Quota International of Plantation, Florida, Inc.
The name of this club shall be Quota International of Plantation, Florida.
Section 1. Authority
This Club derives its name and authority from and is chartered by Quota International, Incorporated. It is subject to the Charter, Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of Quota International, Incorporated.
Section 2. Objects
The business and objects of Quota International and its member Club shall be:
To seek individuals of diverse occupations committed to sharing their time, talent, and resources to meet Quota International’s service goals, and more particularly:
To serve country and community
To promote high ethical standards
To emphasize the dignity of all useful occupation
To develop good fellowship and friendship
To advance ideals of righteousness, justice, international understanding and good will.
Section 1. Classes of Membership
There shall be two classes of membership -- Active and Member-at-Large.
A.Active Membership
Active membership shall be held by any person willing to commit their time, talent, and resources to further Quota International’s service goals.
Membership-at-Large may be extended to an Active member living in a location that does not have a Quota club.
A Member-At-Large will continue to pay Quota International dues, and if she resides in a District, District dues. She will continue to receive THE QUOTARIAN magazine and be able to attend International Convention and District Conference as a member. She would not receive any club mailings, but would receive any "all member" mailings. A member-at-large may not hold any offices in the Club, District, or International.
Section 2. Recruitment of New Members
The club may choose how it recruits new members:
A.Current members may submit the name of a prospective member; AND/OR
B.An interested individual may submit their own name for potential membership
C.The club, in accordance with national laws, may approve the individual for membership.
D.If an invitation is accepted by the prospective member, the completed form shall be returned to the club with the membership initiation fee of $15.00.
E.Membership shall begin on the date of acceptance of the new member form and initiation fee by the President of this Club.
Section 3. Attendance Requirements
Members are required to attend at least fifty percent (50%) of the meetings in any one fiscal year.
Section 4. Attendance Make-up
A member unavoidably prevented from attending a meeting of this club may have the privilege of making up her attendance by attending a regular meeting of another Quota club within three months of the missed meeting, before or after.
Attendance at a District Conference, International Convention, a chartering, or any meeting at which business is or can be transacted shall be considered attendance at a regular meeting.
Members of the Board of Directors of Quota International and the District Governor may count attendance at meetings concerned with official business of Quota International.
Section 5. Leave of Absence
This Quota club may vote to grant a leave of absence for a period of not less than three months or more than six months for an excuse acceptable to the club. Such leave of absence shall not deprive the individual from an interim attendance of her club of any other Quota club.
Renewal of such leave of absence shall be only at the discretion of the Board of Directors of this club.
A member's enforced absence from club meetings shall not be counted against the attendance record of the club.
No leave of absence shall be in excess of one year unless an employment contract grants a longer leave of absence.
Section 6. Termination of Membership
A.A member may terminate her membership by resignation either verballyor in writing, providing such member is in good standing by payment of dues and other financial obligations to the effective date of resignation.
B.Membership shall be terminated by the following:
1.Absence - Any member who attended less than fifty percent (50%) of the meetings during any one fiscal year without excuse acceptable to the Club shall be dropped from membership.
2.Non-Payment of Dues - Any member who shall be for three months delinquent in the payment of dues, without excuse acceptable to the club, shall be dropped from membership.
C.Surrender of Quota Pin - In the event of involuntary termination of membership, the Club may request surrender of the official Quota International pin.
Section 7. Reinstatement
A member who has resigned or who is no longer a member because of club dissolution or charter revocation, may be invited for reinstatement in any Quota Club in the same status in which she resigned or lost membership, without payment of initiation fee.
Section 8. Transfer of Membership
Active members in good standing may be recommended to another club as a transfer. The club, to which the member is recommended, then follows the procedure for new members, inviting or rejecting the recommended transfer of the member, within sixty days of the receipt of the recommendation. The club notifies Quota International of the action.
