Q1 – Will I have to do practical or oral examinations this week?

Practical examinations and oral examinations have been rescheduled in consultation with students. Please find the link to changes in these dates on the Rhodes University website under latest news. If the date for your oral or practical examination is not available please contact the relevant Head of Department. We are updating the list on a continual basis.

Q2 – My department was not able to complete lecturing on a topic because of the disruption of class time, what will happen now?

Examination papers will be adjusted to cope with the disruption. Students will not be penalized.

Q3 – I am feeling anxious about the upcoming examinations as I have not been able to focus and study.

Departments are aware of the effect of the disruptions on students and will be sensitive to this in the examination period. Remember you will have the opportunity to do a supplementary examination, without a fee, regardless of how you do in your examination. Please contact your lecturers about information about study groups. If you are particularly anxious, please visit the counselling centre.

Q4 – I had a test scheduled last Wednesday, what happens now?

Tests scheduled to take place between Monday 19 October 2015 and Friday 23 October 2015, have been cancelled and course work marks will be adjusted accordingly.

Q5 – My big course assignment was due last week, what should I do?

Big assignments which count for a large proportion of the course work will still be required. Speak to your lecturers or class reps about new due dates. Remember big assignments actually help you to prepare for the examinations.

Q6 – I should have handed in a tutorial question last week, what should I do?

In most cases, small assignments which count for very few marks, will no longer be required. The overall course work mark will be adjusted accordingly.

Q7: What if I have a question that isn't answered here?
Please speak to your HoD and/or Dean to get answers.

Contact details for Deans of Faculties:

Commerce – Professor Dave Sewry –

Education – Professor Di Wilmot –

Humanities – Professor Tom Martin –

Law – Professor Rosaan Kruger –

Pharmacy – Professor George Wells – (Acting Dean)

Science- Professor Tony Booth –