Friends of Ilkley Lido

19th August 2010 6.30pm


Present: Annetta Bearpark, Michael Beatham, Heathcliffe Bowan, John Chell, Tina Clake, Chris Cody, Peter Connor, Anne Hawksworth, Becky Malby, Rachel Spence, Graham Spence.

  1. Apologies - none
  2. Minutes from last meeting (None as our last meeting was planning for Live at the lido)
  3. Report of financial position from Live at the Lido (see attached spreadsheet and item 3 below). There had been some complaints about the noise, Friends were grateful for the support of the Parish Council, and Bradford Council in handling these so well. We have had a detailed breakdown of the staffing costs from Christine, and we are in a better position now to plan for next year. Date to be set soon. Cllr Hawksworth asked if we would be willing to host an event for the Summer festival and friends agreed that we would.
  4. Clarifying our working relationship with the Council and longer term ambitions for the Lido (see attached letters sent and responses received Item 4 below). Welcome to Cllr Anne Hawksworth who gave us an overview of the potential to take all leisure and cultural services into a Community Trust. Friends expressed concern that public swimming pools (indoor) always loose money, those that make money charge rates that exclude many swimmers. The state of the capital in Ilkley Swimming pool is poor, and this would be a huge liability for the community to run. The Lido covers its costs and we are still interested in exploring investment through a heritage lottery grant
  5. Outstanding issues

-Friends only session on the 11th – due to people’s availability this will now be on the 10th September 4.00 – 7.30pm

-Tickets and pricing and opening times this season and next. A reminder about lobbying for (a) a family season ticket price (b) a direct debit / way of spreading the costs of the lido season ticket over several months (c) the commuter price for after 7pm.

-Friends expressed concern that our understanding of (a) later opening on Saturday in good weather and (b) that the cost of the lido ticket meant people could come and go during the day eg go and get food from town when the cafe is shut are apparently not agreed. Cllr Hawksworth to take up the ‘pay once for the day’ issue.

  1. Planning for (a) camping night September 18th for over 14s members only (b) Drive in Movies September 25th . The camping evening is cancelled as we can’t staff it after all. We will do it next year. The Drive-in Movies we will need volunteers on the night (Chris, Rachel, Annetta, Tina all volunteered). There is a meeting on the 25th at the Lido to sort out logistics.
  2. Posters – Tina agreed to take on the online poster distribution (thanks)

Item 3.

Email from Christine Binks 26th July re request for staff breakdown for Live at the lido

Breakdown of staff as requested:-

5 x casual leisure attendants x 7hrs (18.00 - 01.00hrs) = 35hrs @ £6.47 per hr = £226.45 ( no late working allowance inc)

2 x contracted leisure attendants x 7hrs ( 18.00 - 01.00hrs) = 14hrs @ £6.47 per hr x 1.5 (weekend work allowance) = £135.87 ( no late working allowance inc)

1 x Duty Manager x 7 hrs (18.00 - 01.00hrs) = 7hrs @ £8.72 per hr x 1.5 ( weekend work allowance) =£91.56 ( no late working allowance inc)

1 x Duty Manager x 6hrs ( 15.00 - 21.00hrs) = 6hrs @ £.8.72 per hr x 1.5 ( weekend work allowance) =£78.48

Total = £532.36 + 21% on costs (super and NI) = £644.15

I think I must have worked it out differently on my original calculation as there is a £1.46 difference to the invoiced amount.

The original estimate must have been a quick 'ball park' figure based on the original timings ( 1 x DM and 6 attendants 18.00 - 23.00 hrs @ 1.5 = £356) Unfortunately the 'on costs' were not accounted for.

With the event 'growing' as time went by, the numbers of staff were increased with an additional attendant and DM being required to assist. Of course the clearance going on until 1.00am increased the final figures ( In reality after 12.00 all staff exc casuals would have been paid x 2 for OT on a Sunday which has not been included)

Obviously with this being a 'first' it was a bit of an unknown as to how things would pan out but I do not feel that we were overstaffed and would possibly look to increase the staffing numbers to cover stewarding/crowd control in future