A transferred member pays no additional fee, if in good standing, but pays regular dues into the membership. Members reported resigned or dropped are not eligible for transfer.
Transfer of members must take place before the member has been shown as a loss on the Club's membership report to Quota International.
Section 1. Officers Named
The officers of this club shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2. Eligibility and Term
A.Eligibility - Only members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office.
B.Term - The term of office shall be one year and shall begin at the conclusion of the installation of officers which shall be held not later than May 31st. Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 3. Vacancies
A.In the event of a vacancy in any office, except that of President, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy by election for the unexpired term.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, Vice President shall become the President. The Board of Directors shall then fill the Vice President's vacancy by election for the unexpired term.
- Any person serving more than half of a term shall be deemed to have served the full term.
Section 4. Duties
A.The President shall:
1.Preside at all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors.
2.Exercise a general supervision over the interests and welfare of the club in the community.
3.Appoint all committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
4.Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
5.Call all meetings of the club and of the Board of Directors.
6.Perform such other duties a rightfully appertain to the office of President.
B.The Vice President shall:
1.Act in the absence or inability of the President to serve.
2.Perform such duties as may devolve upon them or be assigned to them by the President or the Board of Directors.
3.In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall become the President.
C.The Secretary shall:
1.Write and keep the minutes of all meetings of the club and Board of Directors.
2.Be custodian of all records and papers of the club, except the records of the Treasurer.
3.Keep an accurate record of names, addresses, and classifications of all members of the club.
4.File with the Executive Director of Quota International a copy of these bylaws and a copy of amended bylaws when amendments are made.
5.Perform such duties as rightfully appertain to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned to her.
D.The Treasurer shall:
1.Receive and disburse all funds of the club and deposit them in a bank or banks designated by the Board of Directors.
2.Provide records for the annual audit.
Section 5. Reports
The President, Treasurer, and major committee chairmen shall present written reports at the annual meeting of the club. Other officers shall report as required by the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Correspondence
All correspondence addressed to Quota International by a club must also be copied and mailed to the District Governor and Area Director.
If the subject matter pertains to Development and Growth, a copy must also be sent to the Lt. Governor.
Section 1. Nomination and Election of Club Officers
A.Nominations - At the business meeting in February, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be named. This committee shall consist of a Chairman to be appointed by the President, one member appointed by the Board of Directors, and one member elected by the Club. This committee shall meet and prepare a ticket consisting of one candidate for each office to present to the Club at the business meeting in March. No one shall be nominated who has not consented to serve, if elected.
B.Election of Club Officers - Election shall be by ballot at the business meeting in April, unless only one candidate for each office is nominated. In the case of offices with only one nomination, election to said office shall be declared by the President at the business meeting in April.
Section 1. Board of Directors Named
The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and twoDirectors shall constitute the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Board of Directors Duties
The board of directors shall:
A.Have general supervision over the affairs of the club between business meetings:
B.Give approval to the appointments made by the President of committee chairmen and members.
C.Make recommendations to the club for action by the club.
D.Provide for the annual audit of the books and records of the Treasurer.
E.Perform such other duties as the club may direct.
Section 3. Meetings of the Board of Directors
Special meetings may be called by the President.
A.Attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors is obligatory for all board members. Absence from two consecutive meetings of the board, without excuse satisfactory to the board, shall be considered equivalent to a resignation, and a vacancy thus created shall be filled by vote of the Board for the unexpired term.
B.A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be fifty percent (50%) of the board members, plus one member.
Section 1. Committees Classified
There shall be two classes of committees -- Standing and Special:
A.Standing Committees
B.Special Committees
Section 2. Appointment
A.Standing Committees shall follow the committees of Quota International and shall be appointed by the President for a term of one year, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
B.Special Committees may be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
C.The number of members and personnel on each committee shall be determined by the need.
Section 3. Ex-Officio Member
The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
Section 1. Club Meetings
A.Regular Meetings - Regular meetings of the club shall be held on the first Wednesday the month. This club shall hold twelve (12) regular meetings which shall be known as business meetings and three (3) Special Meetings each year.
