Second Grade Music Standards
National Standards
There are nine National Standards for Music Education. They are:
- Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music;
- Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music;
- Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments;
- Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines;
- Reading and notating music;
- Listening to, analyzing, and describing music;
- Evaluating music and music performances;
- Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
- Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
As with other grade levels, at the second grade level many skills and concepts related to these standards are on-going and are reinforced on a regular basis throughout the year.
Ohio Standards
In Ohio, there are five areas of content standards that fall within the context of the nine national standards; assessment of these five areas appear on the student’s progress report the second and fourth quarter.
Listed below are the five content standards, a brief description of that area as it appears on the progress report, and a list of some of the on-going skills and concepts that are reinforced not only during the second and fourth quarter, but also throughout the year.
- Historical, Cultural and Social Contexts
The student demonstrates an understanding of a variety of musical cultures and styles.
- Sings, listens, and responds to music from world cultures
- Identifies, listens, and responds to the music of various composers
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2. Creative Expression and Communication
The student sings, plays instruments, composes, reads, and notates music.
- Sings alone and with a group with accurate rhythm and pitch
- Plays classroom instruments with proper technique
- Uses the head voice to produce a light, clear sound, while maintaining appropriate posture
3. Analyzing and Responding
The student listens and responds to music using correct vocabulary.
- Identifies and demonstrates music elements using appropriate vocabulary
- Identifies selected instruments (i.e., flute, trumpet, guitar . . .)
3. Discusses individual and group musical performance
4. Valuing Music/Aesthetic Reflection
The student demonstrates an appreciation of music.
- Participates in developmentally appropriate music activities
- Responds physically, emotionally and/or intellectually to age-appropriate music (i.e., movement, written or oral description)
5. Connections, Relationships and Applications
The student recognizes the relationship of music to other areas of life and learning.
- Responds to music with dance, drama, and visual art
- Makes connections between music and other curricular subjects
3. Identifies various uses of music in the United States