Minutes of the 2014 Working Group held at the Clubhouse
on Friday 12th July 2013 at 5pm
Those Present
R. Tricky, M. Wilson, J. Peacock, R. Ford, P. Bowrey, R. Hughes, M. Heather,
C. Churchill K. Brown M. Evans (General Manager) Hugh Bone (2014 Chairman).
1. Apologies for absence-
Ken Danson, Sam Bowrey, Jeremy Horn and David Miller
2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3rd May
Were approved as a correct record
3. Matters arising - not on the agenda.
H.B inform the Meeting he had arranged to meet Jamaica Press on 31st July regarding publishing the book, he hoped to come to a final agreement over cost.
D.F was concerned the book should be published now and not wait until next year, it was felt that the previous decision for the last Chapter to document the Celebration year was the correct one although his point was understood.
K.B had produced a flyer to be sent out with the subscription in November 2013 offering Members the chance to pre-order the book; those who did this would have their names printed on the back page.
D.F and P.B gave feedback on how they had been received at the recent Royal Malta Celebration; it was sponsored by H.S.B.C. which allowed them to be very generous.
Wine, beer and soft drink were free; all other drinks had to be paid for; food was free when during evening functions.
A booklet had been produced with all local tourist attraction and local contact numbers for taxis etc, it was agreed to produce something similar.
4. Guest Replies Received.
K.B handed out a spread sheet which she had prepared with all guest details on.
She then reported 62 persons for golf on Friday and Saturday, 67 for
Thursday Buffet and 71 for Gala Dinner, these were confirmed figures, K.B
then gave a projected figure of 80 for Golf, 89 for buffet and 93 for banquet.
These included Captain of R&A and President of England Golf.
H.B thanked K.B for hard work in producing the spread sheet etc.
It was agreed to invite Royal Malta and Royal Cape as they both had recently accepted reciprocal arrangements.
Portmore would also receive an invite as all other local Clubs had been invited.
It was agreed organise trips for non golfers on the Friday.
K.B felt visitors should be given a lunch ticket on Friday and Saturday, this would be looked into with regards to cost etc.
5. 2014 Social Programme
M.E. reported about 40 tickets for each event had been reserved.
A discussion took place as to who from R.ND would be invited to the Thursday evening buffet; H.B and M.E would make a list of possible for the next Meeting, these persons should be ex-Committee members or Members who has helped organise 2014.
M.E. gave a run down on the terrace opening and felt covering the terrace area with a Marquee would guarantee we could cope with two hundred if the weather was inclement. M.E would obtain quotes.
D.F. reported seeing an ideal cover at Dainton Park golf club and suggested members to have a look if they were in that area.
H.B reported on all social events during 2014 and the speakers who had been booked, also to confirm Lester Bird as M.C for the Gala Dinner.
M.H reported he had cancelled the Big Band on the Gala dinner evening and was awaiting the £500 deposit back; he had been assured this would be returned.
A run through of required speakers for the Gala dinner was discussed; C.C. would seek guidance from John Uzielli.
6. 2014 Accounts
M.E reported £14,791 was in current account.
Future fund raising was BBQ in August and Sponsors day in 2014.
Other income is £5,000 from St Austell, and £10,000 from the club.
7. Competition’s- Festival Week
R.H reported he had walked the rout from Saunton, was concerned about the area from Saunton G.C to the beach and how soft the sand was in places, had contacted the Royal Marines, due to insurance and other issues they were concerned they may not be able to help us with the river crossing.
Spotters would be required.
Sponsorship for this event was still being investigated.
K.B was concerned about the lack of electric trolleys, M.W said he could hire extra for that week, but he had concerns on where he could charge up 20 batteries.
8. Any Other Business.
A sample of wines with our own label, these were tasted and all seemed satisfied with the contents, 1000 bottled would need to be ordered once the label had been approved. The cost is; white £5.37, red £4.79
9. Date of Next Meeting – 13th September