B.Annual Meeting - The May business meeting shall be the annual meeting and the agenda shall include receiving the annual, written reports of officers and committees.
C.Special Meetings - Special meetings of the club may be called by the President and club officers.
D.Quorum - A quorum for any meeting of this club shall be fifty (50%) of its total membership, plus one member.
Section 2. Meetings, Conferences, and Conventions
A.Quota Training Seminar - This club shall send its president and/or representative(s) to Quota Training Seminar.
B.District Conferences - This club shall send two delegates to the District Conference.
- Area Meetings - When an Area meeting is called by the Area Director, the club is encouraged to provide representatives of as many members as possible.
- International Convention - This club shall send one delegate to the International Convention each year, or vote by absentee ballot and pay the required share of the costs of the convention. Failure to attend two consecutive conventions may result in having charter revoked.
E.Special Meetings – This club shall send its president and/or representative(s) to any special meetings of the district called by the Governor.
Section 1. Initiation Fee
Each new member of this club shall pay a membership initiation fee of $15.00. Of this amount, $10.00shall be sent by the club Treasurer (with a new member form) to Quota International and $5.00shall be retained by the club treasury.
Section 2. Annual Duesand Assessments
The annual per capita dues for each member shall be $120.00 and shall be payable semi-annually November 1 and May 1 in $60.00 increments.
A.International - The sum of $45.00 to be sent to Quota International. Dues shall be paid based on the number of members on January 1st, and shall be due within thirty (30) days of said date.
B.District - Dues in the sum of $16.00 per member per year shall be sent to the District Secretary Treasurer and shall be paid in advance, April 1st, based on the number of members reported as of January 1st. A club assessment of $140.00shall also be paid to the District April 1st.
C.Club - The sum of $59.00 collected from member dues shall be retained in the club treasury.
Section 3. Advance Convention Deposit
The club shall pay a non-refundable advance Convention deposit with the January membership report to cover each club's share of the administrative costs of the International Convention.
Section 4. Convention Registration Fee
A convention registration fee shall be paid by each member attending convention. The convention registration fee paid by a club for its delegate shall be reduced by the advance Convention deposit paid with the January membership report of her club. No delegate shall be entitled to vote at convention until the convention registration fee has been paid.
Section 5. Other Funds
A.Budget - At the annual planning meeting, a budget of the estimated income and expenditures for the year shall be adopted by the club upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors.
- Revenues Other Than Dues - Revenue from sources other than dues may be raised as recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the club.
- Section 6. Audit
An annual audit of the books and records of the treasurer shall be made by a qualified accountant or bookkeeper, or any two members of the club to be designated by the Board of Directors. Insofar as possible, all bills shall be paid by check and signed by the President and by the Treasurer upon authorization of the Board and/or the club.
Section 7. Fiscal Year
The end of the fiscal year for this club shall coincide with the month of the annual meeting.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by the Certificate and Incorporation and Bylaws of Quota International.
These bylaws, other than the mandatory provision in Quota International Bylaws and Rules of Procedure, may be amended at any meeting in the club by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, provided previous notice of the proposed amendments has been given to the membership.
The bylaws of this Quota Club shall not be in conflict with, or be more restrictive than the bylaws of Quota International.
In the event a law of the United States of America, the State of Florida, BrowardCounty, or the City of Plantation, this Club shall be bound by the law of its jurisdiction.
Bylaw amendments shall go into effect immediately, unless otherwise provided for. When amendments are adopted, a copy of the amended club bylaws shall be sent to the Executive Director of Quota International to be kept on file in the Quota International Headquarters Office.
Charter March 4, 1989 Revised September 2, 1991
RevisedJuly 1994
RevisedNovember 6, 1996
RevisedJune 4, 2003
RevisedJanuary 4, 2006