS: General Packet Radio Service

GPS: Global Positioning System

GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications

ITS: Intelligent Transport Systems

VMS: Variable Message Signs


[1]I. Bosnjak: Intelligent Transport Systems Services. University of Zagreb, 2006.

[2]P. Day: Incidents and Accidents. Traffic Technology International. Dec. 2004/Jan 2005.

[3]S. Khanvilkar and A. Khokhar: Virtual Private Networks – An Overview with Performance Evaluation. IEEE Communications Magazine, Oct. 2004.

[4]W.B. Rouse: Engineering Complex Systems – Implications for Research in Systems Engineering. IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 33, No.2, May 2003. (pp. 154-157.)

[5]Proceedings of World and European ITS Congresses

